in reply to ISO Date Week Number

This is assuming your install of v5.0 has a working
use POSIX 'strftime'; # replace with actual date my @localtime = qw/YYYY MM DD 00 00 00/; # see perldoc -f localtime $localtime[0] -= 1900; $localtime[1] -= 1; print strftime('%V', reverse @localtime);

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Re^2: ISO Date Week Number
by halley (Prior) on Sep 06, 2005 at 15:39 UTC
    From my copy of (perldoc POSIX):
    If you want your code to be portable, your format ("fmt") argument should use only the conversion specifiers defined by the ANSI C standard. These are "aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ%".
    I'm not familiar with the apparently non-standard %V code. Does that offer the "week number" as requested by the original poster? On what platform(s)?

    [ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]

      Yes, it corresponds to ISO's standard definition of a week number.

      Tested on:
      Linux 2.4.21, Perl v5.6.1
      Linux 2.6.10, Perl v5.8.3
      Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.2, Perl v5.8.6

      Of course, if the OP is still using v5.0 I've got no idea what kind of old OS they're using, so YMMV.