Category: Miscellaneous
Author/Contact Info Murray Barton <muzza at iinet dot net dot au>
Description: As I spend most of my time in cygwin with an xterm to some unix host or another swapping back to Notes for a phone number seemed like a pain :) I added the number matching facility to help auditing my phone bill.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -h to print the help doco
# to generate the export of the notes address book, go to
# address book, 
# file->export-> <choose file name> ->export -> 
# <replace if file already exists> -> 
# <select all documents> <select character code 12> 
# <select wrap width=75> ->OK

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;

my %settings = ( 
  debug => 0,
  print_fields => ["CompanyName", "OfficePhoneNumber", 
                   "CellPhoneNumber", "PhoneNumber", 
                   "MailAddress", "OfficeFAXPhoneNumber"],
  number_srch      => 0,
  print_all_fields => 0,

# $settings->{print_fields}: we will print these if they have a value

  my %args;
  local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { print "$_[0]\n"; help(); exit 1; };
  getopts("n:ha", \%args);
  $args{h} and do { help(); exit; };
  $settings{number_srch}      = $args{n} if $args{n};
  $settings{print_all_fields} = 1        if $args{a};

my $address_file = $ENV{'HOME'} . '/dev/docs/address.txt' ;
my @addresses;

my $pattern = $ARGV[0] || '.*';
$pattern =~ s/(?<!\.)\*/\.\*/g;
$pattern = '\b' . $pattern;

print "[$pattern]\n" if $settings{debug};

for my $record ( @addresses ){
  if ( $settings{number_srch} ){
    for ( @{$settings{print_fields}} ){
      if ( $record->{$_} =~ /$settings{number_srch}/ ){
  if ( $record->{FullName} =~ /$pattern/i ){

sub print_record {
  my $record = $_[0];
  my $full_name = $record->{FullName};
  $full_name = parse_full_name($full_name) if ( $full_name =~ /,/ );
  print $full_name, ":\n";
  unless ($settings{print_all_fields}){
    for ( @{$settings{print_fields}} ){
      my $value = $record->{$_};
      # don't print the company name if it is "personal"
      next if ( /^CompanyName$/ and $value =~ /^personal$/i );
      printf "\t%-20s: %s\n", $_, $value if ( $value );

    # notes can give them an InternetAddress instead of a MailAddress.
    if ( ! $record->{MailAddress} ){
      my $value = $record->{InternetAddress};
      printf "\t%-20s: %s\n", 'InternetAddress', $value if ( $value );

  # print everything!
  for (keys %{$record}){
    my $value = $record->{$_};
    printf "\t%-20s: %s\n", $_, $value if ( $value );

sub read_address_file {
  my $address_file = shift || die "You didn't tell me the name of the 
+address file!\n";
  my @temp=();
  open(ADDRESS, $address_file) || die "Could not open $address_file: $
  while (<ADDRESS>){
    my $rec={};
    if (/^\s*$/ ){  # whitespace record delimiter...
      next if (! @temp);
      for my $fields (@temp){
        my ($field, $value) = split /:\s*/, $fields;
        $value =~ s/\s+/ /g;
        $rec->{$field} = $value;
        if ( $field eq "FullName" ){
          $value =~ s/[\s\W]//g;
          $rec->{SortName} = lc ($value);
      push @addresses, $rec;
      @temp = ();
    push @temp, $_;
  @addresses = sort { $a->{SortName} cmp $b->{SortName} } @addresses;

sub parse_full_name {
# sometimes lotus does odd things to the name... 
  my $name = shift || die "sub parse_full_name did not get a parameter
  my @bits = split /,/, $name;

  for (@bits){
    next if /\./;
    next if /@/;
    next if /=/;
    next unless /\s+/;
    $name = $_;
  return $name;

sub help {
  print "$0: [-n number] [-h] [-a] \"name_pattern\"\n";
  print "\tname pattern: case insensitive, understands *, over-ridden 
+by -n\n";
  print "\t-n matches numerically against number\n";
  print "\t-h prints this message\n";
  print "\t-a print all fields not just the default ones\n";
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Lotus Notes address book export browser
by WhiteBird (Hermit) on Jun 10, 2003 at 20:31 UTC
    ++ This works very nicely. Thanks for providing it. I have 3 options of where/how to export my Lotus Address Book, and I exported to the Structured Text option which worked perfectly.