I don't know whether I had a brand new idea or whether this has already been done.

I have the requirement to generate several report mails. For this I collect some data from some input files and generate mails to certain persons based on this data. The content of this mail is generated by Template::Toolkit2 data.

So what I required is some configuration information for:

  1. What are the input files
  2. What are the template files
  3. Which mail addresses do I have (needed to match names to mail addresses)

My first intention was to use one of the Config::XXX modules. But when I came to the mail templates, I remembered something about T::T2: First level variables are copied and can't be changed, but the structures they point to can be changed. So my T::T2 mail templates look something like this:

[%- Mail.from= 'my.sender@ddress'; Mail.subject= 'This is your requested report'; [ '', 'someoneelse@cc', ]; %] here the body comes

So when invoking the $tt->process, I supply in my variables the "Mail" variable, pointing to an empty hash, and I will receive all the values set in the template:

my $vars= { Mail => {}, # additionally my other variables }; my $output= ''; $tt->process( $template, $vars, \$output) or die $tt->error(); # Here I now have: # $vars->{'Mail'}->{'subject'} etc.

Now I use this approach additionally for my configuration file:

[%- # (String) Name of the main report file Files.defects= 'defect.htm'; # (Hash) additional data files and what to do with asignee # Structure <Name of the data file> => { 'recipient' => ('to'|'no brea +ch to'|'cc') } Files.datafiles ={ 'File1.csv' => { recipient => 'to' }, 'another.csv' => { recipient => 'no breach to'}, 'More.csv' => { recipient => 'cc' }, }; # (Array) List of all mailtemplate file names Files.templates=[ '', '', ]; # (Hash) List of all known e-mail adresses # Structure: <Name as in datafile> => <e-mail @dress> Users.list={ 'Horst Porst' => '', 'Frank Schrank' => '', 'Hans Dampf' => '', 'Ijon Tichy' => '', }; %]

The only things I do is then to invoke that template:

my $config_file= 'sendreport.conf'; my $config= { Users => {}, Files => {}, }; $tt->process($config_file, $config) or die $tt->error();

After that I have all my data in the %$config hash.
