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package Argdom; use 5.006; require Exporter; use Carp; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(new new setKeyChooser setSingleChooser chooseKeys chooseS +ingles chooseArbs getArbitraries getArbs getSingles getKeys that that +); @EXPORT_OK = qw(ref ref); our $VERSION = '1.0'; use warnings; use strict; {package Arg; my $pos = 0; sub new { my ($self, $arg, $r) = (shift, shift, {}); $r->{arg} = $arg; $r->{pos} = $pos++; bless $r, $self; } } {sub new { my ($self, $args, $r) = (shift, shift, {}); my @argobjs = (); croak 'Argument to Argdom constructor must be an array reference ( +usually \@ARGV)' unless ref $args eq 'ARRAY'; $r->{kc} = undef; $r->{sc} = undef; push @argobjs, new Arg($_) foreach (@{$args}); $r->{args} = \@argobjs; bless $r, $self; } sub setKeyChooser { my ($self, $chooser) = (shift, shift); croak 'Argument to Argdom::setKeyChooser must be a code reference' + unless ref $chooser eq 'CODE'; $self->{kc} = $chooser; $self->chooseKeys; $self; } sub setSingleChooser { my ($self, $chooser) = (shift, shift); croak 'Argument to Argdom::setSingleChooser must be a code referen +ce' unless ref $chooser eq 'CODE'; $self->{sc} = $chooser; $self->chooseSingles; $self; } sub chooseKeys { my ($self, $keys, $pushNext, $pushNextTo, $notI) = (shift, {}, 0, +'', 0); foreach my $arg (@{$self->{args}}) { if($pushNext) { $pushNext = 0; push @{$keys->{$pushNextTo}}, $arg->{arg}; $self->{args}->[$notI]->{seen} = 1; next; } if($self->{kc}->($arg->{arg})) { $keys->{$arg->{arg}} = [] unless $keys->{$arg->{arg}}; $pushNextTo = $arg->{arg}; $self->{args}->[$notI]->{seen} = 1; $pushNext = 1; } } continue { ++$notI; } $self->{keys} = $keys; $self->{keysChosen} = 1; $self->chooseArbs if $self->{singlesChosen}; $notI; } sub chooseSingles { my ($self, $notI) = (shift, 0); my @singles = (); foreach my $arg (@{$self->{args}}) { if($self->{sc}->($arg->{arg})) { push @singles, $arg->{arg}; $self->{args}->[$notI]->{seen} = 1; } } continue { ++$notI; } $self->{singles} = \@singles; $self->{singlesChosen} = 1; $self->chooseArbs if $self->{keysChosen}; $notI; } sub chooseArbs { my ($self, $notI) = (shift, 0); my @arbs = (); foreach my $arg (@{$self->{args}}) { unless($arg->{seen}) { push @arbs, $arg->{arg}; ++$notI; } } $self->{arbs} = \@arbs; $notI; } sub getArbitraries { return @{(shift)->{arbs}} if wantarray; (shift)->{arbs}; } sub getArbs { return @{(shift)->{arbs}} if wantarray; (shift)->{arbs}; } sub getSingles { return @{(shift)->{singles}} if wantarray; (shift)->{singles}; } sub getKeys { (shift)->{keys} } } 1; # POD, now ... __DATA__ =pod =head1 NAME - Argument-managing module for Perl 5 =head1 SYNOPSIS #! /usr/bin/perl use Argdom; use warnings; use strict; # This will result in a script that takes some of the commonly- +used GCC commands, and tell you what it deems them as: my $isItSingle = sub { my $who = shift; foreach my $sk (qw(--help -S -E -c -g -pg -pedantic -pedantic- +errors)) { return 1 if $sk eq $who; } foreach my $sk (qw(-std= -O -W -I -L -D -U -f -m)) { return 1 if substr($who, 0, length $sk) eq $sk and (length + $who > length $sk); } 0; }; my $isItAKey = sub { my $who = shift; foreach my $kk (qw(-o -x)) { return 1 if $kk eq $who; } 0; }; my $args = \@ARGV; my $a = new Argdom($args); $a->setKeyChooser($isItAKey); $a->setSingleChooser($isItSingle); my @s = @{$a->getSingles}; my %k = %{$a->getKeys}; print "\n"; print $_, " was passed as a single argument.\n" foreach (@s); print "\n"; foreach my $k1 (keys %k) { printf "The values passed for the %s switch are:\n", $k1; print "\t", $_, "\n" foreach (@{$k{$k1}}); } print $_, " was passed as an ``arbitrary'' argument.\n" foreach (@ +{$a->getArbs}); =head1 DESCRIPTION Argdom helps you manage arguments (usually C<@ARGV>). The name is take +n from B<Arg>uments + B<DOM> (I like to think of it as C<@ARGV>'s Doc +ument Object Model). The whole idea is to separate arguments into three groups: key-value a +rguments (the paired ones, like C<-o outputfile -x language>), single + arguments (like C<-pedantic -DSOME_MACRO_DEFINITION>), and the ``arb +itrary'' arguments (the ones that are not paired and do not give the +program a directive, like the input file for perl). Using this module + is I<very> easy. In the end, anyway, your code decides which argument to treat as what, + and more about what happens is below. =head1 USAGE =head2 Initialisation The Argdom cunstructor takes only one argument E<#8212> the reference +to the argument array. my $a = new Argdom(\@ARGV); # Will suffice From then on, you may not have to worry yourself with C<@ARGV> (except + to work around the weakness noted L<here|/"Order-of-Passing is Garbl +ed Across Argument Types">, if the work-around trick explained L<here +|/"Work-around"> is not used). =head2 Choosers-n-Pickers You've got to attach two references to predicate subs to the object. T +hey are used to determine which class an arg belongs to. =head3 C<setKeyChooser> C<setKeyChooser> is used to attach a reference to a sub that, when fed + with an argument, should return true if that argument is expected, b +y the script, as the key part of a key-value pair of args. Example: your script (called `greeter') requires args, and one of them + is `-o' to denote the file into which the output should be written. C<greeter -o outfile> You would set the key chooser (C<Argdom::setKeyChooser>'s arg) to be a + reference to a sub that returns true when given the string `-o'. Thi +s will make object's internal logic associate the other argument, C<o +utfile> with C<-o>, and return C<outfile> the next time you ask for t +he vakues of the key C<-o>. That is used I<comme ci>: $a->setKeyChooser(sub { $_[0] eq '-o' } ); =over 4 =item Note: If an argument is deemed a key in a key-value pair, the next argument +is, automatically, deemed as it's value, and it is not passed to any +predicates for classification. It is just pushed against the key, as +its value. =back =head3 C<setSingleChooser> The same applies to C<setSingleChooser>, except that the sub ref set b +y C<setSingleChooser> should return true if the argument is a single +key. Example: greeter takes an argument `-xclaim', to tell it whether it sh +ould put an exclamation mark at the end of the output string. As in: C<greeter -xclaim> That's not a paired argument (because it doesn't take an arg after the + `-xclaim' as additional data), and, if your code deems it as a singl +e argument, all the other args passed after it (even immediately afte +r) are not related to it. So, C<greeter -xclaim someother> doesn't ma +ke C<someother> a value of the key C<-xclaim>. $a->setSingleChooser(sub { ($_[0] eq '-xclaim') or (substr($_[0], +0, 2) eq '-4') } ); That is used I<comme E<ccedil>a>. You may have noticed that the sub ref also returns true for a string p +assed to it that starts with `-4'. That's to display another thing yo +u could do. You may want to classify some args that are not pre-known + E<#8212> they are single args, but they are not definite. Like C<gre +eter '-4Somebody;World;Nurse'>. You only return true if it matches th +e beginning bit, for example. =head3 How The Arbitrary Arguments Are Chosen When both C<setSingleChooser> and C<setKeyChooser> have been set, the +object automatically calls the method to set the arbitrary arguments. Remember, the arbitrary args are those that, simply-put, are neither d +enoted as singles or keys. Also, when you set the choosers, the choos +ing is done there and then, with your set choosers. =head2 Working With The Arguments After the object has worked with the arguments, you can get them back, + classified and (where applicable) linked with other args with which +they correspond. Example: =head3 C<getSingles> my @singles = @{$a->getSingles}; my @singles = $a->getSingles; C<Argdom::getSingles> returns a reference to an array containing the s +ingle keys, in the order in which they were passed in. So, C<join(', ', @singles) eq '-xclaim, -4Somebody;World;Nurse'> for t +he invocation: C<greeter -xclaim '-4Somebody;World;Nurse'>. If called + in list context, it returns a list of the items, not a reference to +that list; as in the second line of code, above. =head3 C<getKeys> my %keyvals = %{$a->getKeys}; C<Argdom::keyVals> returns a reference to a hash containing all the ke +y-value args, with the keys having an array ref of the respective val +ues. This enables you to get many values on the same key arg. Like, C<greeter -o outfile1 -xclaim -o outfile2 -o -> would make C<getKeys> return a hash ref like this: C<{'-o' =E<gt> ['outfile', 'outfile2', '-']}>. =head3 C<getArbs> or C<getArbitraries> my @arbs = @{$a->getArbs}; my @arbs = $a->getArbs; C<Argdom::getArbitraries> is a synonym for C<Argdom::getArbs>, which r +eturns a ref of an array containing all the arbitrary args, in their +order. If called in a list context, it returns the array itself, not +its reference; as in the second line of code, above. This enables the program to take args in just any order, since there i +s no such things as the-last-arg-is-the-this-and-that. You just insis +t on proper denoting of arguments (say, directives having `-' at the +start and keys always having their values attached), and use the same + criterion in the choosers, and you have the args as you want them. The invocation C<greeter -o outfile "Some Text"> would cause C<getArbs +> to return C<['Some Text']>, since that's the only arbitrary argumen +t there. =head2 Example: C<greeter> =head3 Source Code #! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Argdom; my $a = new Argdom(\@ARGV); $a->setSingleChooser(sub { $_[0] eq '-xclaim' or substr($_[0], 0, +2) eq '-4' } ); $a->setKeyChooser(sub { $_[0] eq '-o' } ); my @arbs = $a->getArbs; my @sings = $a->getSingles; my ($greeting, $x, $forWhom, $outs) = ('', 0, '-4World;to you', [' +-']); # --help and -h can only be in @arbs, since they are never iden +tified as keys or singles foreach (@arbs) { if($_ eq '-h' or $_ eq '--help') { my $hlp = qq/--help | -h displays this help message and quits. -o outfile is the file to which the output is written. Can be many +, as in -o f1 -o f2 -o f3. `-' means the STDOUT (default). -xclaim means the output should be exclamatory. -4X;Y;Z means the greeting should be for X, Y, and Z. Default is ` +`World'' and yourself!. any other args are the greeting. Default is "Hello"./; printf "\ngreeter is a sample program for\n%s\n +\n", $hlp; exit 0; } $greeting .= $_; } $greeting = 'Hello' unless $greeting; foreach (@sings) { $x = 1 if $_ eq '-xclaim'; $forWhom = $_ if substr($_, 0, 2) eq '-4' } my @toWhom = (); my $ls = substr $forWhom, 2; @toWhom = split /;/, $ls; $outs = $a->getKeys->{'-o'} if $a->getKeys->{'-o'}; foreach my $outfile (@{$outs}) { my $string = ''; $string .= "$greeting, $_" . ($x ? '!' : '.') . "\n" foreach ( +@toWhom); print $string if $outfile eq '-'; unless($outfile eq '-') { open(OUTHANDLE), '>', $outfile or croak "Could not open $o +utfile for writing: $!"; print OUTHANDLE $string; close OUTHANDLE; } } =head3 Sample Runs greeter Hello, World. Hello, to you. greeter -xclaim Hello, World! Hello, to you! greeter '-4Me;You;World;Nurse' -xclaim 'How on Earth are you doing +' How on Earth are you doing, Me! How on Earth are you doing, You! How on Earth are you doing, World! How on Earth are you doing, Nurse! greeter -xclaim '-4Captain;Skipper;Sir Hal;Lord Cumbrae' 'Aye, aye +' Aye, aye, Captain! Aye, aye, Skipper! Aye, aye, Sir Hal! Aye, aye, Lord Cumbrae! (Eh, I see you've been reading some Wilbur Smith, too, eh?) greeter -xclaim '-4you blank-minded nincompoop' 'Git da frig outta + ' here Git da frig outta here, you blank-minded nincompoop! (It doesn't always have to be formal. It's why we put the args, in + the first place.) greeter -o -o -o - Hello, World. Hello, to you. cat Hello, World. Hello, to you. Hello, World. Hello, to you. C<greeter --help> and C<greeter -h> give you help. =head1 BUGS Because missing features are bugs ... =head2 Order-of-Passing is Garbled Across Argument Types While the order in which the arguments has been passed is preserved, t +he module does not ease the job of finding out which args came before + which, if they are not of the same kind. This is a problem, when how you treat some arguments depends on the po +sition of other arguments of a different kind. =head3 Work-around To work around this, you can keep track of the arguments consciously, +via the sub referred to by the argument to C<setSingleChooser>, since + it gets every argument passed to it. =head2 Private Members not Denoted The coding convention of private members beginning with a double under +line (C<__>) is not obeyed here. I wasn't too sure what was supposed +to be ``hidden'' and what wasn't. =head3 Work-around Do not use methods and stuff that are not documented here, because thi +s is all that has been explained, either by documentation or by conve +ntion. =head1 AUTHOR Revence XXVII <> =head1 COPYRIGHT No copyright. No licence. This module, the ideas, and all the related intellectual property here +in, I hereby place in the Public Domain. =cut

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