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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Here the code because the OP was too big...
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Tk; use Tk qw(:eventtypes); use Tk::JPEG; use Tk::Pane; use GD; use Image::ExifTool qw(:Public); use MIME::Base64; use File::Spec; use File::Copy; use Fcntl; use Time::Hires; ### $|++; # from GD docs: # For backwards compatibility with scripts previous versions of GD, ne +w # images created from scratch (width, height) are palette based by def +ault. # To change this default to create true color images use: # (somewhere before creating new images.) # [it must unneeded for jpg but if you comment the following line you' +ll # get color noise] GD::Image->trueColor(1); ###################################################################### +########## # default configuration (that can be modified via command line paramet +ers) ###################################################################### +########## # source folder or glob expression to find jpg images my $glob = './*.jpg'; # destination folder used when copying files my $dest = '.'; # debug my $debug = 0; # ratio of the photo and of photo window my $win_ratio=0.25; my $ph_ratio= 0.25; # index of last column and row(starting from 0(but -1 applpied after g +etopts!)) # used to display thumbs in a grid my $grid_col = 6; my $grid_row = 4; # how many photos to preload after and before current one my $preload = 1; # do not load thumbnails at all! my $nothumbs = 0; # jpeg quality my $jpeg_quality; # output extension (jpg as commodity alias of jpeg) my $out_ext = 'jpg'; # png compression factor (0-9) my $png_compression; # date format used by Image::ExifTool my $date_format = '%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S'; ###################################################################### +########## # Getoptions ###################################################################### +########## unless (GetOptions ( "source|src|s=s" => \$glob, "destination|dest|d=s" => \$dest, "debug!" => \$debug, "phratio|pr=f" => \$ph_ratio, "winratio|wr=f" => \$win_ratio, "gridx|x=i" => \$grid_col, "gridy|y=i" => \$grid_row, "preload|p=i" => \$preload, "nothumbs!" => \$nothumbs, "jpegquality|quality=i"=> \$jpeg_quality, "extension|e=s" => \$out_ext, "pngcompression=i"=> \$png_compression, "dateformat|df=s" => \$date_format, ) ) { print "GetOpt::Long returned errors (see above),". "review available options:"; pod2usage(-verbose => 1); } # sanitize destination path $dest = &sanitize_dest($dest); # adjust x and y for the grid (which is zero based) $grid_col -= 1; $grid_row -= 1; ###################################################################### +########## # other global variables ###################################################################### +########## # @files is ArrayOfArray # each element contains pic data as follow: # 0 path # 1 x # 2 y # 3 orientation # 4 datetime joined with underscores # 5 GD object of THUMB # 6 [ GD object of PHOTO] # the last field [6] will be filled only for current file ( which inde +x is hold in $ph_index) # and for elelments to be preloaded: from ($ph_index - $preload) to ( +$ph_index + $preload) # thumb data [5] will be empty if $nothumbs is defined via -nothumbs c +ommandline switch my @files; # @prepost is filled and cleared by next_pic # it holds indexes of file preloaded my @prepost; # is the current index of photo list (@files) my $ph_index = 0; # display mode my $display_mode = $nothumbs ? 'photo' : 'thumbs'; # status of loading and copying operations my $status = "- status informations -"; # used to jump to a photo my $gotonum; # autoplay my $toggle_autoplay = 0; # seconds interval during autoplay my $autoplay_sleep_interval = 3.0; # the timer to do autoplay my $tk_timer; # my $mw = new MainWindow (); # output window used for big photos and thumbnails # see # to know why secondary windows is not yet created my $phwin; # the frame used in the photo window my $scrolledframe; # main big photo Tk::Photo object my $tk_ph_image ; # the label container of the current photo my $photo_label; # rows of thumbnails my @temp_frames; # curent thumbnails my @temp_thumbs; # help text window my $hw; # ADVANCED OPTIONS USED TO COPY AND POSTPROCESS PHOTOS # advanced copy options TopLevel window my $advw; # allow files copied to replace file already present my $allow_overwrite = 1; # bypass original file GD elaboration, simply copying it my $bypass_orig_el = 0; # jpeg quality label my $jpeg_quality_lbl; # jpeg quality entry my $jpeg_quality_ent; # enable multi copies off by default my $enable_multiple_copies = 0; # skip original image my $skip_orig = 0; # skip original label my $skip_orig_lbl; # checkbutton associated to the above my $skip_orig_chk; # the pattern used to have multiple copies (800x600 1024x768 ..) my $multi_pattern = ''; # pattern label my $multi_pattern_lbl; # entry widget for the above my $multi_pattern_ent; # enable post process of copied images off by default my $enable_postprocess = 0; my $exiftool_path = ''; my $exiftool_args = ''; # widget used by the above my ($post_prog_lbl, $post_prog_btn, $post_prog_ent, $post_prog_arg_lbl, $post_prog_arg_ent); # a lookup table for all global bindings that use chars: # used to prevent Entry widgets to invoke callbacks when inappropriate # see my %bind_table = ( '<space>' => sub{&copy_with_name}, '<KeyRelease-?>' => \&help_me, '<KeyRelease-p>' => \&autoplay, ); ###################################################################### +########## # build immediatley the file list @files = &build_list($glob); ###################################################################### +########## $mw->Icon(-image => $mw->Pixmap(-data => &woodpecker_icon)); $mw->geometry("850x480+0+0"); $mw->title(" Pic Wood Pecker "); $mw->optionAdd('*font', 'Courier 10'); $mw->optionAdd('*Label.font', 'Courier 10'); $mw->optionAdd( '*Entry.background', 'lavender' ); $mw->optionAdd( '*Entry.font', 'Courier 12 bold' ); # title frame my $fr0 = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $fr0->Label(-text => "$0" )->pack(-fill=>'x',-expand=>1,-side=>'left',-pady=>10); $fr0->Button(-text => "?",-borderwidth => 4, -command => \&help_me, )->pack(-side=>'right',-padx=>10); # list options frame my $fr1 = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $fr1->Label(-text => "source")->pack(-side => 'left'); $fr1->Entry(-width => 20,-borderwidth => 4, -textvariable => \$glo +b )->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1,-padx=>5); # 10.9 addition $fr1->Button(-padx=> 5,-text => "browse",-borderwidth => 4, -command => sub{ $glob = $mw->chooseDirectory(-initiald +ir => '~', -title => 'Choose a folder'); } )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); # end of 10.9 addition $fr1->Button(-padx=> 5,-text => "new list",-borderwidth => 4, -command => sub{ &clear_current; $ph_index = 0; $display_mode = 'photo'; @files=&build_list($glob,undef); &setup_draw_area; next_pic(0); } )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); $fr1->Button( -padx=> 5,-text => "view list",-borderwidth => 4, -command => sub{ if(@files){ print "Current files:\n", map{"\t$_->[0]\n"}@files; } else{ print "No files in the list\n"; return; } } )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); $fr1->Button( -padx=> 5,-text => "add to list",-borderwidth => 4, -command => sub{ &clear_current; if (scalar @files){ @files = (@files,&build_list($gl +ob,'add')); } else{ @files = &build_list($glob); $ph_index = 0; } $ph_index = 0 if $ph_index > $#files +; $display_mode = 'photo'; &setup_draw_area; next_pic(0); } )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); $fr1->Button( -padx=> 5,-text => "clear list",-borderwidth => 4, -command => sub{ &clear_current; $ph_index = 0; $display_mode = 'photo'; @files=(); } )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); # photos destination folder options frame my $fr1b = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $fr1b->Label(-text => "destination" )->pack(-side => 'left'); $fr1b->Entry( -width => 50,-borderwidth => 4, -textvariable => \$dest )->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1,-padx=>5); $fr1b->Button( -padx=> 5,-text => "set", -borderwidth => 4, -command => sub{$mw->focus} )->pack(-side => 'right',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); # photo ratio and window ratio options frame my $fr2 = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $fr2->Label(-text => "photo ratio" )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1); $fr2->Entry(-width => 4,-borderwidth => 4, -textvariable => \$ph_ratio, )->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1,-padx=>5); $fr2->Label(-text => "window ratio" )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1); $fr2->Entry(-width => 4,-borderwidth => 4, -textvariable => \$win_ratio )->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1,-padx=>5); $fr2->Button( -padx=> 5,-text => "set ratios",-borderwidth => 4, -command => sub{&set_ratio} )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); $fr2->Label(-text => "debug" )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1); $fr2->Checkbutton(-variable =>\$debug, -command => sub { status('DarkGreen', "debug informations to the con +sole ". ($debug ? 'ENABLED' : 'DISABLE +D')) } )->pack(); # current photo exif information frame my $label_exif_txt = "too soon to have photo data.."; my $fr3 = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $fr3->Label( -justify => 'left',-foreground => 'black', -textvariable => \$label_exif_txt )->pack; # new name frame my $newname; my $suffix=''; my $fr4 = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $fr4->Label(-text => "copy name" )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1); my $entryname=$fr4->Entry(-width => 30,-borderwidth => 4, -textvariable => \$newname )->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1,-padx=>5); $fr4->Label(-text => "suffix name" )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1); $fr4->Entry(-width => 20,-borderwidth => 4, -textvariable => \$suffix )->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1,-padx=>5,-fill=>'x'); my $fr4b = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); my $entrynamebutton = $fr4b->Button(-borderwidth => 4, -text => ' copy this photo + ', -command => \&copy_with_name, )->pack(-expand=>1,-side=>'left',-padx=>5);# $fr4b->Button(-text => "advanced",-borderwidth => 4, -command => \&advanced_options, )->pack(-side=>'right',-padx=>10); # status frame my $fr4c = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); my $statuslabel = $fr4c->Label( -justify => 'left',-foreground => 'bl +ack', -textvariable => \$status )->pack; # commands frame my $fr5 = $mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); my $butrwd = $fr5->Button(-borderwidth => 4, -text => ' < ', -command => sub { if ($display_mode eq 'phot +o'){ &next_pic(-1); } else{ &prev_thumbs; } } )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx +=>5); my $butfwd = $fr5->Button(-borderwidth => 4, -text => ' > ', -command => sub { if ($display_mode eq 'phot +o'){ &next_pic(1); } else{ &next_thumbs; } })->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx= +>5); ### these packed right side are in reverse order! $fr5->Label(-text => "seconds" )->pack(-side => 'right',-expand => 1); $fr5->Entry(-width => 4,-borderwidth => 4, -textvariable => \$autoplay_sleep_interval )->pack(-side => 'right', -expand => 1,-padx=>5,-fill=>'x'); $fr5->Label(-text => "each" )->pack(-side => 'right',-expand => 1); $fr5->Button( -borderwidth => 4, -text => 'autoplay', -command => \&autoplay )->pack(-side => 'right',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); # $fr5->Entry(-width => 3,-borderwidth => 4, -textvariable => \$gotonum )->pack(-side => 'right', -padx=>5); $fr5->Button( -padx=> 5,-text => "go to photo number",-borderwidth => +4, -command => sub{&gotonum($gotonum)} )->pack(-side => 'right',-padx=>5); # bindings valid for all display modes # see foreach my $bind (keys %bind_table){ $mw->bind($bind => $bind_table{$bind}); # remove bindings for all Tk::Entry in all windows $mw->bind('Tk::Entry', $bind,sub{Tk->break}); } # bind Return to for Tk::Entry to give the focus to parent $mw->bind('Tk::Entry','<Return>' => sub{$_[0]->parent->focus}); if (@files){ print "Starting with $files[$ph_index]->[0]\n"; $butrwd->configure( -text => 'not available',-state => 'disabled' +); # see $mw->update; &setup_draw_area; $nothumbs ? &next_pic(0) : &draw_thumbs; $phwin->focus(); } else{ print "No file to process\n" } $mw->MainLoop; ###################################################################### +########## # SUBS ###################################################################### +########## sub autoplay { if ($toggle_autoplay == 0){ $toggle_autoplay = 1 ; $display_mode = 'photo'; &setup_draw_area(); $ph_index--; $tk_timer = $phwin->repeat( 1000 * $autoplay_sleep_interval, [\&next_pic,1] ); } else { $toggle_autoplay = 0; $tk_timer->cancel if $tk_timer; } if ($ph_index == $#files){ $tk_timer->cancel;} } ###################################################################### +########## sub setup_draw_area { print "\tsetup_draw_area called\n" if $debug ; # chek if the window exists if (! Exists($phwin)) { $phwin = $mw->Toplevel(); $phwin->Icon(-image=>$mw->Pixmap(-data => &woodpecker_icon=~s/#2 +96D17/#5c6998/r )); # photo window starts just right (+865) of command window $phwin->geometry("0x0+865+0"); $scrolledframe = $phwin->Scrolled('Frame', -background=>'black', -scrollbars => 'osoe', )->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); $photo_label = $scrolledframe->Label(-image => $tk_ph_image, -background =>'black' )->pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, ); # was just pack $tk_ph_image = $phwin->Photo(-file => '' ) or die $!; # see again: # even if here is not used # $phwin->protocol( 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', [sub{shift->withdraw}, $ +phwin], ); } # window Exists else { $phwin->deiconify( ) if $phwin->state() eq 'iconic'; $phwin->raise( ) if $phwin->state() eq 'withdrawn'; } $phwin->focus; # THUMBS display if ($display_mode eq 'thumbs') { return if $nothumbs; return unless @files; # tadàààà packForget !! $photo_label->packForget(); my $max_x = 164 * ($grid_col + 1) + 50; my $max_y = 164 * ($grid_row + 1) + 50; $phwin->geometry($max_x."x".$max_y."" ); $phwin->update(); # enable buttons $butfwd->configure( -text => ' > ',-state => 'normal +' ); $butrwd->configure( -text => ' < ',-state => 'normal +' ); $entrynamebutton->configure(-state=>'disabled'); # BINDINGS $phwin->bind('<KeyRelease-Down>' => sub {&next_thumbs()} ); $phwin->bind('<KeyRelease-Up>' => sub {&prev_thumbs()} ); # $phwin->bind('<KeyRelease-Left>' => sub {$_[0]->focusPrev;} ); $phwin->bind('<KeyRelease-Right>' => sub {$_[0]->focusNext;}); # $mw->bind('<KeyRelease-Right>' => sub {&next_thumbs()} ); $mw->bind('<KeyRelease-Left>' => sub {&prev_thumbs()} ); } # PHOTO display else{ &clear_thumbs(); $photo_label->pack(); return unless @files; $phwin->geometry( int($files[$ph_index]->[1]*$win_ratio+30) . "x". int($files[$ph_index]->[2]*$win_ratio+30). "" ); $phwin->title( &file_name($files[$ph_index]->[0]) ); $entrynamebutton->configure(-state=>'normal'); # PHOTO display BINDINGS $phwin->bind('<KeyRelease-Down>' => sub { return if $nothumbs; $display_mode = 'thumbs'; $tk_ph_image->delete if $tk_ph_image->blan +k; &clear_current(); &setup_draw_area(); &draw_thumbs() } ); $phwin->bind('<KeyRelease-Up>' => sub { return if $nothumbs; $display_mode = 'thumbs'; $tk_ph_image->delete if $tk_ph_image->blan +k; &clear_current(); &setup_draw_area(); &draw_thumbs(); } ); $phwin->bind('<KeyRelease-Left>' => sub {&next_pic(-1) if $ph_ +index > 0} ); $phwin->bind('<KeyRelease-Right>' => sub {&next_pic(1) if $ph_ +index < $#files} ); # $mw->bind('<KeyRelease-Left>' => sub {&next_pic(-1) if $ph_ind +ex > 0} ); $mw->bind('<KeyRelease-Right>' => sub {&next_pic(1) if $ph_ind +ex < $#files} ); }# end of PHOTO display setup # bindings valid for all display modes # see foreach my $bind (keys %bind_table){ $phwin->bind($bind => $bind_table{$bind}); } } ###################################################################### +########## sub draw_thumbs { print "\tdraw_thumbs called\n" if $debug; next_pic(0) if $nothumbs; my $row = 0; my $col = 0; &clear_thumbs(); # just get ids of which thums to load my @cur_thumbs = &which_thumbs(); $phwin->title( 'thumbnails '.($#cur_thumbs >= 1 ? (join '-',@cur_thumbs[0,-1]): $cur_thumbs[0]). " of 0-$#files (use TAB to navigate,". " RETURN to view, UP and DOWN to load other thumbnails +) " ); my $temp_frame = $scrolledframe->Frame( -background => 'black', -borderwidth => 0, )->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'x'); push @temp_frames,$temp_frame; foreach my $th_ind (@cur_thumbs){ my $ph_thumb = $scrolledframe->Photo(-file => '' ) or warn $!; $ph_thumb->configure( -file => undef, -data => MIME::Base64::encode($files[$th +_ind]->[5]->jpeg()) ); push @temp_thumbs,$ph_thumb; my $canv = $temp_frame->Canvas( -background =>'black', -borderwidth => 0, # no white border when not selected -highlightbackground => 'black', # do not allow scrolling pics inside.. -scrollregion => [0,0,160,160], -highlightcolor => 'red3', -takefocus => 1, -height => 160, -width => 160 , )->pack(-side => 'left',-expand => 1,-padx=>5); $canv->createImage( 81,81, -image => $ph_thumb, -tags => ["$th_ind"], ); # bind the selected canvas $canv->CanvasBind('<Return>', sub{&choice_thumb($th_ind) } ); # highlight the first one of the current grid $canv->focusForce if $th_ind == $ph_index; # grid mamagement if ($col > 0 and ($col % ($grid_col || 1)) == 0){ $col = 0; $row++; $temp_frame = $scrolledframe->Frame( -background => 'black', -borderwidth => 0, )->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'x'); push @temp_frames,$temp_frame; } else{$col++} } # end of foreach my $th_ind (@cur_thumbs) $phwin->focus; } ###################################################################### +########## sub draw_photo { my $ph_index = shift; print "\tdraw_photo got:\n\t",(join '|',map{defined $_ ? $_ : 'undef +'} (@{$files[$ph_index]}[0..4], $files[$ph_index]->[5]?'THUMB':'NO DATA', $files[$ph_index]->[6]?'PHOTO':'NO DATA', )),"\n" if $debug; $tk_ph_image->delete if $tk_ph_image->blank; $phwin->geometry( int($files[$ph_index]->[1]*$win_ratio+30) . "x".int($files[$ph_index]->[2]*$win_ratio+30)); $phwin->title( &file_name($files[$ph_index]->[0]) ); my $small_w = int($files[$ph_index]->[1] * $ph_ratio); my $small_h = int($files[$ph_index]->[2] * $ph_ratio); # create the resized but still empty GD image my $resized = GD::Image->new($small_w,$small_h); # copy from source into resized on $resized->copyResampled($files[$ph_index]->[6],0,0,0,0, $small_w, $small_h, $files[$ph_index]->[6]->width, $files[$ph_index]->[6]->height); $tk_ph_image->configure( -file => undef, -data => MIME::Base64::encode($resized->jpe +g()) ); # configure the Tk::Label to use the Tk::Photo as image $photo_label->configure(-image => $tk_ph_image ); # update exif text my @times=split /_/,($files[$ph_index]->[4] || ''); $label_exif_txt = "file ".($ph_index+1)." of ".($#files+1)." ". "$files[$ph_index]->[0]\n". "width:\t\t$files[$ph_index]->[1]\n". "height:\t\t$files[$ph_index]->[2]\n". "orientation:\t". ($files[$ph_index]->[3] ? $files[$ph_index]->[3] : '-NOT FOUND-')."\n". "creation:\t". (join '.',map{defined $_ ? $_ : 'x'} @times[0. +.2]).' '. (join ':',map{defined $_ ? $_ : 'x'} @times[3. +.5])."\n". "data loaded:\t". (defined $files[$ph_index]->[6] ? 'OK' : 'ERRO +R'); # udate the name used to (eventually) save current pic $newname = &create_name($files[$ph_index]->[4]); $phwin->focus(); } ###################################################################### +########## sub next_pic { return unless @files; my $increment = shift; $ph_index = $ph_index + $increment; $tk_timer->cancel if $ph_index > $#files; $ph_index = $#files if $ph_index > $#files; $ph_index = 0 if $ph_index < 0; #return unless @files; print +($debug ? "\n" : ''). "Considering files[$ph_index] $files[$ph_index]->[0]\n"; &setup_draw_area unless Exists($phwin); # enable button back because it starts disabled if ($ph_index > 0 && $butrwd->cget('-state') eq 'disabled'){ $butrwd->configure( -text =>' < ',-state => 'normal' +); } # disable it if first photo if ($ph_index == 0 ){ $butrwd->configure( -text =>'not available',-state => 'disabled +' ); } # disable fwd button if last photo if ($ph_index == $#files ){ $butfwd->configure( -text =>'not available',-state => 'disabled +' ); } # enable it again if not last photo if ($ph_index < $#files && $butfwd->cget('-state') eq 'disabled'){ $butfwd->configure( -text =>' > ',-state => 'normal' +); } # preload if ($preload > 0){ # check if img is yet loaded(change of ratio cleared it?) if (defined $files[$ph_index]->[6]) { print "\tphoto data yet defined for files[$ph_index]\n" if $ +debug; &draw_photo($ph_index); } else { print "\tphoto data NOT defined for files[$ph_index]\n" if $ +debug; $files[$ph_index]->[6] = &get_ph_data($ph_index); print "\tfilled photo data for current: files[$ph_index]\n" +if $debug; &draw_photo($ph_index); } # elaborate preload: filling and clearing actions @prepost = grep {$_ != $ph_index && $_ >= 0 && $_ <= $#files} ($ph_index - $preload)..($ph_index + $preload); print "\tcurrent $ph_index preload [@prepost]\n" if $debug; foreach my $ind (@prepost){ if (defined $files[$ind]->[6]){ print "\tskipping PRELOADED files[$ind] (yet defined)\n" i +f $debug; next; } else {$files[$ind]->[6] = &get_ph_data($ind); print "\tfilled files[$ind] photo data\n" if $debug; } } # delete unneeded elements leaved behind or forward if ($increment == 1){ if ( $prepost[0]-1 >= 0 && $prepost[0]-1 < $ph_index){ $files[$prepost[0]-1]->[6] = undef; print "\tcleared files[".($prepost[0]-1)."] photo data\n" +if $debug; } } elsif ($increment == -1){ if ($prepost[-1]+1 <= $#files){ $files[$prepost[-1]+1]->[6] = undef; print "\tcleared files[". ($prepost[-1]+1)."] photo data\n" if $debug; } } else{print "\tzero or other non significant increment for next_ +pic\n" if $debug} # update status if ((scalar grep{defined $files[$_]->[6]}@prepost,$ph_index ) == (@prepost +1)){ status('DarkGreen',"\tOK loaded ". (@prepost +1). " photo data for files[". (join',',$ph_index,@prepost)."]"); } else{status('red3',"\tERROR not all loaded correctly!");} } # no preload activated else{ @prepost = ($ph_index); $files[$ph_index]->[6] = &get_ph_data($ph_index); &draw_photo($ph_index); if (defined $files[$ph_index - 1]->[6]){ $files[$ph_index - 1]->[6] = undef; print "\tCurrent $ph_index cleared files[". ($ph_index-1)."]\n" if $debug; } } # ultradebug file list if ($debug == 2){ foreach my $f (0..$#files){ print "FOR FILES[$f]", (defined $files[$f]->[6]?'DATA DEFINED':'undef'), "\n"; } } } ###################################################################### +########## sub get_ph_data { my $index = shift; return unless -e $files[$index]->[0]; # load original pic file in GD using general purpose method my $gd_image = GD::Image->new($files[$index]->[0]); # if not defined try newFromJpeg unless ($gd_image){ status('red3', "\tGD image not defined for [$files[$index]->[0]] +". " i'll try assuming it is JPEG"); $gd_image = GD::Image->newFromJpeg($files[$index]->[0]); } # if it is still undefined... unless ($gd_image){ status('red3', "\tGD image UNAVAILABLE for [$files[$index]->[0]] + $!\n"); #added in 9.12e return undef; } # handle rotation if (defined $files[$index]->[3] && $files[$index]->[3] =~/(\d+)/){ my $rot = $1; print "\tRotation detected in main photo: $rot\n" if $debug; $gd_image = &handle_rotation(\$gd_image,$rot); } # check if dimensions are not present (probably never happens) unless ($files[$index]->[1]){ $files[$index]->[1] = $gd_image->width; print "\twidth not in EXIF tags: i'll use [$files[$index]->[ +1]]\n"; } unless ($files[$index]->[2]){ $files[$index]->[2] = $gd_image->height; print "\theight not in EXIF tags: i'll use [$files[$index]-> +[2]]\n"; } return $gd_image; } ###################################################################### +########## sub clear_thumbs{ foreach my $temp_thumb(@temp_thumbs){ $temp_thumb->delete if $temp_thumb->blank; $temp_thumb = undef; } foreach my $slave_frame (@temp_frames){ next unless Exists($slave_frame); $slave_frame->destroy; } @temp_frames = (); @temp_thumbs = (); } ###################################################################### +########## sub clear_current { return unless @files;# prevent autovivification in the next line map { $files[$_]->[6] = undef} @prepost,$ph_index; print "\tcleared photo data of preloaded files [@prepost]\n" if +$debug; } ###################################################################### +########## sub next_thumbs { print "\tnext_thumbs: index was $ph_index\n" if $debug; $ph_index += ($grid_col + 1) * ($grid_row + 1) ; print "\tnext_thumbs: index is now $ph_index\n" if $debug; if ($ph_index > $#files){$ph_index = $#files} &setup_draw_area() unless Exists $phwin; &draw_thumbs(); } ###################################################################### +########## sub prev_thumbs { print "\tprev_thumbs: index was $ph_index\n" if $debug; $ph_index -= ($grid_col + 1) * ($grid_row + 1) ; print "\tprev_thumbs: index is now $ph_index\n" if $debug; if ($ph_index < 0){$ph_index = 0} &setup_draw_area() unless Exists $phwin; &draw_thumbs(); } ###################################################################### +########## sub which_thumbs { my $last = ($grid_col + 1) * ($grid_row + 1) - 1 + $ph_index; if ($last > $#files){$last = $#files} print "\twhich_thumbs: [",(join ' ',($ph_index .. $last)),"]\n" if + $debug; $label_exif_txt = "thumbnail grid of photos: ". (join '-',($ph_index,$last))."(0 .. $#files)"; return ($ph_index .. $last); } ###################################################################### +########## sub choice_thumb { # see master zentara: # my ($index) = @_; print "\tchoice_thumb received $index\n" if $debug; &clear_thumbs();#added in v9.12b $display_mode = 'photo'; &setup_draw_area; &gotonum($index +1); } ###################################################################### +########## sub get_exif_data { my $file = shift; my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; $exifTool-> Options(Binary => 1, Composite => 1, DateFormat => $date_format, #'%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_% +S', Unknown => 2, Verbose => 0); my $exifinfo = $exifTool->ImageInfo($file,'ImageWidth', 'ImageHeight', 'Orientation', 'DateTimeOriginal', 'ThumbnailImage'); my $gd; # double dereference only fo +r thumb!!! eval{$gd = GD::Image->newFromJpegData(${$$exifinfo{'ThumbnailImage +'}}||'')}; if ($@){ print "ERROR creating a thumbnail for file [$file].". "I will use an empty one.\n"; $gd = GD::Image->new(160,160); } # handle rotation if(defined $$exifinfo{'Orientation'} && $$exifinfo{'Orientation'}= +~/(\d+)/){ my $rot = $1; print "Rotation detected in thumbnail: $rot\n" if $debug; $gd = &handle_rotation(\$gd,$rot); if ($rot == 90 or $rot == 270){ # rearrange returned exif infos to adjust the photo wind +ow too my $orig_w = $$exifinfo{'ImageWidth'}; my $orig_y = $$exifinfo{'ImageHeight'}; $$exifinfo{'ImageHeight'} = $orig_w; $$exifinfo{'ImageWidth'} = $orig_y; } } # return a five elements list return ($$exifinfo{'ImageWidth'}, $$exifinfo{'ImageHeight'}, $$exifinfo{'Orientation'}, $$exifinfo{'DateTimeOriginal'}, ($nothumbs ? '' : $gd) ); } ###################################################################### +########## sub handle_rotation { my $imgref = shift; my $rot = shift; my $gd = $$imgref; if ($rot == 90){ $gd=$gd->copyRotate90(); } elsif($rot == 180){ $gd=$gd->copyRotate180(); } elsif($rot == 270){ $gd=$gd->copyRotate270(); } else{print "Warning! unexpected rotation [$rot] received!\n"} return $gd; } ###################################################################### +########## sub build_list{ my $glob=shift; my $add = shift; print "build_list received [$glob]\n" if $debug; my @list = glob($glob); if (@list == 1 and -d $glob) { print "DIR found: [$glob] will be converted to [$glob". '/*.jpg]'."\n" if $debug; @list = glob($glob.'/*.jpg'); } elsif (scalar @list and ! -e $list[0] ){ print "[$glob] NOT found: './*.jpg' will be used\n" if $debug; @list = glob('./*.jpg'); } elsif(scalar @list == 0){print "Empty list searching [$glob]!\n";r +eturn();} else {1} return () unless @list; print "Please wait while processing ".(scalar @list)." files....\n +"; # rel2abs @list = map {File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_) ? $_ : File::Spec->rel2abs($_)} @list; # when adding to the list check for duplicates if ($add){ my %uniq; @uniq{@list}=map {1} @list; foreach my $yet (@files){ if (defined $yet->[0] && exists $uniq{$yet->[0]} ){ print "\tskipping $yet->[0] because yet in the list\ +n"; delete $uniq{$yet->[0]}; } } @list = keys %uniq; } my @files_to_add; # populate every [0] entries with absolute path map { push @files_to_add,[$_] } @list; if ($debug){print "\tadding $$_[0]\n" for @files_to_add;} # fill every [1..5] with values got from get_exif_data foreach my $index (0..$#files_to_add){ @{$files_to_add[$index]}[1..5] = &get_exif_data($files_to_add[ +$index]->[0]); } return @files_to_add; } ###################################################################### +########## sub file_name{ my $path = shift; my (undef,undef,$name) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path ); return $name; } ###################################################################### +########## sub gotonum{ my $num = shift; unless ($num =~ /^\d+$/){status ('red3',"[$num] is not a number!") +;return} if ( $num < 0 or $num > $#files+1){ status ('red3',"[$num] not in range!"); return; } &clear_current(); $ph_index = $num - 1; print "\tjumping to photo $num\n" if $debug; $display_mode = 'photo'; &setup_draw_area(); &next_pic(0); $phwin->focus(); } ###################################################################### +########## sub status{ my ($color,$str)=@_; ($status = $str) =~s/^\s+//; chomp $str; print "$str\n";# if $debug; $statuslabel->configure(-foreground=>$color); $phwin->focus; } ###################################################################### +########## sub set_ratio{ foreach my $tocheck($win_ratio,$ph_ratio){ $tocheck = 0.25 if $tocheck =~/[^\d\.]+/; $tocheck = 0.25 if $tocheck > 1; } my @prepost = grep { $_ >= 0 && $_ <= $#files } (($ph_index - $preload)|| 0)..($ph_index + $pre +load); print "\tset_ratio will clear photo data for indexes [@prepost]\n" + if $debug; if (@files){ #prevent autovivification? map { $files[$_]->[6] = undef } @prepost; } print "\tcleared photo $ph_index and preloaded [@prepost]\n" if $d +ebug; &next_pic(0); } ###################################################################### +########## sub copy_with_name{ return if $display_mode eq 'thumbs'; my $name = &create_name($files[$ph_index]->[4]); my @wrote; # just original image unless ($skip_orig){ # bypass GD if $bypass_orig_el copying directly (better qualit +y) if ($bypass_orig_el){ # forced jpg ext +ension!! my $copy = File::Spec->catfile($dest,$name.'.'.'jpg'); print "\tJust copying [$files[$ph_index]->[0]]\t[$copy]\n" +if $debug; if ( copy ($files[$ph_index]->[0],$copy)) { push (@wrote, $copy); } } # elaborate original with GD else { if (my $ok = &write_file(\$files[$ph_index]->[6],$name)) +{ push (@wrote, $ok); } } } # multiple copies enabled in advanced options if ($enable_multiple_copies){ my @res = split /\s+/,$multi_pattern; foreach my $size(@res){ my ($w,$h) = split /x/i,$size; # swap dimension if original are swapped # brutally cheching if y > x (necessary to avoid malformed imag +es) if ($files[$ph_index]->[2] > $files[$ph_index]->[1]){ my $temp_w = $h; $h = $w; $w = $temp_w; print "\trotation detected, swapping dimensions to [$w]\t[$h]\ +n" if $debug; } my $resized = GD::Image->new($w,$h); $resized->copyResampled($files[$ph_index]->[6],0,0,0,0, $w, $h, $files[$ph_index]->[6]->width, $files[$ph_index]->[6]->height); print "\tDebug size: PHOTO data is [$files[$ph_index]->[1]]\t". "[$files[$ph_index]->[2]]\n". " resized [$w]\t[$h]\n" if $debug; if (my $ok = &write_file(\$resized,$name.'_'.$w.'x'.$h)){ push (@wrote, $ok); } } }# end of multiple copies # post processing enabled in advanced options if ($enable_postprocess){ # check if the program exists and can be run unless( -e $exiftool_path && -x $exiftool_path){ print "warning! [$exiftool_path] not executable or not found!" +. " No postprocessing for [@wrote]\n"; return 0; } foreach my $file(@wrote){ my @args = map{s/^\$$/$files[$ph_index]->[0]/e;$_} split /\s+ +/,$exiftool_args; print "I'll execute the following command:\n". "$exiftool_path ".(join ' ',@args)." $file\n"; local $?; #needed? system($exiftool_path, @args, $file); if ($? == 0){ status('DarkGreen',"OK the postprocess command was succesf +ul") } elsif ($? == -1) { status('red3',"ERROR the postprocess command failed: $!\n" +); } elsif ($? & 127) { status ('red3',(sprintf "child died with signal %d, %s cor +edump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without')); } else { status('red3',(sprintf "child exited with value %d\n", $? +>> 8)); } } } } ###################################################################### +########## sub write_file{ my $gd = shift; # a reference to GD data my $name = shift; my $flag = $allow_overwrite ? (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) : (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL); $name = File::Spec->catfile($dest,$name.'.'.$out_ext); if (sysopen my $out,$name,$flag){ binmode $out; if ( $out_ext eq 'jpg' && defined $jpeg_quality && $jpeg_quality =~/^\d{1,3}$/ && $jpeg_quality <= 100 && $jpeg_quality >= 0 ) { print $out $$gd->jpeg($jpeg_quality); print "\tquality $jpeg_quality used for jpeg\n" if $debug; } elsif ($out_ext eq 'jpg'){ print $out $$gd->jpeg(); print "\tdefault quality used for jpeg\n" if $debug; } elsif ($out_ext eq 'gif'){ print $out $$gd->gif(); } elsif ($out_ext eq 'png' && defined $png_compression && $png_compression >= 0 && $png_compression <= 9 ) { print $out $$gd->png(); print "\tcompression $png_compression used for png\n" if $de +bug; } elsif ($out_ext eq 'png'){ print $out $$gd->png(); print "\tdefault cmpression used for png\n" if $debug; } elsif ($out_ext eq 'gd'){ print $out $$gd->gd(); } elsif ($out_ext eq 'gd2'){ print $out $$gd->gd2(); } else{0} close $out; status('DarkGreen',"OK wrote $name"), return $name; } else{ status('red3',"NOT copied $name: $! - $^E"), return 0; } } ###################################################################### +########## sub create_name{ my $timestr = shift; return ( $timestr || 'timestring_not_defined').'_'. $ph_index.(length $suffix ? '_'.$suffix : ''); } ###################################################################### +########## sub advanced_options { if (! Exists($advw)) { $advw = $mw->Toplevel(); $advw->Icon(-image=>$mw->Pixmap(-data => &woodpecker_icon)); $advw->geometry("620x315+0+0"); $advw->title("advanced copy options"); # allow overwrite frame my $frmult0 = $advw->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $frmult0->Label( -text => "allow overwrite", -disabledforeground=>'gray' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $frmult0->Checkbutton( -variable =>\$allow_overwrite, )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); # bypass original photo GD elaboration (just copy the file) fram +e my $frmult0a = $advw->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $frmult0a->Label(-text=>"bypass original file elaboration (simpl +e copy)", )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $frmult0a->Checkbutton( -variable =>\$bypass_orig_el, )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); # change extension (and data type) of the output file, quality f +or jpeg my $frmult0b = $advw->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); $frmult0b->Label( -text => "output file type", -disabledforeground=>'gray' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $frmult0b->Optionmenu( -options => [qw(jpg gif png gd gd2)], # wbmp ? -command => \&advanced_options, -variable => \$out_ext, )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $jpeg_quality_lbl = $frmult0b->Label( -text => "jpeg quality (0- +100)", -disabledforeground=>'gray' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $jpeg_quality_ent = $frmult0b->Entry( -width => 3,-borderwidth = +> 4, -textvariable => \$jpeg_qu +ality, )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); # multiple copies frame my $frmult1 = $advw->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); my $frmult2 = $frmult1->Frame( )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>10,-fill=>'x'); $frmult2->Label(-text => "enable multiple copies", )->pack(-side=>'left'); $frmult2->Checkbutton( -variable =>\$enable_multiple_copies, -command => \&advanced_options )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); my $frmult3 = $frmult1->Frame( )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>10,-fill=>'x'); $skip_orig_lbl = $frmult3->Label( -text => "do not copy original + image", -state=>'disabled', -disabledforeground=>'gray' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $skip_orig_chk = $frmult3->Checkbutton( -state => 'disable', -variable =>\$skip_orig )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); my $frmult4 = $frmult1->Frame( )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>10,-fill=>'x'); $multi_pattern_lbl = $frmult4->Label( -text => "multi copies pat +tern", -disabledforeground=>'gray +', -state=>'disabled' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $multi_pattern_ent = $frmult4->Entry( -width => 30,-borderwidth +=> 4, -textvariable => \$multi_p +attern, -state => 'disable' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); # post processing frame my $frpost1 = $advw->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>5,-pady=>5,-fill=>'x'); my $frpost2 = $frpost1->Frame( )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>10,-fill=>'x'); $frpost2->Label(-text => "enable post processing", )->pack(-side=>'left'); $frpost2->Checkbutton( -variable =>\$enable_postprocess, -command => \&advanced_options )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); my $frpost3 = $frpost1->Frame( )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>10,-fill=>'x'); $post_prog_lbl = $frpost3->Label( -text => "program ", -disabledforeground=>'gray +', -state=>'disabled' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $post_prog_ent = $frpost3->Entry( -width => 30,-borderwidth => 4 +, -textvariable => \$exiftoo +l_path, -state => 'disabled' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $post_prog_btn = $frpost3->Button( -text=>'locate exiftool', -command=> \&locate_exif, -state => 'disabled' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); my $frpost4 = $frpost1->Frame( )->pack(-side=>'top',-padx=>10,-fill=>'x'); $post_prog_arg_lbl = $frpost4->Label( -text => "arguments", -disabledforeground=>'gray +', -state=>'disabled' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); #-fill=>'x',-expand=>1, $post_prog_arg_ent = $frpost4->Entry( -width => 30,-borderwidth +=> 4, -textvariable => \$exiftoo +l_args, -state => 'disabled' )->pack(-side=>'left',-padx=>10); $advw->focus; } # window Exists else { $advw->deiconify( ) if $advw->state() eq 'iconic'; $advw->raise( ) if $advw->state() eq 'withdrawn'; $advw->focus; } # enable quality selection if jpeg if ($out_ext eq 'jpg'){ map{ $_->configure(-state => 'normal') }($jpeg_quality_lbl, $jpeg_quality_ent); } else{ map{ $_->configure(-state => 'disabled') }($jpeg_quality_lbl, $jpeg_quality_ent); } # enable multi copies options if necessary if ($enable_multiple_copies){ map{ $_->configure(-state => 'normal') }($skip_orig_lbl,$skip_orig_chk,$multi_pattern_lbl,$multi_pa +ttern_ent ); } # or disable them and clean values else{ map{ $_->configure(-state => 'disabled') }($skip_orig_lbl,$skip_orig_chk,$multi_pattern_lbl,$multi_pa +ttern_ent ); $skip_orig = 0; $multi_pattern = ''; } # enable post process options if necessary if ($enable_postprocess){ map{ $_->configure(-state => 'normal') }($post_prog_lbl, $post_prog_btn, $post_prog_ent, $post_prog_arg_lbl, $post_prog_arg_ent); } # or disable them and clean values else{ map{ $_->configure(-state => 'disabled') }($post_prog_lbl, $post_prog_btn, $post_prog_ent, $post_prog_arg_lbl, $post_prog_arg_ent); } } ###################################################################### +########## sub locate_exif { # directly populates $exiftool_path my $path; # $ENV{PATH} separator is ; in win and : in linux my $sep = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? ';' : ':'); $path = ( grep{-e -x}map{($_.'\exiftool.bat',$_.'\exiftool')}split $sep, +$ENV{PATH} )[0]; if ($path){ print "found exiftool at $path\n"; $exiftool_path = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path) ? $path : File::Spec->rel2abs($path); } else { print "warning 'exiftool' program not found!\n"; } } ###################################################################### +########## sub help_me { if (! Exists($hw)) { $hw = $mw->Toplevel(); } # window Exists else { $hw->deiconify( ) if $hw->state() eq 'iconic'; $hw->raise( ) if $hw->state() eq 'withdrawn'; $hw->focus; } my $chars = 'Courier 16'; $hw->geometry("900x450+0+0"); $hw->optionAdd('*Text.font' => $chars); $hw->title("help page for $0"); my $txt = $hw->Scrolled('Text', -scrollbars => 'osoe', -background => 'blue3', -foreground => 'gold2', )->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); $txt->Contents(`perldoc $0`); } ###################################################################### +########## sub sanitize_dest{ my $dest_cand = shift; $dest_cand = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dest_cand) ? $dest_cand : File::Spec->rel2abs($dest_cand); + # nofile my ($volume,$directories,$file)= File::Spec->splitpath( $dest_ca +nd, 1 ); my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $directories ); # start with drive c: on win and '' on linux my $subdir = $volume; foreach my $dir (@dirs){ $subdir = File::Spec->catdir( $subdir, $dir ); # be sure to not touch root dir next if $subdir =~/^\w:[\\\/]$|^\/$/i; unless (-d -e $subdir){ print "WARNING: [$subdir] not found, i'll create it\n"; if (mkdir $subdir){ print "[$subdir] succesfully created\n"; } else{ print "ERROR creating [$subdir] using '.' as destination +\n"; # setting the global $dest return File::Spec->rel2abs('.'); } } } return $subdir; } ###################################################################### +########## sub woodpecker_icon{ return <<'EOI' /* XPM */ static char * picchiorosso[] = { "32 32 207 2", " c None", ". c #296D17", "+ c #256315", "@ c #1B4A0F", "# c #112D09", "$ c #102A09", "% c #223D0D", "& c #415F15", "* c #14360B", "= c #040B02", "- c #000100", "; c #000000", "> c #490303", ", c #EA0F0A", "' c #863E10", ") c #163A0C", "! c #090000", "~ c #DE0808", "{ c #F30A0A", "] c #F20A0A", "^ c #774110", "/ c #286C16", "( c #0F2A08", "_ c #242626", ": c #D6A2A0", "< c #F94747", "[ c #F60E0E", "} c #C40707", "| c #270202", "1 c #1A460E", "2 c #2F6820", "3 c #0C0E0C", "4 c #040404", "5 c #191918", "6 c #303130", "7 c #434343", "8 c #EFEFEF", "9 c #FFFFFF", "0 c #FDD2D1", "a c #1F0909", "b c #384D32", "c c #749B67", "d c #131414", "e c #888B86", "f c #464B45", "g c #B4B8B2", "h c #FCFCFC", "i c #BFC2C2", "j c #191B1B", "k c #393A39", "l c #687066", "m c #2E711D", "n c #266715", "o c #969167", "p c #916B20", "q c #495347", "r c #0F110E", "s c #CFD1CF", "t c #F0F0F0", "u c #20201F", "v c #878787", "w c #F1F3F0", "x c #0E0E0E", "y c #82907E", "z c #4E7F40", "A c #286A17", "B c #163C0C", "C c #030A02", "D c #070502", "E c #4E3504", "F c #B3A27C", "G c #FAFBFC", "H c #848484", "I c #454645", "J c #DEDEDE", "K c #4E4F4E", "L c #121312", "M c #081305", "N c #0E2507", "O c #1E5111", "P c #235E13", "Q c #040C02", "R c #030303", "S c #0D0E11", "T c #101215", "U c #242423", "V c #484948", "W c #939592", "X c #BEBEBE", "Y c #282828", "Z c #FBFBFB", "` c #666666", " . c #12320A", ".. c #276A16", "+. c #173F0D", "@. c #091805", "#. c #73866E", "$. c #A0B49A", "%. c #B2C4AD", "&. c #CBD0CA", "*. c #C8C8C8", "=. c #989898", "-. c #737373", ";. c #0A0A0A", ">. c #FDFDFD", ",. c #464746", "'. c #050E03", "). c #1F5211", "!. c #286A16", "~. c #225C13", "{. c #246014", "]. c #468136", "^. c #BCD1B7", "/. c #A6A6A6", "(. c #090909", "_. c #D0D0D0", ":. c #DCDCDC", "<. c #747474", "[. c #0B0C0B", "}. c #010501", "|. c #205712", "1. c #276816", "2. c #3F7C2F", "3. c #DDE8DA", "4. c #B7B7B7", "5. c #232322", "6. c #A6A7A6", "7. c #686868", "8. c #060606", "9. c #010400", "0. c #0A1D06", "a. c #266515", "b. c #B7CEB1", "c. c #E1E1E1", "d. c #0B0B0B", "e. c #111111", "f. c #151515", "g. c #A7A7A7", "h. c #EBEBEB", "i. c #CED0CD", "j. c #6A6D69", "k. c #1B480F", "l. c #A8C4A1", "m. c #AAAAAA", "n. c #505050", "o. c #969696", "p. c #141414", "q. c #E9EAE9", "r. c #D7D7D7", "s. c #191919", "t. c #205512", "u. c #A1BE99", "v. c #6B6B6B", "w. c #1D1D1D", "x. c #424242", "y. c #010101", "z. c #626362", "A. c #CFD1CE", "B. c #F1F1F1", "C. c #080808", "D. c #5B5B5B", "E. c #222222", "F. c #091905", "G. c #4C853D", "H. c #6E6E6E", "I. c #A0A0A0", "J. c #F8F8F8", "K. c #2D2D2D", "L. c #919191", "M. c #BDBDBD", "N. c #E6E6E6", "O. c #D2D2D2", "P. c #4C6645", "Q. c #CACACA", "R. c #656565", "S. c #020202", "T. c #565656", "U. c #C5D7C0", "V. c #3E772F", "W. c #F0F3F0", "X. c #CBCBCB", "Y. c #F4F4F4", "Z. c #F6F9F5", "`. c #518842", " + c #347523", ".+ c #E5EDE3", "++ c #777777", "@+ c #889485", "#+ c #2F711E", "$+ c #A1BF9A", "%+ c #FAFAFA", "&+ c #1B490F", "*+ c #F3F6F2", "=+ c #6E9C62", "-+ c #FCFDFC", ";+ c #FEFEFE", ">+ c #B0B0B0", ",+ c #232323", "'+ c #173D0C", ")+ c #E4EDE2", "!+ c #454545", "~+ c #0D0D0D", "{+ c #256415", "]+ c #8DB184", "^+ c #DBDBDB", "/+ c #A3A3A3", "(+ c #3E5338", ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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In reply to Re: PicWoodPecker -- a Tk program to choose and modify your photos -- the code by Discipulus
in thread picwoodpecker -- a Tk program to choose and modify your photos by Discipulus

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