in reply to Project Board

Another idea would be to use those resources (like sourceforge) to create a project area for Perlmonks and/or the Everything engine. I know I started working on some stuff almost a year ago, and then I was blind-sided by the drop in contract earnings. I have had to stop almost all of my outside efforts so I can put food on the table, save for college, etc. It would have been nice to have my stuff on a development site somewhere to be picked up by someone else. (I could have, should have, but didn't) As life gets normalized again in the next 18 months (recovery please), I will start contributing again.

A purely Perl board would be nice, since it would be in Perl. It would provide a centralized location for examples of coding in Perl. It would provide a centralized location for peer reviews. We might decide to do things differently here (yeah reinventing a slightly different wheel). Maybe our gracious host could get some income to help pay for the expenses out of it (or even a well earned supplement to his current income.) If done with the everything engine, then this entire site could be integrated with projects.

I think this actually heads back to the Professionalism in Perl issue. A project board could also be used to teach less guru-ish programmers how to properly participate in a project. That in and of itself might be the biggest reason of all.

I would be glad to pitch in a few hours a week. (Sorry, all I have to spare at 80+ hours per week work).
