in reply to SOLVED - TK: How to change color of readonly BrowseEntry

This works on unix and windows
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::BrowseEntry; my $update = "hello"; my $mw=MainWindow->new(); my $bb = $mw->BrowseEntry( -variable => \$update, -state=>'readonly', -disabledbackground=>'red' )->pack; $bb->insert( 'end', qw(one two three) ); MainLoop;
UPDATE: You found the answer before me.

PS: I got the answer from the CPAN description of Entry (which is a sub-widget of browse entry)

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Re^2: SOLVED - TK: How to change color of readonly BrowseEntry
by mrider (Beadle) on Oct 04, 2012 at 21:53 UTC
    I got the answer in a very round about way. So your answer is appreciated even though I already had an answer, since I now know how to get the answer. Said another way, you improved my knowledge. Thanks!