#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*-Perl-*- use strict; sub triangular { use integer; my $n=shift; $n*($n+1)/2; } my @threedigit = map triangular($_), (int(sqrt(2*100))..int(sqrt(2*1000))); my @fivedigit = map triangular($_), (int(sqrt(2*10000))..int(sqrt(2*100000))); print "There are ".scalar @threedigit." three digit triangular numbers\n"; print "There are ".scalar @fivedigit." five digit triangular numbers\n"; my @threes; for (@threedigit){ $_ !~ m/(\d)\d*\1/g and push @threes,$_; } @threedigit = @threes; @threes = (); print "There are ".scalar @threedigit." three digit ones which lack matching digits.\n"; my @fives; for (@fivedigit){ $_ =~ m/^\d*(\d)\1$/ and $_ !~ m/^\d*(\d)\d*\1\d+$/g and push @fives,$_;} @fivedigit = @fives; @fives = (); print "There are ".scalar @fivedigit." five digit ones matching the pattern 'THREE'.\n"; my @THREE; my @TEN; # eliminate fives which dont give a TEN for (@fivedigit) { my $t5 = $_; my ($T,$H,$R,$E) = split //,$t5; my $N = "[^$T$H$R$E]"; for (@threedigit) { my $t3 = $_; my @t3 = split //, $t3; if ($t3 =~ m/$T$E$N/){ $N=$t3[2]; push @threes, $t3; push @fives, $t5; } } } # Now Brute Force my $size = $#fives; my %solution = ('THREE'=>[],'TEN'=>[],'ONE'=>[],'SIX'=>[]); my $idx; for $idx (0..$size) { my ($T,$H,$R,$E) = split //, $fives[$idx]; my ($XT,$XE,$N) = split //, $threes[$idx]; my $cc = "[^$T$H$R$E$N]"; for (@threedigit){ my $num = $_; if ($num =~ m/$cc$N$E/){ my $O = (split //, $num)[0]; my $cc="[^$T$H$R$E$N$O]"; for (@threedigit){ if ($_ =~ /$cc{3}/){ my ($S,$I,$X) = split //, $_; push @{$solution{'THREE'}}, $fives[$idx]; push @{$solution{'TEN'}}, $threes[$idx]; push @{$solution{'ONE'}}, $num; push @{$solution{'SIX'}}, $_; } } } } } # write out solution and timings for (keys %solution) { print "$_:\t",join("\t",@{$solution{$_}}),"\n"; } my @tim = times(); print "Elapsed time:\t",join "\t", @tim,"\n";