bh_perl has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi..i have 2 sample file to compare such as fileA.txt and fileB.txt. I want to compare those files and print all any data on fileA.txt and not found on fileB.txt only.

But my code look incorrect and its was displayed both missing data. How could i solved it ?. Please help me..
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(floor ceil); use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; my ($help,$file1,$file2,$outputdir,$trace,$second,$minute); my $input = getcwd; my $output = getcwd; GetOptions ( "h" => \$help, "t" => \$trace, "1=s" => \$file1, "s" => \$second, "m" => \$minute, "2=s" => \$file2, "o=s" => \$outputdir ) or usage(); sub usage { exit; } my ($nm,$dt,$ext1,$ext2); my ($match,$tdate,$ttime,$tanum,$tbnum,$tdur,$tamount,$tremarks,$tstd, +$th,$tm,$ts,$tt); my ($cdate,$ctime,$canum,$cbnum,$cdur,$camount,$cremarks,$cstd,$ch,$cm +,$cs,$ct); if (defined($outputdir)) { my @tmp = split(/_/, $file1); @tmp = reverse(@tmp); my $match_file = "$outputdir/DATA_MATCH_$tmp[1]_$tmp[0]"; my $diff_file = "$outputdir/DATA_MISS_$tmp[1]_$tmp[0]"; open (MATCH, ">> $match_file") or die ("Can't open $match_file\n") +; open (MISS, ">> $diff_file") or die ("Can't open $diff_file\n"); } my %status = (); my ($tk,$ta); open (FILE1, "$file1") or die ("Can't open $file1\n"); while (my $data = <FILE1>) { chomp($data); $data =~ s/\"//g; ($tdate,$ttime,$tanum,$tbnum,$tdur,$tamount,$tremarks,$tstd) = (sp +lit(/\,/, $data))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; ($th,$tm,$ts) = (split(/:/, $ttime))[0,1,2]; if (defined($minute)) { #$tk = floor("$tm" / 10 + 0.5)*10; $tk = floor("$tm" / 10)*10; if ($tk eq 60) { $th++; if ($th eq 24) { $tt = sprintf ("%02s%02s00","00","00"); } else { $tt = sprintf ("%02s%02s00",$th,"00"); } } else { $tt = sprintf ("%02s%02s00",$th,$tk); } } else { #$tk = floor("$tm.$ts" + 0.5); $tk = floor("$tm.$ts"); $tt = sprintf ("%02s%02s00\n",$th,$tk); } $tanum = substr($tanum,1) if ($tanum =~ /^6/); $status{$tanum.$tt} = 1; } close(FILE1); open (FILE2, "$file2") or die ("Can't open $file2\n"); while (my $cdata = <FILE2>) { chomp($cdata); my $xx; $cdata =~ s/\"//g; ($cdate,$ctime,$canum,$cbnum,$cdur,$camount,$cremarks,$cstd) = (sp +lit(/\,/, $cdata))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; ($th,$tm,$ts) = (split(/:/, $ctime))[0,1,2]; if (defined($minute)) { #$tk = floor("$tm" / 10 + 0.5)*10; $tk = floor("$tm" / 10)*10; if ($tk eq 60) { $th++; if ($th eq 24) { $tt = sprintf ("%02s%02s00","00","00"); } else { $tt = sprintf ("%02s%02s00",$th,"00"); } } else { $tt = sprintf ("%02s%02s00",$th,$tk); } } else { #$tk = floor("$tm.$ts" + 0.5); $tk = floor("$tm.$ts"); $tt = sprintf ("%02s%02s00\n",$th,$tk); } $xx = $status{$canum.$tt}; if (defined($xx)) { print "MATCH,$file1,$file2,$cdate,$ctime,$canum,$cbnum,$cdur,$ +camount,$cremarks,$cstd\n" if (defined($trace)); print MATCH "$file1,$file2,$cdate,$ctime,$canum,$cbnum,$cdur,$ +camount,$cremarks,$cstd\n" if (defined($outputdir)); } else { print "MISS,$file1,$file2,$cdate,$ctime,$canum,$cbnum,$cdur,$c +amount,$cremarks,$cstd\n" if (defined($trace)); print MISS "$file1,$file2,$cdate,$ctime,$canum,$cbnum,$cdur,$c +amount,$cremarks,$cstd\n" if (defined($outputdir)); } } close(FILE2); close (MATCH) if (defined($outputdir)); close (MISS) if (defined($outputdir));