sulfericacid's user image
User since: Sep 29, 2001 at 07:32 UTC (23 years ago)
Last here: May 27, 2015 at 19:10 UTC (9 years ago)
Experience: 2773
Level:Deacon (12)
Writeups: 405
Location:Saint Paul, MN
User's localtime: Apr 19, 2024 at 03:27 UTC
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<td1><jeffa> think about it - how can you even compare a brand new variable that has no value to something - you can't, you have to declare it first, assign some value, THEN compare | ++
Chatterbox stuff

atcroft: sulfuricacid: "There was a bug in the code. Do not pass GO, do not collect 3_141_592_653 points, go directly to jail."
atcroft: s/jail/a chroot jail/
sulfericacid doesn't suppose "time" is a reserved name in MySQL
Zaxo certainly it is, it's a column type
sulfericacid sighs and then kicks MySQL in the kneecap for holding our super-des‎crip‎tive short "time" hostage from us
atcroft sulfericacid: you might want to look that up....
atcroft watches sulfericacid jump around holding the foot he kicked with, for not wearing his steel-toed boots when he did it....

<DigitalKitty> No problem. /me hands sulfericacid the key to the executive bathroom. Go ahead and use it. You've earned it. *grin*
<Rozallin> rozallin looks at giant bug on monitor. It's too big to squash. Somehow she and her will have to live together....
<Rozallin> I can't. Anything that big and I start thinking about karma. (kill it)
<Enlil> ahh here it is: "Little Willie was a chemist./Little Willie is no more./For what he thought was H2O,/Was H2SO4." | lol
<jdporter> he's a nice guy, but I find it very frustrating to try to help him. He's got to get over some initial conceptual hurdles. | :(
<MarkM> jdporter: if the cb is only for answering newbie questions, I think I have the wrong idea | --

My favorite perl geeks

Things I should remember:

  • cgi-bin/s‎crip‎ts for printing links/forms , /home/user when accessing files
  • Save STDERR to logfile
    open (STDERR, ">>/home/sulfericacid/public_html/test/error.log") or die "Cannot open error log, error opening an error lo +g: $!";
  • Install modules with nmake perl, then nmake, then nmake test, then nmake install.