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My VRML Module (code)

by deprecated (Priest)
on May 11, 2001 at 18:46 UTC ( [id://79729]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

um, here's the part where I feel stupid... there already *is* a VRML module for perl! :) This is why we check cpan first!! I'm going to check it out today and see what it does and if anything I'm doing can be added. <sound of hand slapping forehead

Last updated: Fri May 11 10:41:47 EDT 2001

This code is continually evolving. I will be updating it as I update my own source, and I hope to have community involvement in it. This module provides (almost) an OO Interface for the VRML language.

links of interest to those wanting to experiment with VRML:

feel free to add links, just /msg me.

So, without further ado:

package VRML; use strict; use warnings; # NOTES: I tend to use 2-space tabs and vim. you emacs guys can easily # accomodate to that. in vim the command is: # :set tabstop=2 # :set autoindent # homogenous code is good mmmkay # a hash containing arrayrefs with colors in the VRML notation # which is slightly different than the HTML notation. # possibly include a function to convert HTML color notation # (0F0F0F) to VRML notation (0 1 0). our %colors = ( RED => [1, 0, 0], GREEN => [0, 1, 0], BLUE => [0, 0, 1], WHITE => [1, 1, 1], BLACK => [0, 0, 0], ); # TODO: This needs work. I want to keep this small, but at present # if a user enters "false" it returns "TRUE". So something similarly # simply, perhaps a regex... # return ($_[0] && $_[0] !~ m[false]i) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" sub etf { return $_[0] ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; } # The VRML::Object packages are complex OO style perl objects. # they return an object with the data necessary to create an # object from the VRML OO interface. They do not currently render # anything. # TODO: change_location # TODO: render (print?) # TODO: add_to_group # TODO: add is_sphere, is_box, et cetera # TODO: add a VRML::Group package. # TODO: add a VRML::Properties package. # the sphere package package VRML::Sphere; # object constructor sub new { my $self = shift; bless { { radius => $radius, properties => $properties }, $self } # the box (cuboid) package package VRML::Box; # object constructor sub new { my $self = shift; my ( $depth, $width, $height, $properties ) = (@_); bless { { depth => $depth, width => $width, height => $height, properties => $properties, }, $self } } package VRML::Cylinder; # object constructor sub new { my $self = shift; my ( $height, $radius, $bottom, $side, $top, $properties ) = (@_); bless { { height => $height, radius => $radius, bottom => $bottom, side => $side, top => $top, properties => $properties, }, $self } } package VRML::Cone; # object constructor sub new { my $self = shift; my ( $height, $bottom_radius, $side, $bottom, $properties ) = (@_); bless { { height => $height, side => $side, bottom => $bottom, properties => $properties, bottom_radius => $bottom_radius, }, $self } } package VRML::Properties; # proper names for our properties our %prop_hash = ( emissive => "emissiveColor", diffuse => "diffuseColor", shininess => "shininess", specular => "specularColor", transp => "transparency", ); # XXX: this has not been tested. sub simple_properties { my $self = shift; my %attribs = %{ shift() }; my %mad_props; # i just couldnt resist. # we convert the easy names "emissive" to the proper VRML names # here so that we dont have to trust the user with not making typos # and things of that nature (essentially emissive => emissiveColor ) +. foreach my $attribute (keys %attribs) { my $translate = $prop_hash{$attribute}; $mad_props{$translate} = $attribs{$attribute}; } bless { %mad_props }, $self; } # The VRML::Simple package simply returns text in a scalar # that can then be printed out to a .wrl file easily. It does not # currently allow for translations (movement) or textures or any # of that. probably the user would be better off using the full # OO Interface due to the complexity of the VRML syntax. # XXX: it is currently included as a precursor to the OO interface # and, while ready for 'production' use, bound to change. package VRML::Simple; sub primitive_sphere { my ($radius, $properties) = (@_); return << "EOR"; Shape { $properties geometry Sphere { radius $radius } } EOR } sub primitive_box { my ($depth, $width, $height, $properties) = (@_); return << "EOR"; Shape { $properties geometry Box { size $depth $width $height } } EOR } sub primitive_cone { my ($bottom_radius, $height, $side, $bottom, $properties) = (@_); $side = etf( $side ); $bottom = etf( $side ); return << "EOR"; Shape { $properties geometry Cone { bottomRadius $bottom_radius height $height side $side bottom $bottom } } EOR } sub primitive_cylinder { my ($height, $radius, $bottom, $side, $top, $properties) = (@_); $$bottom = etf( $bottom ); $side = etf( $side ); $top = etf( $top ); return << "EOR"; Shape { $properties geometry Cylinder { height $height radius $radius bottom $bottom side $side top $top } } EOR } sub simple_properties { my %properties = %{ shift() }; my ($emissive, $diffuse, $shininess, $specular, $transp); foreach my $property (keys %properties) { if ($property eq "emissive") { $emissive = "emissiveColor @{$properties{ $property }} "; } elsif ($property eq "diffuse") { $diffuse = "diffuseColor @{$properties{ $property }} "; } elsif ($property eq "shininess") { $shininess = "shininess @{$properties{ $property }} "; } elsif ($property eq "specular") { $specular = "specularColor @{$properties{ $property }} "; } elsif ($property eq "transparency") { $transp = "transparency @{$properties{ $property }} "; } } return <<"EOR"; appearance Appearance { material Material { $emissive $diffuse $shininess $specular $transp } } EOR } sub directional_light { my ($amb_intensity, $color_r, $direction_r, $intensity, $on) = (@_); my @color = @{ $color_r }; my @direction = @{ $direction_r }; $on = etf( $on ); return <<"EOR"; DirectionalLight { ambientIntensity $amb_intensity color @color direction @direction intensity $intensity on $on } EOR } sub point_light { my ( $amb_intensity, $color_r, $intensity, $location_r, $on, $radius ) = (@_); my @color = @{ $color_r }; my @location = @{ $location_r }; $on = etf( $on ); return <<"EOR"; PointLight { ambientIntensity $amb_intensity color @color intensity $intensity location @location on $on radius $radius } EOR } sub spot_light { my ( $amb_intensity, $beam_width, $color_r, $cutoff, $direction_r, $intensity, $location_r, $on, $radius ) = (@_); my @color = @{ $color_r }; my @location = @{ $location_r }; my @direction = @{ $direction_r }; $on = etf( $on ); return <<"EOR"; SpotLight { ambientIntensity $amb_intensity beamWidth $beam_width color @color cutOffAngle $cutoff direction @direction intensity $intensity location @location on $on radius $radius } EOR } =cut =pod =head1 SYNOPSIS VRML - Object Oriented Interface to the Virtual Reality Modelling La +nguage Provides an object-oriented interface to the Virtual Reality Modelling Language in a manner consistent with the CGI module (which renders HTML). Both a simple (non-object) and a complex (object) interface are provided so small and large tasks alike can be completed and undertake +n easily. use VRML::Simple; print start_vrml, primitive_box( $depth, $width, $height, [ $propert +ies ] ); my $sphere = VRML::Sphere -> new( $radius, [ $properties ] ); Note that the [ $properties ] is not a list reference but instead an o +ptional parameter to the constructor. =end =head1

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