Keywords: node editing edit modify posts

I must admit that I assumed the Edit feature was a free for all, add-in. It's a nice feature that I alone consider to be a way to ensure that years from now every node contains concise and to the point useful information about "Perl". The Node's history will be of no consequence to anyone looking to solve the same problem later.

IMHO if you want historical information on a node's past edits, there should be a feature for that like on Wikipedia. A separate tab were all the changes can be laid out in chronological order and even a comment on why the change was made. However I do understand that short term knowledge on how a node evolves is essential or at least I can make myself believe this is important and, more importantly, understand the it's important to others.

I looked for such a guide as this thread should evolve to be and didn't find it after 30 seconds, hopefully this thread will be now be in the "I'm feeling lucky" range. As such I do not yet know how to properly format an edit, nothing listed in the obvious place that should list, reference(this node) or contain anything and everything related to formatting a node's content, but currently does not even contain the words edit or modify.