/Lisa|Bart/ #matches either Lisa or Bart by using the | (or) operator /Lisa\sBart/ #matches Lisa then a whitespace character and then Bart /\w{5}/ #matches 5 alphanumeric/word characters in a row /sub\s+\w*{/ #matches the word sub then one or more spaces and then #0 or more alphanumeric characters followed by a { /\d{3}-\d{4} #matches a phone number of the form 555-1234 #3 numbers followed by a - followed by 4 numbers
A great way to test just what a given pattern matches is the program below:

    print if m!
your pattern here!;

All you have to do is drop your test pattern into place. Then run the program and type a line of text in at a time. If the pattern matches it will echo the line of text to the screen. When you have played with it enough simply type Ctrl-C.

You should now take some time to learn about split and join