in reply to Obtaining perl-5.6.2 for modern Ubuntu

Hello, I managed to have perl 5.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.1. I'm doing 2 things :
wget tar xvzf perl-5.6.2.tar.gz sudo cpanm Devel::PatchPerl patchperl perl-5.6.2 cd perl-5.6.2 ./Configure -des -Dprefix=/opt/perl5.6 -Aldflags='-lm' make sudo make install
Hope it will help you (if you don't want to use perlbrew).



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Re^2: Obtaining perl-5.6.2 for modern Ubuntu
by syphilis (Archbishop) on Mar 23, 2020 at 00:18 UTC
    I managed to have perl 5.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.1

    Thanks for this - just the sort of approach I needed to see !
    Nothing wrong with perlbrew's capability to build perl-5.6.2, but this approach makes the procedure clearer, and also saves me having to find out how to influence the Configure flags with perlbrew.
    Following those instructions, I built and installed a -Duselongdouble build of perl-5.6.2. (It failed only 2 tests of the test suite.)

    BTW, you missed out the tar zxvf perl-5.6.2.tar.gz step, which was enough to befuddle me for longer than I care to admit ;-)
    (I recommend that you correct that.)
