Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm stuck with DBI and arrays of bind variables, I've read the documenatation and I'm still just as confused. Hopefully someone here will help.
select cola, colb, colc from table-name where colx=? and coly=? and colz=?"
I have an array containing the values of colx,y and z and I want to run this query for each of these sets of values. Then I want to store the results from all these queries in an array. Here is my perl effort
my @Queryresults = @{ $sth->selectall_arrayref( $SQLQueryString, @SQLB +indVars) };
Where @SQLBindVars is an array containing my bind variables like I described above. The result in my error_log is
Can't bind a reference (HASH(0x92705c))
Can anyone show me the correct way of doing this, please lt me know if my question is not clear.