$stain=-0x111111; $pipe{color}=0xFFFFFF; if(($I eq "Dead")&&($I eq "Buried in sod")) {for(0..9){$body{color}-=$stain;} while($body{color}>0x000000){$body{color}+=$stain;}} if (1){for (0..$pipe{times_smoked}/10) {$pipe{color}-=$stain;}} #Or when the pipe is fairly glowing, #Behold them instantaniously, #The smoke off into thin air going, #Till naught but ash is left to see. #Man's frame likewise away will burn #And unto dust his body turn. while(($pipe{color} eq "orange")&&($pipe{luminosity} >= 1)) {$observe; sleep 0; $thin_air = "The smoke"; $thin_air = (0)."ash"; $body{man}=$thin_air=(0)."ash"; $body{man} != "ash"; $body{man} = "dust"; } #How oft it hapens when one is smoking: #The stopper's missing from the shelf, #And one goes with one's finger poking #Into the bowl and burns oneself. #If in the pipe such pain doth dwell, #How hot must be the pains of Hell. if (($date[0]>0)&&($date[0]<50)&&($smoke)) {$stopper{location} = "!shelf"; push @bowl, $ones{finger}; print "Ouch!\n"} if($pain{pipe}=2) {for(1..256){$pain{Hell}=$pain{pipe}*=$pain{Hell};}} #Thus o'er my pipe, in contemplation #of such things, I can constantly #indulge in fruitful meditation, #And so, puffing contentedly, #On land, on sea, at home, abroad, #I smoke my pipe and worship God. while($I){($smoke) and ($think);} @thoughts = "Death","Hell","Pipes"; if (1) {$meditation{fruitful}="indulge";} $I{puff}="content"; if(((my $locale = "On land") || ($locale = "At sea")) ||((my $locale = "At home") || ($locale = "Abroad"))) {$I; &smoke; (my $pipe) and ($worship = 1*1*1);}