radu has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I'm trying to make a client server socket application because I want to change some communication apis based in PHP in a centos7 server that sadly now it becomes very slow, I made some tests with perl as I'm new with this language and I'm very glad with the results.

I successfuly made a script to parse some mail logs and import it to database for filtering purposes and I can say that it is by far the faster (in cpu resources) than other languages, but now, what I want to do is:

Actually I have in each server (more that 100 servers) with a php script that runs every minute and introduces some data to the central server api. At the begining it was great, very easy and was working fine in PHP but now I'm facing some issues related to php + big file reading and parsing, thing that is done great in perl.

I tested a simple script posted here that can handle multiple clients and do the job very good, but for some reason, sometimes the server brokes with aparently no error message and nothing to trace and as it will be used in production servers I don't want it to silently stop working.

When I connect to socket I can see server is accepting the request and do it all fine, but if I start to send data at sometime if I send a lot of data it breaks.

Here is the code I used:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use threads; use IO::Socket::IP; my $host = ''; my $port = '1337'; my $proto = 'tcp'; my $debug = 1; my $output = 'report.txt'; my @allowed_ips = (''); sub Main { # flush after every write $| = 1; my ($socket, $client_socket); # Bind to listening address and port $socket = new IO::Socket::INET( LocalHost => $host, LocalPort => $port, Proto => $proto, Listen => 5, Reuse => 1 ) or die "ERROR > Could not open socket: ".$!."\n"; print "INFO > Waiting for client connections on tcp:[$host]:$port +...\n"; my @clients = (); while(1){ # Waiting for new client connection $client_socket = $socket->accept(); # Push new client connection to it's own thread push (@clients, threads->create(\&clientHandler, $client_socke +t)); foreach(@clients){ if($_->is_joinable()) { $_->join(); } } } $socket->close(); return 1; } sub clientHandler { # Socket is passed to thread as first (and only) argument. my ($client_socket) = @_; # Create hash for user connection/session information and set init +ial connection information. my %user = (); $user{peer_address} = $client_socket->peerhost(); $user{peer_port} = $client_socket->peerport(); unless (client_allowed($user{peer_address})){ print $client_socket "Server > Connection denied.\n"; print "WARN > Connection from $user{peer_address}:$user{peer_ +port} denied by IP policy.\n"; $client_socket->shutdown(2); $client_socket->close(); threads->exit(); } print "INFO > Client ".$user{peer_address}.":".$user{peer_port}." + has been conected.\n"; # Let client know that server is ready for commands. print $client_socket "Server > Welcome to raClus-Server $user{peer +_address}\n$user{peer_address}> "; # Listen for commands while client socket remains open while(my $buffer = <$client_socket>){ # Accept the command `PING` from client with optional argument +s if($buffer =~ /^PING(\s|$)/i) { print $client_socket "Server > Pong!\n"; } # Accept the command `HELLO` from client with optional argumen +ts if($buffer =~ /^HELLO(\s|$)/i){ print $client_socket "Server > Hello!\n"; print $client_socket "Server > Your IP:\t".$user{peer_addr +ess}."\n"; print $client_socket "Server > Your Port:\t".$user{peer_po +rt}."\n"; } # This will terminate the client connection to the server if($buffer =~ /^QUIT(\s|$)/i){ # Print to client, and print to STDOUT then exit client co +nnection & thread print $client_socket "Server > GOODBYE\n"; print "INFO > Client ".$user{peer_address}.":".$user{peer +_port}." has been disconnected.\n"; $client_socket->shutdown(2); threads->exit(); } print "DEBUG > $buffer" if $debug; print $client_socket "$user{peer_address} > "; } print "INFO > Client ".$user{peer_address}.":".$user{peer_port}." + has been disconnected.\n"; # Client has exited so thread should exit too threads->exit(); } sub client_allowed { my $client_ip = shift; return grep { $_ eq $client_ip || $_ eq '0/0' || $_ eq '' + } @allowed_ips; } # Start the Main loop Main();
Any help will be appreciated


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Client-Server app
by NetWallah (Canon) on Sep 27, 2018 at 17:17 UTC
    Thanks for posting the code, but there is nothing by way of diagnostic information on the actual problem.

    Could you quantify "A lot of data" ?

    The only suspicious thing I see in the code is :

    $client_socket = $socket->accept(); # Push new client connection to it's own thread push (@clients, threads->create(\&clientHandler, $client_socke +t));
    Where you use a global (to the while loop) for $client_socket.

    I would rather see that as:

    my $client_socket = $socket->accept();
    and delete the global declaration.

    My thinking (Probably pretty low probability, unless a lot of clients attempt simultaneous connect) is that this may prevent a potential race condition where the content of $client_socket changes before the invoked thread has had a chance to copy it.

                    Memory fault   --   brain fried

      Hello NetWallah,

      First of all, thanks for your answer.

      And about the "lot of data" I'm doing test with files of more or less 100k lines of log file.

      Usually the server will handle maxium 3-4 lines per connection and then parse it and update a table in mysql and log it to a csv file but I want it to be stable and dont break if any server do a full update of 10k-20k lines of logs

      I tried to delete the global declaration and declare it in the while(1) loop, but it still breaks with only 1 connection. If I try it with

      The problem I think is related to the writing on the log file, because if I comment the line that open the report file in append mode and write the buffer it breaks.

      Now I'm doing tests with 3 simultaneous clients sending 250k lines in loop to the server and it handles it perfectly if I dont write it to the file, only print the ouptut to the console

      while(my $buffer = <$client_socket>){ .... open(my $fh, '>>', $output) or die "Could not open file '$outp +ut' $!"; print $fh $buffer; }
      And the full code with the changes your recommendations and with the log output commented
      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use threads; use IO::Socket; my $host = ''; my $port = '1337'; my $proto = 'tcp'; my $debug = 1; my $output = 'report.txt'; my @allowed_ips = (''); sub Main { # flush after every write $| = 1; # Bind to listening address and port my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET( LocalHost => $host, LocalPort => $port, Proto => $proto, Listen => 5, Reuse => 1 ) or die "ERROR > Could not open socket: ".$!."\n"; print "INFO > Waiting for client connections on tcp:[$host]:$port +...\n"; my @clients = (); while(1){ # Waiting for new client connection my $client_socket = $socket->accept(); # Push new client connection to it's own thread push (@clients, threads->create(\&clientHandler, $client_s +ocket)); foreach(@clients){ if($_->is_joinable()) { $_->join(); } } } $socket->close(); return 1; } sub clientHandler { # Socket is passed to thread as first (and only) argument. my ($client_socket) = @_; # Create hash for user connection/session information and set init +ial connection information. my %user = (); $user{peer_address} = $client_socket->peerhost(); $user{peer_port} = $client_socket->peerport(); unless (client_allowed($user{peer_address})){ print $client_socket "Server > Connection denied.\n"; print "WARN > Connection from $user{peer_address}:$user{peer_ +port} denied by IP policy.\n"; $client_socket->shutdown(2); $client_socket->close(); threads->exit(); } print "INFO > Client ".$user{peer_address}.":".$user{peer_port}." + has been conected.\n"; # Let client know that server is ready for commands. print $client_socket "Server > Welcome to raClus-Server $user{peer +_address}\n$user{peer_address}> "; # Listen for commands while client socket remains open while(my $buffer = <$client_socket>){ # Accept the command `PING` from client with optional argument +s if($buffer =~ /^PING(\s|$)/i) { print $client_socket "Server > Pong!\n"; } # Accept the command `HELLO` from client with optional argumen +ts if($buffer =~ /^HELLO(\s|$)/i){ print $client_socket "Server > Hello!\n"; print $client_socket "Server > Your IP:\t".$user{peer_addr +ess}."\n"; print $client_socket "Server > Your Port:\t".$user{peer_po +rt}."\n"; } # This will terminate the client connection to the server if($buffer =~ /^QUIT(\s|$)/i){ # Print to client, and print to STDOUT then exit client co +nnection & thread print $client_socket "Server > GOODBYE\n"; print "INFO > Client ".$user{peer_address}.":".$user{peer +_port}." has been disconnected.\n"; $client_socket->shutdown(2); threads->exit(); } print "DEBUG > $buffer" if $debug; # Escribimos en fichero de texto #open(my $fh, '>>', $output) or die "Could not open file '$out +put' $!"; #print $fh $buffer; print $client_socket "$user{peer_address} > "; } print "INFO > Client ".$user{peer_address}.":".$user{peer_port}." + has been disconnected.\n"; # Client has exited so thread should exit too threads->exit(); } sub client_allowed { my $client_ip = shift; return grep { $_ eq $client_ip || $_ eq '0/0' || $_ eq '' + } @allowed_ips; } # Start the Main loop Main();

      Then, the problem is with the output to the log file, can I make it asyncronous or save it in cache and write when it can?

        Just checking if you meant Un-Commenting the open/print to append to $output would cause the program to break.

        I suspect that multiple threads appending to a file may be giving you trouble.

        I suggest starting a separate thread to collect the output, and append it to a file in a single thread.
        You can use Thread::Queue to pass data to the collector thread.

                        Memory fault   --   brain fried

Re: Client-Server app
by zentara (Archbishop) on Sep 27, 2018 at 18:36 UTC
    Hi, Here is just some general advice. I would suggest you add some code which detects errors as they occur, and prints out some sort of message so you can locate where your script is actually failing. See Simple threaded chat server and if you want, see Gtk2 server and client GUI's with root messaging for an example of a Gtk2/Glib event-loop socket script which can detect different error conditions. You can check for different socket conditions, like 'in', 'nohup', 'error' and if there is any data. The key test is if there is an 'in' condition, but no data to be read, you have to assume the connection has failed somewhere, and this close the socket and remove it from your select array.

    In your code, try sprinkling warnings after socket operations, or print a debug message at critical points to see where your code fails when it crashes. Just as a longshot, that sometimes works, try putting $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE' in your script.

    If you are going to stick with a select() while loop, it sometimes is useful to test for $socket->can_write at an appropriate place to give an indication that the socket is still alive.

    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; my @sockets; my $machine_addr = 'localhost'; my $main_sock = new IO::Socket::INET(LocalAddr=>$machine_addr, LocalPort=>1200, Proto=>'tcp', Listen=>3, Reuse=>1, ); die "Could not connect: $!" unless $main_sock; print "Starting Server\n"; my $readable_handles = new IO::Select(); $readable_handles->add($main_sock); while (1) { # my ($new_readable) = IO::Select->select($readable_handles, undef, u +ndef, 0 ); # causes 100% cpu usage my ($new_readable) = IO::Select->select($readable_handles, undef, un +def, undef ); foreach my $sock (@$new_readable) { if ($sock == $main_sock) { my $new_sock = $sock->accept(); $readable_handles->add($new_sock); } else { my $count = sysread $sock, my $buf, 1024; print "$count\n"; if ($buf) { print "$buf\n"; my @sockets = $readable_handles->can_write(1); print "@sockets\n"; #print $sock "You sent $buf\n"; foreach my $sck(@sockets){print $sck "$buf\n";} } else { $readable_handles->remove($sock); close($sock); } } } } print "Terminating Server\n"; close $main_sock; getc();
    Here is a basic forking client that works really well for testing connections, the fork separates the send from the receive.
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use IO::Socket; my ( $host, $port, $kidpid, $handle, $line ); #unless ( @ARGV == 2 ) { die "usage: $0 host port" } ( $host, $port ) = @ARGV || ('localhost',8989); # create a tcp connection to the specified host and port $handle = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port ) or die "can't connect to port $port on $host: $!"; $handle->autoflush(1); # so output gets there right away print STDERR "[Connected to $host:$port]\n"; # split the program into two processes, identical twins die "can't fork: $!" unless defined( $kidpid = fork() ); # the if{} block runs only in the parent process if ($kidpid) { # copy the socket to standard output while ( defined( $line = <$handle> ) ) { print STDOUT $line; } kill( "TERM", $kidpid ); # send SIGTERM to child } # the else{} block runs only in the child process else { # copy standard input to the socket while ( defined( $line = <STDIN> ) ) { print $handle $line; } }
    It can get confusing, I hope the above helps you out.

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. ..... an animated JAPH
Re: Client-Server app
by radu (Initiate) on Sep 28, 2018 at 19:07 UTC


    I finally switched to POE, It works great for what I need and today I was working in a script with SSL support and works great. Here is the code

    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP); use POE::Component::SSLify qw(Server_SSLify SSLify_Options); my @allowed_ips = ('', '', '', '172.1 +6.0.225'); my $listen_address = ''; my $listen_port = '1337'; my $listen_conns = '-1'; my $listen_alias = 'rc-listener'; my $output = '/home/projects/perl/rc-listener/unknown-commands +.txt'; my $ssl = 1; my $ssl_certfile = '/home/projects/perl/rc-listener/cert.crt'; my $ssl_keyfile = '/home/projects/perl/rc-listener/cert.key'; my $ssl_version = 'default'; POE::Component::Server::TCP->new( # Listen options Address => $listen_address, Port => $listen_port, Concurrency => $listen_conns, Alias => $listen_alias, # Server handlers Error => \&handle_server_error, Started => \&handle_server_started, Stopped => \&handle_server_stopped, # Client handlers ClientPreConnect => \&handle_client_pre_connect, ClientConnected => \&handle_client_connect, ClientDisconnected => \&handle_client_disconnect, ClientInput => \&handle_client_input, ClientError => \&handle_client_error, ClientFlushed => \&handle_client_flushed, ); # Start the server. POE::Kernel->run(); exit 0; sub handle_client_pre_connect { my ($session, $heap, $socket) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; unless (client_allowed($remote_ip)){ warn "ERROR > Connection from ${remote} with Session-ID ${sess +ion_id} denied by IP Policy.\n"; return undef; } if($ssl){ eval { SSLify_Options($ssl_keyfile, $ssl_certfile, $ssl_versio +n) }; if($@){ warn "ERROR > Server unable to load key or certificate fil +e.\n"; return undef; } my $ssl_socket = eval { Server_SSLify($socket) }; if($@){ warn "ERROR > Server unable to make an SSL connection.\n"; return undef; } return $ssl_socket; } else { return $socket; } } sub handle_client_connect { my ($session, $heap, $input) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $client = $heap->{client}; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; $client->put("Welcome ${remote} your Session-ID is ${session_id}") +; $client->put("Type 'help' for a complete list of accepted commands +"); warn "WARN > Client ${remote} connected with Session-ID ${session +_id}\n"; } sub handle_client_disconnect { my ($session, $heap, $input) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $client = $heap->{client}; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; warn "WARN > Client ${remote} with Session-ID ${session_id} disco +nnected\n"; } sub handle_client_input { my ($session, $heap, $input) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $client = $heap->{client}; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; if ($input eq "quit") { $client->put("Goodbye ${remote}"); $_[KERNEL]->yield("shutdown"); return; } if ($input eq "ping") { $client->put("pong"); return; } if ($input eq "whoami") { $client->put("Your IP Address is ${remote_ip}"); $client->put("Your port is ${remote_port}"); return; } if ($input eq "help") { $client->put("Really? C'mon, just type something!"); return; } open(my $fh, '>>', $output) or die "Could not open file '$output' +$!"; print $fh "${input}\n"; #$heap->{client}->put("Received input: ".$input); warn "WARN > Client ${remote} Session-ID ${session_id}: ${input}\ +n"; } sub handle_client_error { my ($syscall_name, $err_num, $err_str) = @_[ARG0..ARG2]; warn "ERROR > Client: ${err_num} - ${err_str}\n"; } sub handle_client_flushed { my ($session, $heap, $input) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $client = $heap->{client}; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; warn "INFO > Client ${remote} flushed\n"; } sub handle_server_started { warn "INFO > Server [${listen_address}]:${listen_port} started\n" +; } sub handle_server_stopped { warn "INFO > Server [".$listen_address."]:".$listen_port." stoppe +d\n"; } sub handle_server_error { my ($syscall_name, $err_num, $err_str) = @_[ARG0..ARG2]; warn "ERROR > Server: ${err_num} - ${err_str}\n"; } sub client_allowed { my $client_ip = shift; return grep { $_ eq $client_ip || $_ eq '0/0' || $_ eq '' + } @allowed_ips; }

    It's working like I want, obviusly still need a lot of work but hey, for now it's working pretty good

    Now the next thing I want is to make some authentication mechanism, any hint?

    What I was thinking is to save a plain text "database" or a postgresql table with a relation of ip address and token and match each IP address with the token

    The database connector and checks it's not the big deal here, what I need is some type of auth in the connect handle or something to not be very database intensive, for example I'm thinking to load the entire table to an array on load the listener and make it "static" and refresh the array every 30 seconds with a subroutine or something

    Really this is the "thing" I don't know how to do, what I'm trying to do is to make some bolean variable with the session-id and after first check insert it into the array and on each read/write from the client check it with the array

    I'm near to the answer or anyone have another mechanism to achieve this?

    Thanks for all, I really appreciate all the comments

Re: Client-Server app
by bliako (Monsignor) on Sep 28, 2018 at 11:27 UTC

    It works for me (and quite impressively too++). Maybe you are not running a proper OS?

    It is worth checking if number of open files or number of simultaneous connections at server is exceeded.

    Anyway, here is a client I whipped up to test your server:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w # Program to connect to a server (set HOST and PORT below) # and send some commands to it randomly chosen from the # list of commands (see @COMMANDS below) with some # arguments if randomly decided. # After sending each command it displays output received # and then sleeps for some random time specified by # the command line options: commands-per-second-min and -max # When 'time-to-live' seconds have elapsed (more or less) # the client shuts down. # # Usage: TTL cps-min cps-max # TTL: will shutdown in TTL seconds more or less # cps-min, cps-max: send bettwen cps-min and cps-max # commands (request) per second to the server. # # Author: bliako # 28/09/2018 # for;node_id=3333 # use strict; use warnings; use Net::Telnet; use Time::HiRes; my @COMMANDS = qw/PING HELLO/; my ($HOST, $PORT) = ('', '1337'); if( scalar(@ARGV) != 3 ){ print STDERR "Usage : $0 time-to-live comman +ds-per-second-min commands-per-second-max\n"; exit(1) } my ($ttl, $cps_min, $cps_max) = @ARGV; my @queue = (); my $attl = $ttl; # calculate seconds between commands (can be fractional and less than +1) # cps: commands-per-second # spc: seconds-between-commands my ($spc_min, $spc_max) = sort (1.0/$cps_min, 1.0/$cps_max); while($attl > 0 ){ # calculate sleep time before running this command my $rsbc = $spc_min + rand($spc_max-$spc_min); # get a random command my $cmd = $COMMANDS[int(rand(scalar(@COMMANDS)))]; if( rand() < 0.5 ){ # add optional args to command randomly $cmd .= " optional-argument=".int(rand(100000)); } # add command and sleep time to queue push @queue, [$cmd, $rsbc]; # reduce time-to-live $attl -= $rsbc; } # end the session push @queue, ['QUIT 123', $spc_min]; my $num_cmds = scalar(@queue); print "$0 : here is the list of comamnds and sleep times to send to se +rver:\n"; print $_->[0].' and sleep for '.$_->[1]." s\n" for @queue; my $tel = Net::Telnet->new( Host => $HOST, Port => $PORT ) or die "telnet new failed for ${HOST}:${PORT}"; $tel->open() or die "telnet open() failed, $!"; # important to set the prompt correctly # otherwise you may get 'pattern match read eof' # see also $tel->prompt('/>/') or die "telnet prompt() failed, $!"; my $time_started = time; print "$0 : starting...\n"; foreach (@queue){ my ($cmd, $rsbc) = @$_; print "$0 : sending command '$cmd' ... \n"; my @lines = $tel->cmd($cmd); print "$0 : data received:\n".join("\n", @lines)."\n--- end da +ta received.\n"; print "$0 : sleeping for $rsbc s ...\n"; Time::HiRes::sleep($rsbc); } print "$0 : shutting down ...\n"; $tel->close() or die "close(), $!"; print "$0 : done send $num_cmds commands in ".(time-$time_started)." s +.\n"; exit(0);

    Use it like so: 10 1 2 for sending between 1 and 2 commands per second over a total of 10 seconds to the server.

    If you want to test multiple simultaneous client connections do this:

    for i in `seq 1 2`; do (./ 10 1 2; st=$?; if [ $st -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAILED with $st"; fi) & done

    Replace seq 1 2 to seq 1 1000 to test 1000 clients simultaneously and see if your OS can handle that.

    bw, bliako

Re: Client-Server app
by radu (Initiate) on Oct 02, 2018 at 13:28 UTC

    Ok, finally got a working code, I tested it with 1000 simultaneous clients running random commands and works pretty well.

    I'm using 3 shared hashes to mantain a shared relation between IP'ss and tokens for each one

    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use threads; use threads::shared; use DBI; use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP); use POE::Component::SSLify qw(Server_SSLify SSLify_Options); use Getopt::Long; my %allowed : shared; my %token : shared; my %auth : shared; my $loglevel = 5; # MySQL connection variables my $dbhost = ""; my $dbname = "db_mydb"; my $dbtable = "tab_mytable"; my $ipcol = "col_ip_address"; my $tokencol = "col_token"; my $dbuser = "root"; my $dbpass = "*****"; my $dbport = "3306"; my $listen_address = ''; my $listen_port = '1337'; my $listen_conns = '100'; my $ssl = 0; my $ssl_certfile = 'listener.crt'; my $ssl_keyfile = 'listener.key'; my $ssl_version = 'default'; GetOptions( # Help handler 'help|h' => \&handle_help, # SSL related options 'ssl=i' => \$ssl, 'cert=s' => \$ssl_certfile, 'key=s' => \$ssl_keyfile, # Listen options 'address=s' => \$listen_address, 'port=i' => \$listen_port, 'conns=i' => \$listen_conns, # MySQL options 'dbhost=s' => \$dbhost, 'dbname=s' => \$dbname, 'dbtable=s' => \$dbtable, 'ipcol=s' => \$ipcol, 'tokencol=s' => \$tokencol, 'dbuser=s' => \$dbuser, 'dbpass=s' => \$dbpass, 'dbport=i' => \$dbport, # Misc options 'loglevel=i' => \$loglevel ); param_check($ssl, $ssl_certfile, $ssl_keyfile, $listen_address, $liste +n_port, $listen_conns); threads->new(\&update_tokens); POE::Component::Server::TCP->new( # Listen options Address => $listen_address, Port => $listen_port, Concurrency => $listen_conns, # Server handlers Error => \&handle_server_error, Started => \&handle_server_started, Stopped => \&handle_server_stopped, # Client handlers ClientPreConnect => \&handle_client_pre_connect, ClientConnected => \&handle_client_connect, ClientDisconnected => \&handle_client_disconnect, ClientInput => \&handle_client_input, ClientError => \&handle_client_error, ClientFlushed => \&handle_client_flushed, ); # Start the server. POE::Kernel->run(); exit 0; sub handle_client_pre_connect { my ($session, $heap, $socket) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; unless (client_allowed($remote_ip)){ logger("ERROR", "Connection from ${remote} with Session-ID ${s +ession_id} denied by IP Policy"); return undef; } if($ssl){ eval { SSLify_Options($ssl_keyfile, $ssl_certfile, $ssl_versio +n) }; if($@){ logger("ERROR", "Server unable to load key or certificate +file."); return undef; } my $ssl_socket = eval { Server_SSLify($socket) }; if($@){ logger("ERROR", "Server unable to make an SSL connection." +); return undef; } return $ssl_socket; } else { return $socket; } } sub handle_client_connect { my ($session, $heap, $input) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $client = $heap->{client}; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; $client->put("Welcome ${remote} your Session-ID is ${session_id}") +; $client->put("Type 'help' for a complete list of accepted commands +"); logger("WARN", "Client ${remote} connected with Session-ID ${sessi +on_id}"); } sub handle_client_disconnect { my ($session, $heap, $input) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $client = $heap->{client}; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; if($auth{$session_id}){ delete $auth{$session_id}; logger("WARN", "Client ${remote} with Session-ID ${session_id} + logged out"); } logger("WARN", "Client ${remote} with Session-ID ${session_id} dis +connected"); } sub handle_client_input { my ($session, $heap, $input) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $client = $heap->{client}; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; if ($input =~ /^login(\s|$)/i){ if (auth_check($session_id)){ $client->put("${remote} with Session-ID ${session_id} Alre +ady logged in!"); } else { my @login = split /\s+/, $input; if(token_check($remote_ip, $login[1])){ $auth{$session_id} = 1; $client->put("Logged in with Session-ID: ${session_id} +!"); logger("WARN", "Client ${remote} with Session-ID ${ses +sion_id} logged in"); } else { $client->put('Access denied!'); $_[KERNEL]->yield("shutdown"); logger("ERROR", "Client ${remote} with Session-ID ${se +ssion_id} failed login attempt"); } } return; } if ($input eq "quit") { $client->put("Goodbye ${remote}"); $_[KERNEL]->yield("shutdown"); return; } if (auth_check($session_id)){ if ($input eq "ping") { $client->put("pong"); return; } if ($input eq "logout") { delete $auth{$session_id}; $client->put("Logged out from Session-ID: ${session_id}"); logger("WARN", "Client ${remote} with Session-ID ${session +_id} logged out"); return; } if ($input eq "whoami") { $client->put("Your IP Address is ${remote_ip}"); $client->put("Your communication port is ${remote_port}"); return; } if ($input eq "help") { $client->put("Only can use quit if you want to exit"); return; } logger("WARN", "Client ${remote} Session-ID ${session_id}: ${ +input}"); } else { logger("WARN", "Client ${remote} with Session-ID ${session_id} + tried input: ${input}"); $client->put('Login required!'); } } sub handle_client_error { my ($syscall_name, $err_num, $err_str) = @_[ARG0..ARG2]; logger("ERROR", "Client: ${err_num} - ${err_str}"); } sub handle_client_flushed { my ($session, $heap, $input) = @_[SESSION, HEAP, ARG0]; my $session_id = $session->ID; my $client = $heap->{client}; my $remote_ip = $heap->{remote_ip}; my $remote_port = $heap->{remote_port}; my $remote = "[${remote_ip}]:${remote_port}"; logger("INFO", "Client ${remote} flushed"); } sub handle_server_started { logger("WARN", "Server [${listen_address}]:${listen_port} started" +); } sub handle_server_stopped { logger("WARN", "Server [${listen_address}]:${listen_port} stopped" +); } sub handle_server_error { my ($syscall_name, $err_num, $err_str) = @_[ARG0..ARG2]; if($err_num){ logger("ERROR", "Server: ${err_num} - ${err_str}"); } } sub update_tokens { my $dbi_dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=${dbname};host=${dbhost};port=$ +{dbport}"; my %sql_opts = ( PrintError => 0 ); my @sql_conn = ($dbi_dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, \%sql_opts); my $dbi_conn = DBI->connect(@sql_conn); if (!$dbi_conn){ logger("FATAL", "Unable to connect to ${dbhost}:${dbport} - $D +BI::errstr"); logger("FATAL", "Retry in 60 seconds..."); sleep 60; } else { logger("INFO", "Connected to ${dbhost}:${dbport}"); } my $dbsel_stmt = $dbi_conn->prepare("SELECT ${ipcol}, ${tokencol} +FROM ${dbtable}"); while (1){ logger("INFO", "Running auth-update worker child process"); unless ($dbi_conn->ping) { logger("FATAL", "Unable to connect to ${dbhost}:${dbport}, + retry in 60 seconds"); sleep 60; $dbi_conn = DBI->connect(@sql_conn); } if($dbsel_stmt->execute()){ my %newallow; while (my @array = $dbsel_stmt->fetchrow_array){ $newallow{$array[0]} = 1; if($token{$array[0]}){ if($token{$array[0]} ne $array[1]){ $token{$array[0]} = $array[1]; logger("INFO", "Token for $array[0] updated"); } } else { $token{$array[0]} = $array[1]; logger("INFO", "Added token for IP $array[0]"); } } for my $ip (keys %token){ if(!$newallow{$ip}){ logger("INFO", "${ip} removed from allowed IP's"); delete $allowed{$ip}; delete $token{$ip}; } else { if(!client_allowed($ip)){ $allowed{$ip} = 1; logger("INFO", "${ip} added to allowed IP's"); } } } logger("INFO", "Done auth-update worker child process"); } else { logger("FATAL", "Cannot execute SQL Statement"); } sleep 30; } } sub token_check { my ($client_ip, $input) = @_; if (!defined $input || $input eq ''){ return undef; } else { if ($input eq $token{$client_ip}){ return 1; } else { return undef; } } } sub auth_check { my $session_id = shift; return $auth{$session_id}; } sub client_allowed { my $ip = shift; return $allowed{$ip}; } sub param_check { my ($ssl, $ssl_certfile, $ssl_keyfile, $listen_address, $listen_po +rt, $listen_conns) = @_; if($ssl){ logger("INFO", "SSL support enabled"); if(-e $ssl_certfile){ logger("INFO", "SSL Certificate file loaded"); } else { logger("FATAL", "SSL enabled and no certificate file found +!"); exit(1); } if(-e $ssl_keyfile){ logger("INFO", "SSL Key file loaded"); } else { logger("FATAL", "SSL enabled and no key file found!"); exit(1); } } else { logger("INFO", "SSL support not enabled"); } if($listen_address =~/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$ +/ && (($1<=255 && $1 >= 0) && ($2<=255 && $2 >= 0) && ($3<=255 && $3 +>= 0) && ($4<=255 && $4 >= 0))){ logger("INFO", "IPv4 Address parsed correctly: ${listen_addres +s}"); } else { logger("FATAL", "Invalid IPv4 Address provided: ${listen_addre +ss}"); exit(1); } if(($listen_port < 65536) && ($listen_port > 0)){ logger("INFO", "Port number parsed correctly: ${listen_port}") +; } else { logger("FATAL", "Invalid port number provided: ${listen_port}" +); exit(1); } if($listen_conns >= -1){ logger("INFO", "Simultaneous connections parsed correctly: ${l +isten_conns}"); } else { logger("FATAL", "Invalid simultaneous connections provided: ${ +listen_conns}"); exit(1); } } sub logger { my ($level, $msg) = @_; my $numlevel = 0; if ($level eq 'FATAL') { $numlevel = 1; } elsif ($level eq 'ERROR') { $numlevel = 2; } elsif ($level eq 'WARN') { $numlevel = 3; } elsif ($level eq 'INFO') { $numlevel = 4; } elsif ($level eq 'DEBUG') { $numlevel = 5; } else { $numlevel = 4; } if ($numlevel <= $loglevel) { warn "$level: $msg\n"; } } sub handle_help { print "\nUsage ${0} [OPTS]\n\n"; print "Available options:\n\n"; print "General options:\n"; print " --help => No arguments expected, will show this hel +p text\n"; print " --loglevel => Number between 0 and 5 expected.\n"; print " 0 - DISABLED: Log disabled\n"; print " 1 - FATAL: Fatal logging only\n"; print " 2 - ERROR: Fatal and error logging\n"; print " 3 - WARN: Fatal, error and warn logging\n +"; print " 4 - INFO: Fatal, error, warn and info log +ging\n"; print " 5 - DEBUG: All logging\n"; print "\nSSL Related options:\n"; print " --ssl => Accepted values:\n"; print " 1 - Enable SSL support (cert and key) opt +ion required\n"; print " 0 - Don't enable SSL support, only plain +text support\n"; print " --cert => Certificate file path required for SSL en +cription\n"; print " --key => Certificate key file path required for SS +L encription\n"; print "\nConnection options:\n"; print " --address => Listening address, default \"${listen_add +ress}\"\n"; print " --port => Listening port, default \"${listen_port}\ +"\n"; print " --conns => Concurrent connections, default \"${liste +n_conns}\"\n"; print "\nMySQL options:\n"; print " --dbhost => Database server IP, default \"${dbhost}\" +\n"; print " --dbname => Database table name, default \"${dbname}\ +"\n"; print " --dbtable => MySQL table name, default \"${dbtable}\"\ +n"; print " --ipcol => IP column name in MySQL table, default \" +${ipcol}\"\n"; print " --tokencol => Token column name in MySQL table, default + \"${tokencol}\"\n"; print " --dbuser => Database username, default \"${dbuser}\"\ +n"; print " --dbpass => Database password, default \"${dbpass}\"\ +n"; print " --dbport => Database server port number, default \"${ +dbport}\"\n"; exit(0); }

    I'm not 100% sure about the handling of the thread element and if all is ok, but is working.

    I don't know if it will be helpfuly for someone but as I got lot of help from perlmonks I want it to be here for everyone who wants to use it or use some parts of it

    What I need now is some tips or something that can be improved, but for now, It's working in replacement to my old PHP api and is about 400-500% faster.

Re: Client-Server app
by bliako (Monsignor) on Sep 28, 2018 at 11:40 UTC

    also, add the following in your server where you handle the QUIT case:

    my $ret = $client_socket->shutdown(2); if( ! defined($ret) ){ print STDERR "$0 : error shutdown() : not a val +id filehandle.\n"; } elsif( $ret == 0 ){ print STDERR "$0 : error shutdown() : $!\n"; } else { print "$0 : socket shutdown OK\n"; }