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Re: Quick-Buttons Toolbar

by PyrexKidd (Monk)
on Feb 28, 2011 at 00:27 UTC ( [id://890480]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Quick-Buttons Toolbar

I was able to successfully send keys to the window.

Since I need an event based model, a GUI interface, and Wx and Events to work together, I need to have the main loop of Wx perform the polling of WindowIds

This is how I did it using events:

#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010001; use strict; use warnings; use X11::GUITest qw/:ALL/; use Event; my $window_id = 0; my $last_window_id = 0; #check the id of the window with focus every 'interval' Event->timer( interval => 1, cb => \&check_focus_id ); sub check_focus_id { #check the current window ID my $curr_id = GetInputFocus; #if it has changed if ($curr_id != $window_id){ #write the change to the log; write_to_log ($curr_id); #shift variables out, I thought of using an array to do this #but for testing purposes I chose this to explicative $last_window_id = $window_id; $window_id = $curr_id; } #if focus ID is the same else { #for now do nothing } } #write to log sub write_to_log { my $id = shift; open my $LOG, '>>', '/home/jon/log.out'; say $LOG $id; close $LOG; return 1; } #start the main event loop Event::loop;

Can someone assist me in figuring out how to get Wx to poll like that, or a better method of polling?


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