in reply to Encode fails to install on Win32 5.6

Some code from Text::FIGlet might be of some use to you:
sub UTF8ord{ my $str = shift || $_; my $len = length ($str); return ord($str) if $len == 1; #This is a FIGlet specific error value return 128 if $len > 4 || $len == 0; my @n = unpack "C*", $str; $str = (($n[-2] & 0x3f) << 6) + ($n[-1] & 0x3f); $str += (($n[-3] & 0x1f) << 12) if $len ==3; $str += (($n[-3] & 0x3f) << 12) if $len ==4; $str += (($n[-4] & 0x0f) << 18) if $len == 4; return $str; } sub UTF8chr{ my $ord = shift || $_; my @n; #x00-x7f #1 byte if( $ord < 0x80 ){ @n = $ord; } #x80-x7ff #2 bytes elsif( $ord < 0x800 ){ @n = (0xc0|$ord>>6, 0x80|$ord&0x3f ); } #x800-xffff #3 bytes elsif( $ord < 0x10000 ){ @n = (0xe0|$ord>>12, 0x80|($ord>>6)&0x3f, 0x80|$ord&0x3f ); } #x10000-x10ffff #4 bytes elsif( $ord<0x20000 ){ @n = (0xf0|$ord>>18, 0x80|($ord>>12)&0x3f, 0x80|($ord>>6)&0x3f, 0x80|$ord&0x3f); } else{ warn "Out of range for UTF-8: $ord"; } return pack "C*", @n; }
I've tested it as far back as 5.00503 IIRC.

In Bob We Trust, All Others Bring Data.