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matching twof files and print the outputby vis1982 (Acolyte) |
on Dec 19, 2009 at 08:39 UTC ( [id://813495]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
vis1982 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: We have two files One fileALDH1A1 ITGA7 CHRNA1 PPP1R9A ACTG1 SRGN CD44 GRB7 and Second file ALDH1A1 00001 NP_000680.2 ALDH1A1 00001 NP_000680.2 in vivo;yeast 2-hybrid 12081471,16189514 ITGA7 02761 NP_002197.1 CHRNA1 00007 NP_001034612.1 in vivo 10910772 PPP1R9A 16000 NP_060120.2 ACTG1 00017 NP_001605.1 in vitro;in vivo 9362513,12052877 SRGN 01513 NP_002718.2 CD44 00115 NP_000601.3 in vivo 9334256 GRB7 03311 NP_005301.2 ERBB2 01281 NP_004439.2 in vitro;in vivo 9079677 PAK1 03995 AAC24716.1 ERBB2 01281 NP_004439.2 in And output shud beALDH1A1 NP_000680.2 ITGA7 NP_002197.1 CHRNA1 NP_001034612.1 PPP1R9A NP_060120.2 ACTG1 NP_001605.1 SRGN NP_002718.2 CD44 NP_000601.3 GRB7 NP_005301.2
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