in reply to Perl and maths

Here are the beginnings of a brief skeleton of an evaluator for simple (and fully parenthesized) arithmetic expressions to get you started. It prints out all of the intermediate steps before it gets to the final answer. You'd need to swizzle the results around to get exactly what you wanted, but I think you get the idea...
1 + 2 = 3
3 + 4 = 7
5 * 6 = 30
7 + 30 = 37
3 + 37 = 40
Final Answer: 40
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Evaluate simplified arithmetic expressions # use re 'eval'; #use recursive regex for parsing use strict; our $num = qr{\d+}; our $op = qr{[+*/\-]}; # an expression is a number or a pair of expressions separated by # an operator, enclosed in parens. our $exp; $exp = qr{$num|\(\s*(??{$exp})\s*$op\s*(??{$exp})\s*\)}s; # Something to test the evaluator with my @tests = ("(1+2)","((3+4)+(5+6))","((1+2)+((3+4)+(5*6)))"); for my $t (@tests) { print "$t\n"; print "Final Answer: ", simplify($t); print "\n\n"; } sub simplify { my $e = shift; if($e =~ /^($num)$/s) { return $1; } elsif ($e =~ /^\(($exp)\+($exp)\)$/s) { my ($l, $r) = ($1,$2); my $left = simplify($l); my $right = simplify($r); my $sum = $left + $right; # You'll need to do more here if # you're doing fractions. print "$left + $right = $sum\n"; return "$sum"; } elsif ($e =~ /^\(($exp)-($exp)\)$/s) { #subtraction } elsif ($e =~ /^\(($exp)\*($exp)\)$/s) { my ($l, $r) = ($1,$2); my $left = simplify($l); my $right = simplify($r); my $prod = $left * $right; print "$left * $right = $prod\n"; return "$prod"; } elsif ($e =~ /^\(($exp)\/($exp)\)$/s) { #division } else { die "Syntax error\n"; } }

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Re^2: Perl and maths
by sleepingsquirrel (Chaplain) on Feb 15, 2005 at 19:43 UTC
    Here's a modification to my code above which handles adding fractions and printing out the partial results. Finishing it off is left as an exercise to the reader...



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