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Re: aXML vs TT2

by Solo (Deacon)
on Oct 23, 2011 at 00:35 UTC ( [id://933118]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to aXML vs TT2

Is aXML on the CPAN or github or something?

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Re^2: aXML vs TT2
by Logicus (Initiate) on Oct 23, 2011 at 03:06 UTC

    No not yet, I released a couple of older versions a few months back before I started to work on marrying it with Plack to solve the efficiency problems it had. The current version is almost ready for a demo release, which I will be making available right here on Perlmonks via a link to a zip file on my dev server. After that when I've tidied up the rough edges and fixed any bugs which might be lurking in it I'm hoping to get it onto CPAN with full documentation etc.

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