in reply to Longest possible run of a single character

Time to haul out cmpthese:

use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw(cmpthese); my $str; my $len = 0; while ($len < 1000000) { my $runLen = int rand (50); $str .= chr (ord ('a') + int rand (26)) x $runLen; $len += $runLen; } my ($runlen, $start) = Index (); print "Index: Run from $start for $runlen\n"; ($runlen, $start) = Linear (); print "Linear: Run from $start for $runlen\n"; ($runlen, $start) = RegexSort (); print "RegexSort: Run from $start for $runlen\n"; cmpthese (-5, { Index => \&Index, Linear => \&Linear, RegexSort => \&RegexSort, } ); sub Index { my $sstr = substr ($str, 0, 1) . (substr ($str, 1) ^ $str); my @bestRuns; my $match = "\0"; my $bestRunLen = 1; my $scan = 0; while (-1 != ($scan = index $sstr, $match, $scan)) { my $runLen = length ((substr ($sstr, $scan) =~ /(\0+)/)[0]); if ($runLen > $bestRunLen) { # new best match @bestRuns = (); $bestRunLen = $runLen; $match = "\0" x ($bestRunLen); } push @bestRuns, $scan - 1; $scan += $bestRunLen; } return ($bestRunLen + 1, $bestRuns[0]); } sub Linear { my ($c, $maxn, $n, $maxc) = ('', 0); my $bestEnd = 0; for my $index (0..(length($str)-1)) { $_ = substr($str, $index, 1); if ($_ ne $c) { $n = 1; $c = $_; } else { $n++; if ($n > $maxn) { $maxn = $n; $maxc = $c; $bestEnd = $index } } } return ($maxn, $bestEnd - $maxn + 1); } sub RegexSort { return (length ((sort {length $b <=> length $a} $str =~ m[((.)\2+) +]g)[0]), -1); }

Results (using various values for the run length generator):

Index: Run from 701117 for 30 Linear: Run from 701117 for 30 RegexSort: Run from -1 for 30 (warning: too few iterations for a reliable count) s/iter RegexSort Linear Index RegexSort 2.21 -- -54% -97% Linear 1.03 116% -- -94% Index 6.16e-002 3494% 1564% -- Index: Run from 670331 for 125 Linear: Run from 670331 for 125 RegexSort: Run from -1 for 125 Rate Linear RegexSort Index Linear 1.06/s -- -51% -90% RegexSort 2.14/s 102% -- -79% Index 10.2/s 865% 377% -- Index: Run from 749633 for 459 Linear: Run from 749633 for 459 RegexSort: Run from -1 for 459 Rate Linear RegexSort Index Linear 1.05/s -- -77% -82% RegexSort 4.56/s 334% -- -21% Index 5.77/s 450% 27% --

Note that the first three lines of each group are the check results. RegexSort doesn't generate a start index for the match so -1 is shown. However the same length is generated in each case so it is presumed that the same longest match is being found.

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