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Re: (Golf) LED Sign

by srawls (Friar)
on Jun 08, 2001 at 05:59 UTC ( [id://86818]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to (Golf) LED Sign

Well, I sure wish I could beat that by my own code, but I couldn't even come close. I can improve on yours though. First of all: in a golf, you needn't use my and pre-declare variables. Second, I don't understand the need for this statement:
Why not just use this
Well, here's your improved code, it checks in at 223 chars:
sub f{ @c=qw[00700 00001 00000 75557 11111 71747 71717 55711 74717 74757 71111 75757 75717]; map{$l[$i++%5].=join'',(unpack("B8",chr)=~/(...)$/)[0,1,1,2],$"} map{split//,$c[ord($_)-45]}split//,pop; $_=join$/,@l[0,1,1..4]; tr/01/ X/;$_ }

The 15 year old, freshman programmer,
Stephen Rawls

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: (Golf) LED Sign
by tadman (Prior) on Jun 08, 2001 at 06:05 UTC
    To clarify: In one case, you have something which is, to abbreviate, XnXnXnXn versus XnXnXnX, where the former has a newline at the end, and the second does not. It's a minor thing, I know, and mostly cosmetic.

    As a result, it doesn't wrap the last line around, leaving something like:
    shell% perl srawls X XXX XXX XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXX XXX X X X X X X X X XXX XXX XXX shell%
    I like your art deco twist on the "font". Very retro.
      As a result, it doesn't wrap the last line around, leaving something like:
      ... X XXX XXX XXX shell%
      Configure your shell prompt to be "X", and you get free punctuation.

      As a result, it doesn't wrap the last line around, leaving something like:

      Yep, it's a golf, so I was trying to shave off as many chars as possible; good observation though.

      I like your art deco twist on the "font". Very retro.

      Funny you mention that, It happened completely by accident, when I was trying to shorten the code : )

      The 15 year old, freshman programmer,
      Stephen Rawls

        Your "optimization" of (.)(.)(.) to (...) has the effect of making the letters only 3 wide instead of 4, since the duplicator [0,1,1,2] isn't working. Moving to a more compact representation would eliminate the need for this altogether.
        As a result, it doesn't wrap the last line around...
      fixes that.


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