There are many valid questions asked by our fellow monks and visiting lay-persons that have more to do with being a Perl programmer than with Perl itself. Questions regarding ethics, work place situations, developing skills, finding work, putting up with lusers, and so forth are not Perl problems, but they are our problems. The members of our ever expanding monastaries look to eachother for answers that help them do their jobs, so it only follows that they would ask about those jobs.

With that in mind, wouldn't it be beneficial to create a new area of the monastary for these sorts of questions? I think that there are enough of us here that have been (kicked) around the block often enough to provide some insight into professional issues. Granted, there would have to be guidelines -- I really don't care if your mistress found out about you and your girlfriend's sister -- to keep some semblance of order...

If nothing else, it would cut down on the number of 'this is not a Perl question' responses.