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Query Does not work in Spreadsheet::WriteExcel

by dirtdog (Monk)
on Jul 21, 2020 at 14:57 UTC ( [id://11119600]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

dirtdog has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks, I have a query that works when executed from a client such as Toad, but when i run it within a perl script using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel No results are returned.

I replaced the "problem" query with a simple one and it returned results. I did this to rule out that something else within the perl script was causing the issue.

Also, i'm definitely pointing to the same database.

select * from ( select to_number(trim(substr(regexp_substr(accnt_info,':93B::ELIG//FAMT/.*',1 +,1),length(':93B::ELIG//FAMT/')+1)),'999999999999999D999999999999999' +,' NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.'' ') as ELIG_AMT, CASE WHEN to_number(trim(substr(regexp_substr(accnt_info,':93B::AFFB// +FAMT/.*',1,1),length(':93B::AFFB//FAMT/')+1)),'999999999999999D999999 +999999999',' NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.'' ') IS NOT NULL THEN to_n +umber(trim(substr(regexp_substr(accnt_info,':93B::AFFB//FAMT/.*',1,1) +,length(':93B::AFFB//FAMT/')+1)),'999999999999999D999999999999999',' +NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.'' ') ELSE to_number(trim(substr(regexp_substr(accnt_info,':93C::AFFB//FAMT/ +ELIG/.*',1,1),length(':93C::AFFB//FAMT/ELIG/')+1)),'999999999999999D9 +99999999999999',' NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.'' ') END as AFFB_AMT, ACT_N, case substr(sec_info,1,4) when '/US/' then 'CUSIP' when '/GB/' then 'SEDOL' when 'ISIN' then 'ISIN' else null end as "SECURITY TYPE", case substr(sec_info,1,4) when '/US/' then SUBSTR(sec_info,5) when '/GB/' then SUBSTR(sec_info,5) when 'ISIN' then SUBSTR(sec_info,6) else null end as "SECURITY NAME", to_date(substr(payd_info,length(':98A::PAYD//')+1,14),'YYYYMMDDHH24MIS +S') as "CALL DATE", CA_ID, CUSTODIAN_NAME, CORP,SEME_N, ISO, msg_function_c "MSG STATUS CODE", LOTO_D as "LOTTERY DATE", CRET_D "MSG DATE", PUBL_D as "RESULTS DATE", to_number(trim(substr(regexp_substr(ssb_info,':90B::[[:alnum:]]*//[[:a +lnum:]]*/USD.*',1,1),length(':93B::AFFB//FAMT/USD')+1)),'999999999999 +999D999999999999999',' NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.'' ')*100 as SSB_ +AMT, CA_STATUS, to_number(trim(substr(regexp_substr(accnt_info,':93B::AFFB//UNIT/.*',1 +,1),length(':93B::AFFB//UNIT/')+1)),'999999999999999D999999999999999' +,' NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.'' ') as AFFB_UNIT_AMT, to_number(trim(substr(regexp_substr(accnt_info,':93C::AFFB//FAMT/ELIG/ +.*',1,1),length(':93C::AFFB//FAMT/ELIG/')+1)),'999999999999999D999999 +999999999',' NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '',.'' ') as AFFB_FAMT_AMT_ELIG + from ( select sdsm1.CA_STATUS, sdsm1.CA_ID, sdsm1.SRC_IP_ID, sdsm1.corp, sdsm1.iso, sdsm1.act_n as ACT_N, sdsm2.seme_n, sdsm2.CUSTODIAN_NAME, regexp_substr(SDSM2.MSG_BODY,'(:16R:ACCTINFO)\W+(:95[[:alnum:]]*)* +\W+:97A::SAFE//'||SDSM1.ACT_N||'(.+?):16S:ACCTINFO',1,1,'n') as accnt +_info, regexp_substr(regexp_substr(SDSM2.MSG_BODY,':16R:USECU\W+:35B:((/U +S/)|(/GB/)|(ISIN ))([[:alnum:]]+)',1,1,'n'),'((/US/)|(/GB/)|(ISIN ))( +[[:alnum:]]+)') as sec_info, decode(sdsm2.src_ip_id,203863,regexp_substr(SDSM2.MSG_BODY,':16R:C +ASHMOVE.*:90B::[[:alnum:]]+//[[:alnum:]]+/USD[[:alnum:],]+',1,1,'n'), +null) as ssb_info, regexp_substr(SDSM2.MSG_BODY,':98[AC-Z]::PAYD//([[:digit:]]+)',1,1 +,'n') as payd_info, sdsm2.msg_body, sdsm2.msg_function_c, sdsm2.cret_d, sdsm1.PMT_D, sdsm1.LOTO_D, sdsm1.PUBL_D from ( SELECT /*+ ORDERED */ distinct FICA.ROW_STAT_C A +S "CA_STATUS", FICA.CA_ID AS "CA_ID", SDSM.SRC_IP_ID, SDSM.CORP_ID AS CORP, SDSM.CAEV_TY_C AS ISO, SDSA.ACT_N, FIRST_VALUE(SDSM.SEME_N) over (partition by SDSM +.SRC_IP_ID, SDSM.CORP_ID, SDSM.ACT_N ORDER BY SDSM.CRET_D DESC) AS LA +ST_SEME, FICD.PMT_D, FICD.LOTO_D, FICD.PUBL_D FROM DATA FICA INNER JOIN TRANSACTION FICD ON FI +CD.CA_ID = FICA.CA_ID INNER JOIN MESSAGE SDSM ON FICD.SRC_IP_ID = SDSM +.SRC_IP_ID AND FICD.VEND_CA_ID = SDSM.CORP_ID AND SDSM.REC_ +T = '564' AND SDSM.CAEV_TY_C IN ('DRAW','PCAL') and SDSM.CRET_D between (case when trim(to_char( +sysdate,'Day')) ='Monday' then trunc(SYSDATE -3) else trunc(SYSDATE - +1) end) and SYSDATE +1 AND SDSM.msg_function_c <> 'WITH' INNER JOIN ACCOUNTS SDSA ON FICD.SRC_IP_ID = SDSA.SRC_IP_ID AND FICD.VEND_CA_ID = SDSA.CORP_ID WHERE FICA.REQ_C = 'H' ) sdsm1, MESSAGE sdsm2 where sdsm2.corp_id = sdsm1.corp and sdsm2.src_ip_id = sdsm1.src_ip_id and sdsm2.seme_n = sdsm1.LAST_SEME and regexp_substr(SDSM2.MSG_BODY,'(:16R:ACCTIN +FO)\W+(:95[[:alnum:]]*)*\W+:97A::SAFE//'||SDSM1.ACT_N||'(.+?):16S:ACC +TINFO',1,1,'n') is not null ) ) where nvl(affb_amt,0) >= 0 OR nvl(AFFB_UNIT_AMT,0) >= 0

As you can see there are some analytic funtions and seems a little complex, but it doesn't fail. It just doesn't return any rows within the perl script. I thought perhaps there is some limitation with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel as to how complex a query can be or something.

Any help or tip would be very much appreciated.


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Re: Query Does not work in Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
by Corion (Patriarch) on Jul 21, 2020 at 15:00 UTC

    If the SQL works otherwise, why are you showing us the SQL and not the Perl code that has the problem writing it?

    Your post title claims "Spreadsheet::WriteExcel", but you are not showing any code using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.

      Hi, because i proved that the perl code works by substituting the complex query with a simple one. The question is does Spreadsheet::WriteExcel have any limitations on how complex a query can be. I know there is no issue with the perl code within the script

        Spreadsheet::WriteExcel does not know anything about (SQL) queries. There is something else that runs the SQL query on your server and then hands over the query results to Spreadsheet::WriteExcel. Whatever that part does, you have not shown us its code, and maybe there is where (part of) the problem is.

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