in reply to calculate subnet help

Not the cleanest but it works. BTW you can't also separate on 0, all you care about is the unique octect that does not == 255. Your logic was a little off.

My route: I dumped the entire IP address array inside the subnet array for simplicity. Then I iterated over the subnet array and did the calculations and 0 assignments.
sub getmask { push(@sub, @ip); my $cnt = -1; foreach my $line (@mask) { $cnt++; if ($line != 255) { if ($flag > 0) { $sub[$cnt] = 0; } my $magic = 256 - $line; my $rem = $ip[$cnt] / $magic; $rem =~ s/\.(.+)//; $sub[$cnt] = $magic * $rem; } } print join(".", @sub);