in reply to how to construct tree from parent pointer list

Anonymous Monk's code can be slightly beautified:
use strict; use Data::Dumper; my %deep; { my %flat; while (<DATA>) { chomp; my ( $child, $parent ) = /^(.*?):(.*?)$/; # if the parent is new then it's possibly at the root of the struc +ture # like 'a' is unless ( exists $flat{$parent} ) { $flat{parent} = $deep{parent} = {}; } # find the parent, and mark this node as a child of it $flat{$parent}{$child} = ($flat{child} ||= {}) # since $child is a child of $parent it can't be at the root, so d +elete it if it's there delete $deep{$child}; }; }
zz zZ Z Z #!perl