I've been here since march. Back then, I had just picked up programming (being a senior in high school coerced into teaching a school club a subject which he knew nothing about), and BASIC was not doing it for me.

I've had no formal education on the subject, but I seem to be moving right along in my education, learning new things all the time. Lately, I've been thinking about why;

I could not attribute it to searching things on my own, because if and when I do find out, I end up having to look it up time and again in the future. It doesn't seem to stick very well.
But when I ask you, the monks, I suppose I'm embarrassed because I feel that everything I ask is stupid. When I get the information that I need, I absorb it because I don't want to have to ask again, lest I anger someone. Granted, it is a silly way to justify learning, but hey, it works for me!

That's why Perl Monks works so well for me.
What does it for you?
$\=" ";$u=0;$w=0;x(qw/4A 16 07 86/);sub x{while(@_){$u**=$w?$w:$#_; print map{$w<$u?chr(hex shift):chr(hex reverse(shift))}$_;$w+=length%2 +!=1?-1:1}}