in reply to Chatterbox - should I post/message?

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  1. If you would regret seeing it attributed to you on CNN don't post it.
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  3. Nothing is so complicated it can't be learned in 3 months.
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  • Comment on Re: Chatterbox - should I post/message?

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Re^2: Chatterbox - should I post/message? (learn X in 3 months?)
by Aristotle (Chancellor) on May 10, 2003 at 19:42 UTC
    Nothing is so complicated it can't be learned in 3 months.
    Is that true.

    Makeshifts last the longest.

      Great link++.

      There were several places in that where I said. "That's what I've be saying!", out loud.

      There were also several other places where I physically felt the metaphoric slap in the face.
