$ perl mpj4.pl file: /home/dan/Desktop/upload/382432_10150873103536275_1105470601_n.jpg ext: jpg filename: /home/dan/Desktop/upload/image_1.jpg file: /home/dan/Desktop/upload/542274_470102786337441_1974797173_n.jpg ext: jpg filename: /home/dan/Desktop/upload/image_2.jpg file: /home/dan/Desktop/upload/safe_image.php.jpeg ext: jpeg filename: /home/dan/Desktop/upload/image_3.jpeg $ cat mpj4.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $path = '/home/dan/Desktop/upload/'; my @files = <$path*>; my $counter = 0; for my $img (@files) { $counter++; print "file: $img\n"; my $ext = ($img =~ m/([^.]+)$/)[0]; print "ext: $ext\n"; my $filename = "$path" . "image_". "$counter" . '.' . "$ext"; print "filename: $filename\n"; rename ($img, $filename) or warn "couldn't rename $img to $filename: $!\n"; } $ #### $ perl lh1.pl downloaded 4 images from https://sites.google.com/site/lutherhavennm/mission to folder site_8 $ cat lh1.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -w # creates a new directory and downloads images from url to it # perlmonks node 965537; thx aaron and A.M. use strict; use feature ':5.10'; use WWW::Mechanize; use LWP::Simple; use Errno qw[ EEXIST ]; # get information about images my $domain = 'https://sites.google.com/site/lutherhavennm/mission'; my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $m->get($domain); my @list = $m->images(); # create new folder and download images to it. my $counter = 0; my $dir = &mk_new_dir; for my $img (@list) { my $url = $img->url_abs(); $counter++; my $filename = $dir . "/image_" . $counter; getstore( $url, $filename ) or die "Can't download '$url': $@\n"; } # output print "downloaded ", $counter, " images from ", $domain, "\n"; print "to folder ", $dir, "\n"; sub mk_new_dir { my $counter2 = 1; while (1) { my $word = "site"; my $name = $word . '_' . $counter2++; if ( mkdir $name, 0755 ) { return $name; # success, return new dir name } else { next if $!{EEXIST}; # mkdir failed because file exists die sprintf "(%d) %s", $!, $!; # other failure; bail out! } } } $