mmittiga17 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Good morning All, I have been searching and searching for a way to access a popup window using Perl's WWW::Selenium module. After I click a link the popup opens and select values and then click submit. I am trying to automate this with selenium but I am not having my luck. After my code launches the popup my script dies after trying to access popup. I have tried to use the ide and then play back but it does not get the popup either. Can someone point me in the right direction. I have read the docs on cpan and have searched this site as well. Thanks in advance.

Code snipet for the popup.
$sel->open("javascript:openMdlWindow('ActivityDetail_Options.aspx', '7 +00', '600')"); $sel->set_timeout($timeout); print $sel->get_all_window_ids(),"\n"; $sel->select_pop_up("Activity Detail Report Options"); $sel->set_timeout($timeout); $sel->type("TempBeginDay", "16"); $sel->type("BeginDay", "16"); $sel->type("TempEndDay", "16"); $sel->type("EndDay", "16"); $sel->click("btnSubmit"); $sel->set_timeout($timeout);