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Random Crash, help me diagnose?

by pobocks (Chaplain)
on Sep 06, 2009 at 19:46 UTC ( [id://793823]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

pobocks has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Alright. Puzzling question here...

For the last several days, occasionally when I run one of several Perl/Tk programs I've written, I get an error and an aborted run. The error is like so:

pobocks@soundwave:~/programming/graphinit.perl$ perl + *** glibc detected *** perl: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x0a23b +2c8 ***

This is followed by a backtrace.

I think it might be hardware problems - is there something environmental or in the code that I'm missing?

The code that triggered it shouldn't be the issue (it is doing this intermittently, across multiple Perl/Tk programs. The source for one of them is here:

#!/usr/bin/perl + # A program to automatically sort initiative (who goes when) + # in any RPG system using normal numbers, highest-goes-first. + use Tk; require Tk::Font; use Carp; use strict; use warnings; my $name = ""; my $init = 0; my $dex = 10; my $selected = ''; my $scratchpad = ''; my %charactersbyinit = (); my %notes = (); my $charlist; my ($nameframe, $initframe, $dexframe, $boxframe); my ($nameentry, $initentry, $dexentry); my $mw; =pod =head1 DATA STRUCTURE NOTES: %charactersbyinit is a hash of hashes of arrays. The first level hash is indexed by the initiative number. The second level hashes are indexed by dexterity score. The arrays are unsorted lists of names. Example: Foo the barbarian rolls an initiative of 12, and has a Dex score of 8, Baz the thief also rolls a 12, and has a dex score of 18, Quux the Bard also rolls a 12 and has a dex of 18 Bar the Wizard rolls an 8, and has a dex score of 16 the hash would look like this: %charactersbyinit-> { 12 -> { 18 -> ( Baz, Quux) 8 -> (Foo) } 8 -> { 16 -> (Bar) } } %notes is a simple hash keyed by name, the value being that character' +s attached notes. + =cut #Prints the current initiative from %charactersbyinit to $charlist sub print_initiative{ $charlist->delete(0, 'end'); my @sorted_keys = sort {$b <=> $a} keys %charactersbyinit; for my $current_init (@sorted_keys){ my $dexhash = $charactersbyinit{$current_init}; my @sorted_dexkeys = sort {$b <=> $a} keys %$dexhash; for my $current_dex (@sorted_dexkeys){ my @chars = @{$charactersbyinit{$current_init}{$current_de +x}}; for (@chars){ + $charlist->insert("end", "$current_init: $_ ($current_ +dex)"); } + } + } + } + sub update_notes { my $name = shift; my $text = $scratchpad->Contents(); chomp $text; $notes{$selected} = $text; $selected = $name; $scratchpad->Contents($notes{$name}); } #Adds (or updates) a character to the initiative order. sub add_char{ my ($name,$init,$dex) = @_; update_notes($name); if ($init =~ /^\d+$/ && $dex =~ /^\d+$/ && $name ne ''){ rm_char($name); push(@{$charactersbyinit{$init}{$dex}}, $name); print_initiative(); } else { carp "Non-numeric Init or non-extant Name!\n"; } } #For each init, loops for each dexterity score #and deletes based just on name. #(Note: Second for loop is to prune empty dexes and # inits.) sub rm_char{ my $name = shift; for my $hashref (values %charactersbyinit){ for my $arrayref (values %$hashref){ @$arrayref = grep( $_ ne $name , @$arrayref); } } for my $init (keys %charactersbyinit){ my $temp = $charactersbyinit{$init}; for my $dex (keys %$temp){ my $temp2 = $charactersbyinit{$init}{$dex}; delete $charactersbyinit{$init}{$dex} if scalar(@$temp2) = += 0; } + delete $charactersbyinit{$init} if scalar(keys %{$charactersby +init{$init}}) == 0; } + print_initiative(); + } + sub focus_on_nameentry { $nameentry->focus(); $nameentry->selectionRange(0,'end'); } #Make main window $mw= MainWindow->new; $mw->title("Initiative"); $mw->Label(-text => "Inititative Program:\n", -font => "{Courier New} 12")->pack; #Frames for name, initiative, and dexterity score. $nameframe = $mw->Frame(-label => "Name: ", -labelPack => [ -side => 'left'])->pack; $initframe = $mw->Frame(-label => "Init: ", -labelPack => [ -side => 'left'])->pack; $dexframe = $mw->Frame(-label => "Dex: ", -labelPack => [ -side => 'left'])->pack; #Entries for name, initiative, and dexterity score $nameentry = $nameframe->Entry(-width => 10, -textvariable => \$name, -background => "white")->pack; $initentry = $initframe->Entry(-width => 4, -textvariable => \$init, -background => "white")->pack; $dexentry = $dexframe->Entry(-width => 4, -textvariable => \$dex, -background => "white")->pack; #Bindings create this workflow: # [Enter Name] -> <Return> -> [Enter Init] -> <Return> {Repeat} # OR [Enter Name] -> <Return> -> [Enter Init] -> <Tab> -> [Enter Dex] +-> <Return> {Repeat} $nameentry->bind("<Return>", sub { $init = ""; + $initentry->focus(); + }); + $initentry->bind("<Return>", sub { add_char($name, $init, $dex); focus_on_nameentry(); }); $dexentry->bind("<Return>", sub { add_char($name, $init, $dex); focus_on_nameentry(); }); #Add and delete buttons in frame that fills bottom of window above Exi +t my $adddeleteframe = $mw->Frame()->pack; + $adddeleteframe->Button(-text => "Add", -font => "{Courier New} 12", -command => sub{add_char($name, $init, $dex)}) +->pack(-side => 'left', + -expand => 0, + -fill => 'x'); $adddeleteframe->Button(-text => "Delete", -font => "{Courier New} 12", -command => sub{rm_char($name); delete $notes{$name}; $scratchpad->Contents('')})->p +ack(-side => 'left', + -expand => 0, + -fill => 'x'); #Creates a frame with a listbox to hold the initiatives and names, and + a textarea #for the notes + $boxframe = $mw->Frame()->pack; + $charlist = $boxframe->Scrolled("Listbox", + -label => 'Characters', + -scrollbars => "oe", + -selectmode => "single", + -height => 20, + -width => 20)->pack(-side => 'left'); + $scratchpad = $boxframe->Scrolled("Text", -label => "Notes", -scrollbars =>'oe', -height => '27', -background => 'white', -width => 30)->pack(-side => 'right' +); #If clicked with mouse, loads name and initiative into boxes! #If clicked with mouse, loads name and initiative into boxes! $charlist->bind('<Button-1>', sub { if ($charlist->curselection()){ my $element = $charlist->get($charlist->cursel +ection()); $element =~ /(\d+): (.+) \((\d+)\)/; if ($1){$init = $1}; if ($2){$name = $2; update_notes($name); }; if ($3){$dex = $3}; } }); #Clear initiative list $mw->Button(-text => "Clear", -font => "{Courier New} 12", -command => sub {%charactersbyinit = (); %notes = (); print_initiative();})->pack(-side => 'top +', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x') +; #Exit button fills bottom of window $mw->Button(-text => "Exit", -font => "{Courier New} 12", -command => sub {$mw->destroy})->pack(-side => 'top', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x'); MainLoop;
for(split(" ","tsuJ rehtonA lreP rekcaH")){print reverse . " "}print "\b.\n";

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Re: Random Crash, help me diagnose?
by biohisham (Priest) on Sep 06, 2009 at 20:14 UTC
    From the little search-around, this seems to be a memory allocation problem, check here and and Here.

    update:From the links I researched I think your problem is hardware related and not in the code, there were many indications around the lines of the links I gave you that says this is a hardware problem, I am aware of the error academically but in practice I haven't come across it so I lack that expertise to tell you how, someone here, however, should be able to diagnose it sharper.

    Excellence is an Endeavor of Persistence. Chance Favors a Prepared Mind.

      Huh... my only question is, how? I've run some of these programs many times over months, and only had these problems crop up recently. There's no XS code or other code with memory not managed by Perl...

      Thank you very much, though.

      for(split(" ","tsuJ rehtonA lreP rekcaH")){print reverse . " "}print "\b.\n";

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