A possible new idiom for deleting array elements?
my @arr = 1 .. 20; my @excludes = (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19); @arr[@excludes] = (); @arr = grep $_, @arr; print join(" : ", @arr)."\n";
"Python is like Perl's tightly-wound, responsible, predictable cousin from out of town who has a funny foreign accent. ;)" -rudder
use DBI; #connect and stuff. create the DB handle my %hash = ( 'col1'=>$somevalue, 'col2'=>$someothervalue, 'col3'=>$yav); my $sql = qq~INSERT INTO table1(~ . join(',', sort keys %hash). qq~) VALUES(~. join(',',(('?') x scalar( keys %hash))). qq~)~; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(@hash{(sort keys %hash)});