!unlike has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi All,
Anyone have any experience in implementing a COPS client in Perl?

I've managed to find a C SDK (from Intel) however my C skills are extremely lacking.

My searches so far have yeld nothing, so I'm not holding out much hope.



I write my Perl code like how I like my sex: fast and dirty. ;)

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Perl Implementation of COPS
by !unlike (Beadle) on Jun 11, 2003 at 15:46 UTC


    For those who do not know what COPS is an acronym for it is:
    Common Open Policy Service

    It is an IETF standard for configuring policies on network equipment (such as routers).

    Those inclined to learn more can read RFC2748 or have a read of the Intel blurb found here



    I write my Perl code like how I like my sex: fast and dirty. ;)