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=head1 NAME C<Date> - Provides a class that can be used to manipulate date and tim +e fields in an object oriented approach. =head1 VERSION This document currently refers to version B<1.00> of C<Date> module. =cut package Date; #use Apache::Reload; # need only for running under mod_perl use Time::Local; use strict; use 5.6.0; # global constants use constant 't_60_60' => 3600; use constant 't_60_60_24' => 86400; # The vars statement predeclares package names, so that they can be us +ed in their unqualified form: $VERSION. # use vars should be used only for things that actually need to be glo +bal variables, like the @ISA array. # Ordinary program variables should almost alway be lexically scoped w +ith my. use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT $dformats %WeekDayNums %MonthNums @MonthDays @MonthLong @MonthShort @WeekDayLong @WeekDayLong @WeekDayShort $zoneoffset ); ############################################################## # Package Initialization. Called when loading class module. ############################################################## BEGIN { # Define Version number $VERSION = '1.00'; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( datetime str2date datecomp interval); # calculate localzone offset from GMT in seconds my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) += localtime(0); $zoneoffset = ( ($hour+ 1) * t_60_60) + ($min*60) + $sec; } $dformats = { 'us' => '"$mon-$day-$year $hour:$min:$sec"', 'br' => '"$day-$mon-$year $hour:$min:$sec"', 'db' => '"$year-$mon-$day $hour:$min:$sec"', 'd_us' => '"$mon-$day-$year"', 'd_br' => '"$day-$mon-$year"', 'd_db' => '"$year-$mon-$day"', 'time' => '"$hour:$min:$sec"', 'perl' => '"$weekday $month $day $hour:$min:$sec $year"', 'http' => '"$weekday, $day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec GMT"', 'index' => '"$year$mon$day$hour$min$sec"', 'rus' => '"$weekday_long, $day $month_long $year, $hour:$min:$se +c"', 'd_long' => '"$day $month_long $year"', }; @WeekDayShort = (qw[Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat]); @WeekDayLong = (qw[Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat +urday]); @MonthShort = (qw[Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec]); @MonthLong = (qw[January February March April May June July August Sep +tember October November December]); @MonthDays = (qw[31 x 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31]); @WeekDayNums{qw[sun mon tue wed thu fri sat]}=(0..6); @MonthNums{qw[jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec]}=(0..11 +); use overload '<=>' => "datecomp", '==' => "_d_eq", '!=' => "_d_ne", '<=' => "_d_le", '>=' => "_d_ge", '<' => "_d_lt", '>' => "_d_gt", '""' => "get"; ############################################################## # Class constructor. Can accept optionally two parameters (in any orde +r) # 1st is 'time': as rerurned fro tme function that is seconds after 19 +70 # 2nd is 'zone': that can be either 'local' or 'gmt' # is possible to clone an object by calling 'new' from an active objec +t ############################################################## sub new { # The 1st argument is always the Class name or object reference. my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; if (ref($proto)) { # clone the object foreach my $key (keys %$proto) { $self->{$key} = $proto->{$key +}; } } else { # is new date object my( $ctime, $zone ); if ((lc($_[0]) ne 'gmt') and (lc($_[0]) ne 'local')) { $ctime = scalar(@_)>0 ? shift : time; $zone = lc($_[0]) eq 'gmt' ? 'gmt' : 'local'; } else { $zone = shift; $zone = lc($zone); $ctime = scalar(@_)>0 ? shift : time; } $self->{'__zone'} = $zone; $self->{'__ctime'} = $ctime; $self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900; } bless $self, $class; _refresh($self); return $self; } # Exported constructor. Can be used without class reference # Can accept the same parameters are standard constructor. if no param +eters # are specified it will return current datetime sub datetime { my $self = Date->new(@_); return $self; } # Another Exported constructor. Can be used without class reference # Can accept as input parameter a datetime string that will be convert +ed to date object sub str2date { # if first argument is object reference then skip object creation my $self; if ( !ref($_[0]) ) { $self = Date->new(); } else { $self = shift; } return $self->set(@_); } ###################################################################### +################################# # Class Private Methods ###################################################################### +################################# # operator overloading methods sub _d_eq { return (datecomp(@_) == 0); } # '==' sub _d_ne { return (datecomp(@_) != 0); } # '!=' sub _d_le { return (datecomp(@_) <= 0); } # '<=' sub _d_ge { return (datecomp(@_) >= 0); } # '>=' sub _d_lt { return (datecomp(@_) < 0); } # '<' sub _d_gt { return (datecomp(@_) > 0); } # '>' # Refresh date object fileds by recalculating them from the assigned t +ime values (seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00:00) sub _refresh { my $self = shift; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = !defined($self->{'__ctime'}) ? undef : ( $self->{'__zone'} eq 'gmt' ? gmtime($self->{'__ctime'}) : localtime($self->{'__ctime'}) ); $self->{'hour'} = $hour; $self->{'min'} = $min; $self->{'sec'} = $sec; $self->{'mday'} = $mday; $self->{'mon'} = $mon; $self->{'year'} = $year; $self->{'wday'} = $wday; $self->{'yday'} = $yday; $self->{'isdst'} = $isdst; } # if the input day is too high for given months, returns the highest p +ossible day for that month, # otherwise returns the input day sub _maxday { my ($day, $month, $year) = @_; my $maxday = days_in_month( {}, $month, $year); $day > $maxday and return $maxday; return $day; } # Extract date fields from an input string. Supported date formats are +: # 14 Jan 2001 | 14 JAN 01 | 14JAN2001 | Jan 14, 2001 | Jan 1 +4, 01 # 01-14-01 | 1-14-01 | 1-7-01 | 01-14-2001 | 2001-01-14 # NOTICE: When no clear decision can be made if is EUROPEAN format or +US we use # EUROPEAN format dd/mm/yyyy sub _getdate { my ($val, $day, $month, $year) = @_; if ($val =~ s/^(\d+) ([a-z]+) (\d+)//) { # 14 Jan 2001 | 1 +4 JAN 01 | 14JAN2001 $day = $1; $month = $MonthNums{$2}; $year = $3; } elsif ($val =~ s/^([a-z]+) (\d+) (\d+)//) { # Jan 14, 2001 | + Jan 14, 01 $month = $MonthNums{$1}; $day = $2; $year = $3; } elsif ($val =~ s/^([a-z]+) (\d+)//) { # Jan 2001 | J +an 01 $month = $MonthNums{$1}; $year = $2; } elsif ($val =~ s/^(\d+) (\d+) (\d+)//) { # 01-14-01 | 1- +14-01 | 1-7-01 | 01-14-2001 | 2001-1-14 if ($1>999) { # ISO: year is first $year = $1; $month = $2-1; $day = $3; } elsif ($2>12 and $1<=12) { # US: month is first and day is second $month = $1 - 1; $day = $2; $year = $3; } else { # EUROPEAN: day is first and then month $day = $1; $month = $2 - 1; $year = $3; } } return ($val, $day, $month, $year); } # Extract time fields from an input string. Supported time formats are +: # 5pm | 5:34 pm | # 17:34 | 17:34:13 | 5:34:13 | 5:34:13 pm sub _gettime { my $str = shift; my ($hour, $min, $sec); # clean up a little $str =~ s/^://; $str =~ s/:$//; $str =~ s/(\d)(am|pm)/$1 $2/; if ($str =~ s/^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (a|p)(m|\b)\s*//) { # 5:34:13 pm +| 5:34:13 p $hour = _ampmhour($1, $4); $min = $2; $sec = $3; } elsif ($str =~ s/^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s*//) { # 17:34:13 $hour = $1; $min = $2; $sec = $3; } elsif ($str =~ s/^(\d+):(\d+) (a|p)m{0,1}\s*//) { # 5:34 pm $hour = _ampmhour($1, $3); $min = $2; } elsif ($str =~ s/^(\d+):(\d+)\s*//) { # 17:34 $hour = $1; $min = $2; } elsif ($str =~ s/^(\d+) (a|p)m{0,1}\b\s*//) { # 5 pm $hour = _ampmhour($1, $2) } return ($str, $hour, $min, $sec); } sub _zeropad { my $rv = shift; my $length = shift || 2; return ('0' x ($length - length($rv))) . $rv; } # Convert AM/PM hour to 24 hour format sub _ampmhour { my ($hour, $ampm)=@_; if (($hour==12) and ($ampm =~ m/^a/)) {$hour = 0;} # if 12a +m set to 0 elsif ($ampm =~ m/^p/) {$hour += 12} # else if pm +, add 12 return $hour; } # calulate the difference between two years in seconds sub _s_ydiff { my($y1, $y2) = @_; my $ret = 0; for (my $li=$y1 ; $li<$y2 ; $li++) { $ret += is_leapyear( undef, $li) ? 366 : 365; } return $ret*t_60_60_24; } # Calulate the difference between two years in days sub _d_ydiff { my($y1, $y2) = @_; my $ret = 0; for (my $li=$y1 ; $li<$y2 ; $li++) { $ret += is_leapyear( undef, $li) ? 366 : 365; } return $ret; } ###################################################################### +################################# # Class Public Methods ###################################################################### +################################# # Returns 1 onl yif specified year is a leap year. If no year is pecif +ied is # examining current datetime year sub is_leapyear { my $self = shift; my $year = shift || $self->{'year'}+$self->{'__yoffset'}; return 1 if ( ($year % 4 == 0) && ( ($year % 100) || ($year % 400 +== 0) ) ); return 0; } # Returns number of days of a specific month of a year. # If year parameter is not specified is using current datetime year. # If NO parameters are specified returns number of days of current mon +th sub days_in_month { my $self = shift; my $month = shift || $self->{'mon'}+1; my $year = shift || $self->{'year'}+$self->{'__yoffset'}; if ($month != 2) { return $MonthDays[$month-1]; } if (is_leapyear($self, $year)) { return 29; } return 28; } # Returns seconds within day for current datime object since last midn +ight sub secs_in_day { my $self = shift; return ($self->{'hour'}*t_60_60) + ($self->{'min'}*60) + $self->{' +sec'}; } # Read or modify curent datetime zone sub zone { my $self = shift; if ( @_>0 ) { $self->{'__zone'} = lc($_[0]) eq 'gmt' ? 'gmt' : 'local' ; _refresh($self); } return $self->{'__zone'}; } # Set current datetime object to current time sub now { my $self = shift; $self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900; $self->{'__ctime'} = time; _refresh($self); return $self; } # Compare two date objects. Method returns: # 1 : if first date is greater than second date # -1 : if first date is smaller than second date # 0 : if dates are equal # This method is exported by the module and can be called as: # if ( datecomp($d1,$d2) != 0 } ..... # - or - # if ( $d1->datecomp($d2) != 0 } ..... sub datecomp { my $d1 = shift; # first date object my $d2 = shift; # second date object my $diff; # first check days diferrence and then examine diferrence in secon +ds $diff = $d1->datediff('day',$d2); if ( $diff>0 ) {return 1;} elsif ($diff<0) {return -1;} # if came here that means datetimes are within the same day $diff = $d1->datediff('sec',$d2); if ( $diff>0 ) {return 1;} elsif ($diff<0) {return -1;} # if came here means the dates are equal return 0; } # Returns any part of datetime value. Available options are: # 'hour' : Hour 0..24 # 'min' : Minute 0..59 # 'sec' : Seconds 0..59 # 'day' : Day of month 0..31 # 'mon' : Month 1..12 # 'year' : Year (4 digit) # 'wday' : weekday 0..6 # 'weekday' : Short name of week day # 'weekday_long' : Full name of week day # 'yearday' : Day of year 1..365 # 'month' : Short name of month # 'month_long' : Full name of month sub datepart { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; my $ret; if( !defined($self->{'__ctime'}) ) { return undef } if ( $part eq 'hour' ) { $ret = $self->{'hour'}; } elsif ( $part eq 'min' ) { $ret = $self->{'min'}; } elsif ( $part eq 'sec' ) { $ret = $self->{'sec'}; } elsif ( $part eq 'day' ) { $ret = $self->{'mday'}; } elsif ( $part eq 'mon' ) { $ret = $self->{'mon'}+1; } elsif ( $part eq 'year' ) { $ret = $self->{'year'}+$se +lf->{'__yoffset'}; } elsif ( $part eq 'wday' ) { $ret = $self->{'wday'}; } elsif ( $part eq 'weekday' ) { $ret = $WeekDayShort[ $self-> +{'wday'} ]; } elsif ( $part eq 'weekday_long' ) { $ret = $WeekDayLong[ $self->{' +wday'} ]; } elsif ( $part eq 'yearday' ) { $ret = $self->{'yday'}; } elsif ( $part eq 'month' ) { $ret = $MonthShort[ $sel +f->{'mon'} ]; } elsif ( $part eq 'month_long' ) { $ret = $MonthLong[ $self->{'mo +n'} ]; } return $ret; } # Add (substruct if minus) any number of specified units to current da +time object. # Available options are: # 'hour' : Add (+/-) any number of Hours # 'min' : Add (+/-) any number of Minutes # 'sec' : Add (+/-) any number of Seconds # 'day' : Add (+/-) any number of Days # 'mon' : Add (+/-) any number of Months # 'year' : Add (+/-) any number of Years # the only restriction is that the resulted date time mus be within 19 +70 - 2030 sub dateadd { my $self = shift; my $part = shift || 'day'; my $value = shift || 1; if( !defined($self->{'__ctime'}) ) { return undef } if ( $part eq 'hour' ) { $self->{'__ctime'} += $value * + t_60_60; } elsif ( $part eq 'min' ) { $self->{'__ctime'} += $value +* 60; } elsif ( $part eq 'sec' ) { $self->{'__ctime'} += $value; + } elsif ( $part eq 'day' ) { $self->{'__ctime'} += $value +* t_60_60_24; } elsif ( ($part eq 'mon') or ($part eq 'year') ) { my ($months, $mon, $day, $year); if ($part eq 'mon') { $months = $self->{'mon'} + $value; $mon = $months % 12; $year = $self->{'year'} + int($months/12) + $self->{'__yoff +set'}; if ($months<0) { $year--; } } else { $mon = $self->{'mon'}; $year = $self->{'year'} + $value + $self->{'__yoffset'}; } $day = _maxday( $self->{'mday'}, $mon+1, $year); # fix year offset if year is outside boundaries (1970~2038) if ($year<1971 or $year>2035) { my $dif = 2000 - $year; $dif = int($dif/28) * 28; $year += $dif; $self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900-$dif; } else {$self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900;} $self->{'__ctime'} = $self->{'__zone'} eq 'gmt' ? timegm($self->{'sec'}, $self->{'min'}, $s +elf->{'hour'}, $day, $mon, $year) : timelocal($self->{'sec'}, $self->{'min'}, + $self->{'hour'}, $day, $mon, $year); } _refresh($self); return $self; } # Compares current datetime object wit another one and return the dife +rrence in specified units # 'hour' : Hour 0..24 # 'min' : Minute 0..59 # 'sec' : Seconds 0..59 # 'day' : Day of month 0..31 # 'mon' : Month 1..12 # 'year' : Year (4 digit) # For 'hour', 'min', and 'sec' method returns the actual diferrence bu +t for 'day', 'month' and 'year' are # based on calendar diference. sub datediff { my $self = shift; my $part = shift; my $dd = shift; # other object reference that dates will be compa +red if (!defined($dd)) {return 0;} if( !defined($self->{'__ctime'}) ) { return undef } my ($off_s, $off_d, $ret, $zoff); my $t1 = $self->{'__ctime'}; my $t2 = $dd->{'__ctime'}; if ( ($part eq 'hour') or ($part eq 'min') or ($part eq 'sec')) { # calculate diferrence in seconds between dates offset (ini +tial year) $off_s = _s_ydiff( $self->{'__yoffset'}, $dd->{'__yoffset'} ); # calculate difference between date zones in seconds if ($self->{'__zone'} eq $dd->{'__zone'} ) { $zoff = 0; } elsif ($self->{'__zone'} eq 'gmt') { $zoff = $zoneoffs +et; } else { $zoff = -$zoneoff +set; } } elsif ($part eq 'day') { # calculate diferrence in days between dates offset (initial ye +ar) $off_d = _d_ydiff( $self->{'__yoffset'}, $dd->{'__yoffset'} ); } if ( $part eq 'hour' ) { $ret = int(($t1 - $t2 + $off_s + + $zoff)/ t_60_60); } elsif ( $part eq 'min' ) { $ret = int(($t1 - $t2 + $off_ +s + $zoff)/ 60); } elsif ( $part eq 'sec' ) { $ret = $t1 - $t2 + $off_s + $ +zoff; } elsif ( $part eq 'day' ) { $ret = int((($t1-$self->secs_in_day) - ($t2 - $dd->secs_in_d +ay))/ t_60_60_24) + $off_d ; } elsif ( $part eq 'mon' ) { $ret = 12*( ($self->{'year'}+$self->{'__yoffset'})-($dd->{'y +ear'}+ $dd->{'__yoffset'})) + + $self->{'mon'} - $dd->{'mon'} ; } elsif ( $part eq 'year' ) { $ret = ($self->{'year'} + $self->{'__yoffset'}) - ($dd->{'year'} + $dd->{'__yoffset'}); } return $ret; } # This method is used to set a specific part of date object to a speci +fic value # Available options are: # 'hour' : Set to specific Hour # 'min' : Set to specific Minutes # 'sec' : Set to specific Seconds # 'day' : Set to specific Day # 'mon' : Set to specific Month # 'year' : Set to specific Year # You are able to pass any number of 'part' => 'value' pairs as parame +ters sub set_part { my $self = shift; my %parts = @_; # should be a hash of 'part' => 'value' pairs my ($part, $value); if( !defined($self->{'__ctime'}) ) { return $self } my %newval = ( hour => $self->{'hour'}, min => $self->{'min'}, sec => $self->{'sec'}, day => $self->{'mday'}, mon => $self->{'mon'}, year => $self->{'year'} ); while ( ($part, $value) = each(%parts)) { if ( $part eq 'hour') { $newval{'hour'} = $value%24; } elsif ( $part eq 'min' ) { $newval{'min'} = $value%60; } elsif ( $part eq 'sec' ) { $newval{'sec'} = $value%60; } elsif ( $part eq 'day' ) { $newval{'day'} = $value%31; } elsif ( $part eq 'mon' ) { $newval{'mon'} = ($value-1)%12; # check if day is valid $newval{'day'} = _maxday( $newval{'day'}, $newval{'mon'}+1 +, $newval{'year'}+$self->{'__yoffset'} ); } elsif ( $part eq 'year') { # normalize year if( $value<50 ) { $value += 2000 } elsif( $value<100) { $value +=1900 } # check if day is valid $newval{'day'} = _maxday( $newval{'day'}, $newval{'mon'}+1 +, $value); # fix year offset if year is outside boundaries (1970~2038 +) if ($value<1971 or $value>2035) { my $dif = 2000 - $value; $dif = int($dif/28) * 28; $value += $dif; $self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900-$dif; } else {$self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900;} $newval{'year'} = $value; } } $self->{'__ctime'} = $self->{'__zone'} eq 'gmt' ? timegm($newval{'sec'}, $newval{'min'}, $newva +l{'hour'}, $newval{'day'}, $newval{'mon'}, $newval{'year'}) : timelocal($newval{'sec'}, $newval{'min'}, $ne +wval{'hour'}, $newval{'day'}, $newval{'mon'}, $newval{'year'}); _refresh($self); return $self; } # Returns time as formatted string using one of the predefined formats sub get { my $self = shift; my $fmtkey = shift || 'db'; my $format = $dformats->{$fmtkey}; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $weekday, $yearday, $mon +th, $weekday_long, $month_long); if( !defined($self->{'__ctime'}) ) { return ''} $hour = _zeropad( $self->{'hour'}); $min = _zeropad( $self->{'min'} ); $sec = _zeropad( $self->{'sec'} ); $day = _zeropad( $self->{'mday'} ); $mon = _zeropad( $self->{'mon'}+1 ); $year = $self->{'year'} + $self->{'__yoffset'}; $weekday = $WeekDayShort[ $self->{'wday'} ]; $weekday_long = $WeekDayLong[ $self->{'wday'} ]; $yearday = $self->{'yday'}; $month = $MonthShort[ $self->{'mon'} ]; $month_long = $MonthLong[ $self->{'mon'} ]; return eval($format); } # Extract date fields from an input string and assign proper values to + current object. # Supported date formats are: # 14 Jan 2001 | 14 JAN 01 | 14JAN2001 | Jan 14, 2001 | Jan 1 +4, 01 # 01-14-01 | 1-14-01 | 1-7-01 | 01-14-2001 | 2001-01-14 # Supported time formats are: # 5pm | 5:34 pm | # 17:34 | 17:34:13 | 5:34:13 | 5:34:13 pm # Notice also that it can handle anu AC date starting from 01/01/0000 sub set { my $self = shift; my ($val, %opts) = @_; my ($hour, $min, $sec, $day, $month, $year); my $orgval = $val; # Quick return: if they just put in an integer use it as time valu +e if( !defined($val) or $val =~ m/^\d+$/) { $self->{'__ctime'} = $val; $self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900; _refresh($self); return $self; } # normalize $val = lc($val); $val =~ s/[^\w:]/ /g; $val =~ s/\s*:\s*/:/g; $val =~ s/(\d)([a-z])/$1 $2/g; $val =~ s/([a-z])(\d)/$1 $2/g; $val =~ s/\s+/ /g; $val =~ s/^\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*$//; $val =~ s/([a-z]{3})[a-z]+/$1/g; # remove weekday $val =~ s/((sun)|(mon)|(tue)|(wed)|(thu)|(fri)|(sat))\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*$//; # attempt to get time unless ($opts{'dateonly'}) { ($val, $hour, $min, $sec) = _gettime($val); } # attempt to get date unless ($opts{'timeonly'}) { if (length $val) {($val, $day, $month, $year) = _getdate($val)} } # trim $val =~ s/^\s*//; # attempt to get time again unless ($opts{'dateonly'}) { if (length($val) && (! defined($hour)) ) {($val, $hour, $min, $s +ec) = _gettime($val);} } # default everything that isn't defined unless (defined $hour) {$hour = $self->{'hour'}} unless (defined $min) {$min = $self->{'min'}} unless (defined $sec) {$sec = $self->{'sec'}} unless (defined $month) {$month = $self->{'mon'}} unless (defined $year) {$year = $self->{'year'}+$self->{'__yoffse +t'}} unless (defined $day) {$day = _maxday($self->{'mday'}, $month, $ +year)} # set year to four digits if (length($year) == 2) {$year = substr($self->{'year'}, 0, 2) . $ +year} # fix year offset if year is outside boundaries (1970~2038) if ($year<1971 or $year>2035) { my $dif = 2000 - $year; $dif = int($dif/28) * 28; $year += $dif; $self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900-$dif; } else {$self->{'__yoffset'} = 1900;} $self->{'__ctime'} = $self->{'__zone'} eq 'gmt' ? timegm($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year +) : timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $y +ear); _refresh($self); return $self; } ######################################## # #return time interval in the format # hours:minutes:secobds # parameters : # 1. interval in seconds # 2. format [4 or 's'|2 or 'm'|3 or 'h' default 's' # THIS IS A CLASS METHOD! ####################################### sub interval { my $allSec = shift; $_ = shift; # time format # convert passed timeValue to seconds SWITCH: { defined($_) || last; # default seconds $allSec *= 60, last if /[mM2]/; $allSec*= 3600, last if /[hH3]/; } my $restSec = $allSec % 3600; # create an array with hours, minutes and seconds my @parsedInterval = (int($allSec/ 3600), int($restSec / 60), $res +tSec % 60); my $len; my $intervalStr; for (@parsedInterval) { if (($len = length($_)) <= 2) { $intervalStr .= '0'x(2 - $len) . "$_:" ; } else { $intervalStr .= "$_:" ; } } $intervalStr =~ s/:$//; return $intervalStr; } 1; =pod =head1 SYNOPSIS # use the module. By default exports C<datetime()> and C<str2date( +)> methods. use Date; # Constructors my $dd = Date->new(0,'gmt'); # emtry date 1900-01-01 00:00:00 GMT my $de = datetime; # current date and time my $df = str2date('21-09-2003 19:24:14'); # get formatted date print $dd->get("us") . "\n"; print $dd->get("br") . "\n"; print $dd->get("perl") . "\n"; print $de->get("db") . "\n"; print $de->get("index") . "\n"; print $df->get("http") . "\n"; print $de->datepart("weekday_long") . "\n"; print $df->datepart("time") . "\n"; # date manipulation methods $df->set('Tue, 31-Jul-2001 11:24:14 GMT'); $df->set('07-17-2001'); $de->str2date('21-09-2003 19:24:14'); # shortcut to set. Work also + as constructor print $dd->set('Tue, 31-Jul-2001 11:24:14')->get('db'); # initiali +ze object and return 'db' formatted string $dd->set_part(day => 24, mon => 2); $dd->set_part(year => 2023, hour => 12); $dd->set_part( hour=>13, min=>1, sec=>59); # 13:01:59 $de->dateadd('mon',2); $de->dateadd('hour',-4); $dd->dateadd('day'); # by default incease by one print $dd->dateadd->get('db'); # shows next day date as 'db' forma +tted string print 'Diff Year => ' . $df->datediff('year',$de) . "\n"; print 'Diff Month => ' . $df->datediff('mon',$de) . "\n"; print 'Diff Day => ' . $df->datediff('day',$de) . "\n"; print 'Diff Hour => ' . $df->datediff('hour',$de) . "\n"; print 'Diff Minutes => ' . $df->datediff('min',$de) . "\n"; print 'Diff Seconds => ' . $df->datediff('sec',$de) . "\n"; # other helpful method print $df->secs_in_day; # Returns seconds since last midnight if ($dd->is_leapyear) { print "Curent year is leap!" } if ($dd->is_leapyear(2007) { print "Year 2007 is leap!" } print 'Current month has ' . $dd->days_in_month . ' days!'; print 'Feb of 2003 has ' . $dd->days_in_month(2,2003) . ' days!'; print $dd->zone; # Print curent datetime zone (gmt|local) $dd->zone('local'); # change timezone to local (time is automatica +lly updated # overloaded operators print "$df"; # print date by using dafault format that is 'db' print "# $df" . ' >' . "$de \n" if $df > $de; print "# $df" . ' == ' . "$df \n" if $df == $df; print "# $de" . ' < ' . "$df \n" if $de < $df; print "# $de" . ' <= ' . "$df \n" if $de <= $df; print "# $df" . ' >= ' . "$de \n" if $df >= $de; print "# $df" . ' <> ' . "$de \n" if $df != $de; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 1. Overview This module provides a set of class that is used for datetime fields m +anipulation in an object oriented approach. This class is bypassing perl boundaries on date (1970 .. 2038) and can + be used with any AC dates. =head2 2. Constructors =over =item * C<new( [time], [zone] )> Class constructor. Can optionally accept two parameters (in any order) +: 'time': as rerurned from C<time> function that is seconds after 01 +/01/1970 00:00:00 'zone': that can be either 'local' or 'gmt' Also, by calling C<new> from an active object reference is possible to + clone an object. my $dd = Date->new(0,'gmt'); # emtry date 1900-01-01 00:00:00 GMT my $df = $dd->new(); # assigned the same value =item * C<datetime( [time], [zone] )> Exported constructor. Can be used without class reference as: my $de = datetime; # current date and time This method can accept the same parameters as the standard C<new> cons +tructor. If no parameters are specified it will create a datetime object based of current date a +nd time. =item * C<str2date( str_time )> This is another exported constructor. Can be used without class refere +nce as: my $df = str2date('21-09-2003 19:24:14'); Can accept as input parameter any valid datetime string and convert it + to a datetime object. I<All valid datetime string will be presented in> C<set()> I<method)>. + In addition this method can be referenced by a any active object and in that case it will just update the value +of the current datetime object. For example: $df->str2date('2001-03-01 19:24:14'); =back =head2 3. Methods =over =item * C<is_leapyear( [year] )> Returns 1 only if specified year is a leap year. If no year has been p +ecified method is examining the current datetime year. =item * C<days_in_month( [month][,year] )> Returns the number of days of a specific month of a year. If year parameter is not specified is using current datetime year. If ther is no parameters at all, method is returning the number of day +s of current month. =item * C<secs_in_day()> Returns the number of seconds since last midnight for the current dati +me object. =item * C<zone( ['gmt'|'local'] )> Read or modify curent datetime zone. the only supported zones are C<'l +ocal'> and C<'gmt'>. =item * C<now()> Set datetime object to current time. =item * C<datepart( part )> Returns any part of current datetime object. Available options are: 'hour' : Hour 0..24 'min' : Minute 0..59 'sec' : Seconds 0..59 'day' : Day of month 0..31 'mon' : Month 1..12 'year' : Year (4 digit) 'wday' : weekday 0..6 'weekday' : Short name of week day 'weekday_long' : Full name of week day 'yearday' : Day of year 1..365 'month' : Short name of month 'month_long' : Full name of month =item * C<dateadd( [part][,value] )> Add I<(substruct if (-))> any number of the specified units to current + datime object. In first parameter we should specify the type of units we are adding ( +if ommited then is using 'day'). Available options are: 'hour' : Add (+/-) any number of Hours 'min' : Add (+/-) any number of Minutes 'sec' : Add (+/-) any number of Seconds 'day' : Add (+/-) any number of Days 'mon' : Add (+/-) any number of Months 'year' : Add (+/-) any number of Years The second parameter is specifying the number of units to add (or subs +truct). If no C<value> parameter is specified then is using C<1> as default. Another usefull feature is th +at method returns the reference to current object and this allow as to write statements like: print $dd->dateadd->get('db'); # shows next day date as 'db' forma +tted string =item * C<datediff( part, date_obj )> Compares current datetime object with another one and return the difer +rence in units specified from first parameter. Available options are: 'hour' : Hour 0..24 'min' : Minute 0..59 'sec' : Seconds 0..59 'day' : Day of month 0..31 'mon' : Month 1..12 'year' : Year (4 digit) Notice that for 'hour', 'min', and 'sec' the method returns the actual + diferrence but for 'day', 'month' and 'year' the returned result is based on calendar diference. =item * C<datecomp( d_obj1, d_obj2 )> This method is used to compare two date objects. Method returns: 1 : if first date is greater than second date -1 : if first date is smaller than second date 0 : if dates are equal This method is exported by the module and can be called as: if ( datecomp($d1,$d2) != 0 ) { ..... } or, references by a date object that is used as first argumernt in met +hod: if ( $d1->datecomp($d2) != 0 ) { ..... } =item * C<get( [format] )> Returns date and time as formatted string using one of the predefined +formats that is specified by the first parameter. Available formats are: 'us' => '03-16-2001 14:19:59' 'br' => '16-03-2001 14:19:59' 'db' => '2001-03-16 14:19:59' 'd_us' => '03-16-2001' 'd_br' => '16-03-2001' 'd_db' => '2001-03-16' 'time' => '14:19:59' 'perl' => 'Tue Mar 16 14:19:59 2001' 'http' => 'Tue 16-Mar-2001 14:19:59 GMT' 'index' => '20010316141959' =item * C<set( str_time )> Extract date fields from an input string and assign proper values to c +urrent object. The method can recognize the following date formats: 14 Jan 2001 | 14 JAN 01 | 14JAN2001 | Jan 14, 2001 | Jan 14, 01 01-14-01 | 1-14-01 | 1-7-01 | 01-14-2001 | 2001-01-14 and the following time formats: 5pm | 5:34 pm | 5:34:13 pm 17:34 | 17:34:13 | 5:34:13 A usefull feature is that method returns the reference to current obje +ct and this allow as to write statements like: # initialize object and return 'db' formatted string print $dd->set('Tue, 31-Jul-2001 11:24:14')->get('db'); =item * C<set_part( part=>value, ...)> This method is used to set specific part or parts of date object to a +specific value. We are bale in to pass any number of 'part' => 'value' pairs as parame +ters and the method will return an updated object reference to it self. Valid optins as 'parts' are: 'hour' : Set to specific Hour 'min' : Set to specific Minutes 'sec' : Set to specific Seconds 'day' : Set to specific Day 'mon' : Set to specific Month 'year' : Set to specific Year Here are few examples: $dd->set_part(day => 29, mon => 2); $dd->set_part(year => 2023, hour => 12); $dd->set_part( hour=>13, min=>1, sec=>59); # 13:01:59 =back =head2 4. Overloaded Operators Current module oveloads numeric comparison operators, so they can be u +sed to directly compare two date objects: =over '<=>' : Return the same result as 'datecomp()' method, that is -1, +0,1 '==' : Return 'true' (=1) if the two dates are equal. Otherwize r +eturns 'false' (=0) '!=' : Return 'true' (=1) if the two dates are not equal. Otherwi +ze returns 'false' (=0) '<=' : Return 'true' (=1) if first date is smaller or equal to se +cond date. Otherwize returns 'false' (=0) '>=' : Return 'true' (=1) if first date is greater or equal to se +cond date. Otherwize returns 'false' (=0) '<' : Return 'true' (=1) if first date is smaller from second da +te. Otherwize returns 'false' (=0) '>' : Return 'true' (=1) if first date is greater from second da +te. Otherwize returns 'false' (=0) '""' : Converts any date objects that are enclosed in in double q +uoted string, into a formated string by using default format that is +'db'. =back =head1 REQUIRES Apache::Reload, Exporter, Time::Local =head1 EXPORTS datetime, str2date, datecomp =cut

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