Dear Monks,
having searched the CPAN for 'genetic' and having found nothing of interest, I decided to start this from the scratch.
As a matter of fact I have never before last thursday written an own package/module and am thus quite a newbie to this subject.
I consider it sensible to have The Monks have a look at my module before I get into submitting it to CPAN and TheWorld(tm). It would be very kind if you could point me where I do things

And please keep in mind that this is my first package and POD-writing and so on ;-)

The Main Generalization Modell

... is to use a population of individuals that are represented as an array of allowed tokens. The user has to provide a list of tokens and the fitness function. This way the user can have many different representations: Strings are easy, floats would be binary coded (like in classical genetic algorithm) and rules can be coded as chars or the like...


I have tried to write POD and pod2man produces an output that seems to be a manpage without any error.
I setup a website for all my software at

The Code

package EA::GA; # Author: Stefan Kamphausen <> # Copyright 2001 Stefan Kamphausen. # This implements a Simple Somewhat Generalized Genetic Algorithm # See the bottom of this file for the POD documentation. Search for t +he # DOCS-Header. # You can run this file through either pod2man or pod2html to produce +pretty # documentation in manual or html file format (these utilities are par +t of the # Perl 5 distribution). #################################################################### ## LICENSE #################################################################### # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. # Please Visit # # for recent versions, other (free) software written by this author # and whatever else you might expect from such a page. use strict; #use Data::Dumper; $GA::VERSION='0.6'; sub new { my ($class,$fitness,$tokenref) = @_; my $self = {}; # An array which contains all the individuals as arrays of tokens $self->{pop} = (); # A Hash which contains all the fitness-values adressed by # the concatenated tokens $self->{fitvals} = (); # the 'alphabet' of allowed symbols $self->{tokens} = $tokenref; # user provided fitness function, gets array of tokens as arg $self->{fitness} = $fitness; # default value for mutation probability; may be overridden $self->{mut_prob} = 0.05; # a counter for the generation $self->{generation} = 0; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub init_pop { my ($self,$size,$length) = @_; my ($i,$j); for ($i=0;$i<$size;$i++) { for ($j=0;$j<$length;$j++) { my $rtok = $self->random_token(); #print "RTOK: $rtok\n"; push @{$self->{pop}[$i]}, $rtok; } } #print Dumper(@{$self->{pop}}); $self->calculate_fitness(); $self->sort_pop(); } sub sort_pop { my ($self) = @_; @{$self->{pop}} = sort {$self->{fitvals}{join "",@{$a}} <=> $self->{fitvals}{join "",@{$b +}}} @{$self->{pop}}; } sub calculate_fitness { my ($self) = @_; my ($i,$f); %{$self->{fitvals}} = (); foreach $i (@{$self->{pop}}) { #print "CALC: Indiv:",@{$i},"\n"; $f = &{$self->{fitness}}(@{$i}); $self->{fitvals}{join "",@{$i}} = $f; } } ### Return some values sub best_fit { my $self = shift; return $self->{fitvals}{join("",@{$self->{pop}[0]})}; } sub generation { my $self = shift; return $self->{generation}; } sub random_token { my ($self) = @_; my $max = scalar(@{$self->{tokens}}); my $ran = int rand $max; my $tok = @{$self->{tokens}}[$ran]; #print "Ran: $ran, Max: $max "; #print "Token: $tok\n"; return $tok; } ### Dawn of The Next Generation # combines mutation and crossover sub breed { # FIXME: optional mut_prob my $self = shift; my $opt_mutation_rate = shift; my @new_pop = (); my ($p1,$p2,$c,$i); # mutation my $p_mut = $opt_mutation_rate || $self->{mut_prob}; # prepare for roulette wheel my $a_sum = 0; my @fit = (); foreach (@{$self->{pop}}) { # my $f = $self->{fitvals}{join "",@{$_}}; # $a_sum += 1.0/($f+1); # push @fit, $f; my $f = $self->{fitvals}{join "",@{$_}}; my $f2 = 1.0/($f+1); $a_sum += $f2; push @fit, $f2; } @fit = sort {$b <=> $a} @fit; #print "BREED: Fitness\n",Dumper(@fit),"\n\n"; my $length = scalar(@{$self->{pop}}); # Golden Cage $new_pop[0] = @{$self->{pop}}[0]; # Choose Parents for ($i=1;$i<$length;$i++) { $p1 = rwheel(\@fit,$a_sum); $p2 = rwheel(\@fit,$a_sum); # print "P1: $p1 P2: $p2\n"; push @new_pop, $self->crossover_mut($p1,$p2,$p_mut); } @{$self->{pop}} = @new_pop; $self->calculate_fitness(); $self->sort_pop(); return ++$self->{generation}; } sub mutate { my ($self,$rate) = @_; my ($ran,$i,$t); my $the_rate = $rate || $self->{mut_prob}; foreach $i (@{$self->{pop}}) { for ($t=0;$t<scalar(@{$i});$t++) { $ran = rand(); if ($ran < $the_rate) { @{$i}[$t] = $self->random_token(); } } } } sub crossover_mut { my $self = shift; my $p1 = shift; my $p2 = shift; my $opt_mutation_rate = shift; my ($ran,$t,$new_size); $ran = rand(); my $pmut = $opt_mutation_rate || $self->{mut_prob}; my $pp1 = (1.0-$pmut)/2.0; # 50:50 for the size of the new one my @new = (); if ($ran < 0.5) { $new_size = scalar(@{$self->{pop}[$p1]}) } else { $new_size = scalar(@{$self->{pop}[$p2]}) } for($t=0;$t<$new_size;$t++) { $ran = rand(); # 50:50 to take gene from p1 or p2 unless mutation if ($ran < $pmut) { #print "M"; $new[$t] = $self->random_token(); } elsif ($ran < $pp1) { #print "1"; $new[$t] = @{@{$self->{pop}}[$p1]}[$t]; } else { #print "2"; $new[$t] = @{@{$self->{pop}}[$p2]}[$t]; } } return \@new; } sub crossover { my $self = shift; my $p1 = shift; my $p2 = shift; my ($ran,$t,$new_size); $ran = rand(); # 50:50 for the size of the new one my @new = (); if ($ran < 0.5) { $new_size = scalar(@{$self->{pop}[$p1]}) } else { $new_size = scalar(@{$self->{pop}[$p2]}) } for($t=0;$t<$new_size;$t++) { $ran = rand(); # 50:50 to take gene from p1 or p2 unless mutation if ($ran < 0.5) { $new[$t] = @{@{$self->{pop}}[$p1]}[$t]; } else { $new[$t] = @{@{$self->{pop}}[$p2]}[$t]; } } return \@new; } ### Print-Outs sub dump_indivs { my $self = shift; my $i; my $len = scalar(@{$self->{pop}}); for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { my $s = join("",@{$self->{pop}[$i]}); printf "%4d ",$i; print $s; printf " {%5d}\n",$self->{fitvals}{$s}; } } sub dump_best { my $self = shift; my $s = join("",@{$self->{pop}[0]}); print $s; printf " {%f}\n",$self->{fitvals}{$s}; } ### Random sub rwheel { # random element of an array according to it's value # aka roulette wheel my ($a_ref,$a_sum) = @_; my @arr = @{$a_ref}; my $sum = 0; my $i; # print "RWHEEL: length = ",scalar(@arr),"\n"; # print "RWHEEL ARRAY: ",join(" ",@arr),"\n"; my $ran = rand $a_sum; # print "RWHEEL: RAN $ran < $a_sum\n"; for ($i=0;$i<scalar(@arr);$i++) { $sum += $arr[$i]; # print "\tSUM: $sum \$arr[$i] = $arr[$i]\n"; if ($sum > $ran ) { return $i; } } die "ARGH! I never should have reached this point!\n"; } 1; __END__ ############################################################ # DOCS # ############################################################ =head1 NAME EA::GA - a general genetic algorithm library =head1 SYNOPSIS # This is a little example use EA::GA; # evolve a string that matches this target $target = "Hello_World"; $len = length $target; # create an array of allowed tokens @token = (); for ('a'..'z') { push @token, $_; } for ('A'..'Z') { push @token, $_; } push @token, "_"; # New GA object that sets the alphabet and the # fitness function $p = EA::GA->new(\&fitness_function,\@token); # initialise the population $p->init_pop(100,$len); do { # breed the next generation using crossover and mutation $gen = $p->breed(); printf "[%5d] ", $gen; # built in data dumper $p->dump_best(); # best_fit return the fitness of the best } while ($p->best_fit() > 0 && $gen < 2000); $p->dump_best(); exit(0); # Now all we need is the fitness function that needs to understand # the representation of an individual sub fitness_function { my @indiv_tokens = @_ ; # Representation my $s1 = join "", @indiv_tokens; my $sum = 0; my $f; for($f=0;$f<$len;$f++) { my $z1=substr($s1,$f,1); my $z2=substr($target,$f,1); my $a=(ord($z1)-ord($z2))*(ord($z1)-ord($z2)); $sum +=$a; } return $sum; } =pod =head1 DESCRIPTION C<EA::GA> implements a (hopefully) generalized genetic algorithm. It does this by using an array of allowed tokens as individuals. The user has to provide a fitness function. There the actual representation is implemented. If you got a string of chars it is quite easy: simply join them. If you want to have real numbers you should probably use a bitwise representation and calculate the real values in your fitness function. =head2 The Easy Way The easy setup is pretty easy. With $p = EA::GA->new(\&fitness_function,\@token); you create a new GA object which knows all the allowed tokens and how to calculate the fitness of an individual. Then use $p->init_pop($pop_size,$length_of_individual); to initialise a random population of I<$pop_size> individuals, each of length I<$length_of_individual>. I do not know how to make them of variable length right now. The main thing to do now is use the simplified C<breed()>-method $gen = $p->breed(); You can give an optional argument to the C<breed> method which will be interpreted as the mutation probabiliy. This method combines mutation and crossover (for each token there is a decision from which parent to take the token) and returns the number of the generation. =head2 The Detailed Way There are methods that provide mutation, crossover and other functionality and can be called directly in case you do not want to use the built in C<breed()> method. These and other methods will soon be listed in alphabetical order. Right before that again the note that you probably don't need this. =over 4 =item best_fit() Returns the fitness of the best individual of the whole population if the population is sorted (actually returns the first element of the internal population array). =item calculate_fitness() Updates the (internal) fitness values by calling the user provided fitness function for each individual. =item crossover($p1,$p2) Does a simple crossover schema. All individuals are internally represented as an array of tokens. This crossover needs the numbers of two parents (I<$p1> and I<$p2>), usually drawn using the Roulette Wheel technique. For each token of the offspring there is a fifty:fifty decision whether to take from parent one or parent two. =item crossover_mut($p1,$p2,$optional_mutation_prob) Almost the same as C<crossover()> just that there is a little probabiliy that a new random token is used instead of on of the parents. =item dump_best() This prints the best individual to stdout in a somewhat reasonable way. =item dump_indivs() Prints the whole population including their fitness values. =item generation() Returns the number of the current generation. =item mutate($optional_mutation_prob) Performs a mutation on the whole generation. =item sort_pop() Whenever a new population has been created and the fitness values have been calculated it is necessary to sort the population. Some routines rely on that. =item random_token() Return a random token from the user provided alphabet of allowed tokens. =back =head1 AUTHORS Stefan Kamphausen I<E<lt>mail@skamphausen.deE<gt>> I<> =cut

Stefan K
$dom = ""; ## May The Open Source Be With You! $Mail = "mail@$dom; $Url = "http://www.$dom";

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Simple Generalized Genetic Algorithm
by quidity (Pilgrim) on Jan 31, 2001 at 16:39 UTC

    There is the AI::Gene::Sequence (which also comes with AI::Gene::Simple) which provides a framework for storing, checking and mutating sequences of tokens. This is set up as a base class so that it can be well mapped onto any "problem" set by inheriting the mutation methods while providing your own set of fitness, creation and output methods.

    I'll come clean and admit that I wrote it, but it is there, you can find my email from within the module and I'd be glad to hear from you.

Re: Simple Generalized Genetic Algorithm
by extremely (Priest) on Feb 01, 2001 at 04:14 UTC
    Had you noticed Genetic Programming or breeding Perls on the Best Nodes page? It might be a good one to compare your code to. Some neat stuff in there too. You get my last ++ of the day for having POD in yours. =) (oops, I take that back, you'll get my first vote tomorrow, I done ran out already... =P /me thumps himself on the head.)

    $you = new YOU;
    honk() if $you->love(perl)

      Had you noticed Genetic Programming or breeding Perls on the Best Nodes page? It might be a good one to compare your code to. Some neat stuff in there too.

      Yes I have read that one. I thought about a GP module, too, but -for my PhD supervisors' sake- right now I have to get back to GP in C++ *yuck*

      Maybe quidity and I will merge our efforts...

      You get my last ++ of the day for having POD in yours. =) (oops, I take that back, you'll get my first vote tomorrow, I done ran out already... =P /me thumps himself on the head.)

      Thanks for that :-) It took me hours to get behind the POD format without reading the manpage *grin*

      Stefan K

      $dom = ""; ## May The Open Source Be With You! $Mail = "mail@$dom; $Url = "http://www.$dom";