in reply to Re: negative numbers when doing multiplications?
in thread negative numbers when doing multiplications?

If you are on a 32-bit system, you must use Math::BigInt. The following returns 2348273369088.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use integer; use Math::BigInt; my %iupac_dgn; my @iupac_code = ('M','R','W','S','Y','K','V','H','D','B','N'); my @iupac_den = ('2','2','2','2','2','2','3','3','3','3','4'); @iupac_dgn{@iupac_code}=@iupac_den; my $string = 'GGNMDNNSNNNNDBNVWVSMNNHYNBNG'; my @residues = split(//, $string); my $degeneracy = Math::BigInt->new( 1 ); foreach my $residues(@residues){ $degeneracy *= $iupac_dgn{$residues} || 1; } printf "%28s, %30s\n", $string, $degeneracy;

Update: I will concur with Tye as long as the result is less than 2 ** 49 on a 32b machine/implementation. Thanks.

Good Luck. -c