use strict; use warnings; use threads; # comment out for child processes use MCE::Flow; use MCE::Shared; use Time::HiRes 'time'; my $n = MCE::Shared->scalar(0); my $s = time; sub task { # do something, plenty time to see top my $v; $v = $n->incr() for 1 .. 933; } mce_flow { max_workers => 200 }, \&task; MCE::Flow::finish; printf "duration: %0.3f\n", time - $s; print $n->get(), "\n"; __END__ main process, shared-manager process, and 200 workers # with threads: e.g. use threads 498M MCE 1.827, MCE::Shared 1.824 437M MCE 1.828, MCE::Shared 1.825 <- big reduction 399M MCE 1.829, MCE::Shared 1.826 <- more reduction # without threads MCE 1.829, MCE::Shared 1.826: ~ 1744K per worker