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Re^2: Need help in using threads in Tk

by mailmeakhila (Sexton)
on Apr 27, 2012 at 19:48 UTC ( [id://967710]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Need help in using threads in Tk
in thread Need help in using threads in Tk

Hi I am new to threading. So i used Parallel::ForkManager as was suggested that i can use that module for forking of parallel downloads in torrents. My situation was similar to that so i tried it. Can you suggest any changes or modules i can have success. I have also tried the below script.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::Pane; use WWW::Mechanize; use Web::Scraper; use Data::Dumper; use threads; my $mw = tkinit(); $mw->geometry('300x300+100+100'); my $sp = $mw->Scrolled('Pane',-scrollbars=>'osoe',sticky=>'nwse')->pac +k(-expand=>1,-fill=>'both'); $sp->Label(-text=>"Give Keyword file")->pack(); my $entry1 = $sp->Entry()->pack(); my $showbutton = $mw->Button(-text=>'Submit', -command =>\&button_callback)->pack(); my $bimage = scraper { process "img" , "url[]" => '@src'; }; sub button_callback { my $filename = $entry1->get(); open FH, $filename or die $!; while (my $tmpline = <FH>) { my $thr1 = threads->new(\&threadsub($tmpline)); if(threads->list(threads::running)) { print "Waiting for all threads to complete running"; } $thr1->join(); } sub threadsub { my $line =$_; chomp($line); my @temp = split(/ /,$line); my $query = join('+',@tem +p); our $ibing = "".$query; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new; $mech->get($ibing); #print Dumper $mech->content; my $res = $bimage->scrape($mech->content,$mech->uri); print Dumper $res; } close (FH); } MainLoop();
and here is my error: Use of uninitialized value $line in scalar chomp at line 34, <FH> line 1. Use of uninitialized value $line in split at line 34, <FH> line 1. $VAR1 = {}; Waiting for all threads to complete runningThread 1 terminated abnormally: Not a CODE reference at line 26. Free to wrong pool 333f7f0 not 388020 at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Tk/Widget.p m line 98 during global destruction.

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Re^3: Need help in using threads in Tk
by zentara (Archbishop) on Apr 28, 2012 at 11:29 UTC
    Your big problem as far as threads and Tk goes, is that you are trying to start threads after Tk code has been written. Tk is not threadsafe. It looks like you should be able to reorganize your code fairly easily. See PerlTk on a thread... for a simple Th with threads example, and some rules to follow. Also, if you are on a single cpu machine, using threads probably will not increase your performance.

    So, create your thread first, before tkinit, then confine all your network code to the thread.

    By the way, not to confuse you further, but Perl/Gtk2 will allow you to create threads after the GUI code is init'ed, but it still is a good rule to keep thread code and GUI code separate.

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