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Re^8: Immediately writing the results of search-and-replace

by elemkeh (Acolyte)
on Aug 08, 2022 at 19:05 UTC ( [id://11146037]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^7: Immediately writing the results of search-and-replace
in thread Immediately writing the results of search-and-replace

Great, that worked. Thank you! (Using Perl 5.30, apparently) Now I'm getting the following error:
Can't locate object method "edit" via package "IO::File" at line 65 (#1) (F) You called a method correctly, and it correctly indicated a packag +e functioning as a class, but that package doesn't define that particula +r method, nor does any of its base classes. See perlobj.
Which pertains to the subroutine beginning with $target_file->edit( sub I am currently updating my CPAN modules (which is taking quite a long time) in hopes that will resolve the issue. EDIT: Updating CPAN modules did not resolve this issue. EDIT 2: After doing some more digging, it looks like the edit method comes from Path::Tiny, so I tried changing the start of the subroutine like so:
sub search_and_replace { open my $target_file, "<", $_; my $filename = path($_); my $pos = 0; my $more = 1; while( $more ) { $filename->edit( sub { pos($_) = $pos; if( /$match/g ) { my ( $was, $where, $pre, $post ) = ( $1, $-[1], $`, $'); print "\n", $pre =~ s/^.*\n(?=.*\n)//sr, "$old$was$reset", $post =~ s/\n.*?\n\K.*//sr, "\n"; my $replace = ask( $was ); $was eq $replace or substr $_, $where, length $was, $replace +; $pos = $where + length $replace; } else { $more = 0 } } ); # print "\e[33m", $target_file->slurp, "\e[0m"; # FIXME here for + testing } close $target_file; }
Which gets me a Use of uninitialized value $_ in scalar assignment at line 54 (#1) error. Line 54 is pos($_) = $pos;.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^9: Immediately writing the results of search-and-replace
by tybalt89 (Monsignor) on Aug 08, 2022 at 19:54 UTC

    EDIT: do not use, overwrites a csv file

    That ->edit is in Path::Tiny. Your use of $target_file is wrong, also the open() and close() are not needed. Here's a version of mine combined with yours to do what I think you want to do.

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # use warnings; use List::AllUtils qw( nsort_by uniq ); use Path::Tiny; use Text::CSV qw( csv ); my $dir = path( '/tmp/dir.1114597' ); mkdir $dir; my $csv = path( $ARGV[0] // "$dir/11145971,csv" ); path( $csv )->spew( <<END ); whitelist entries,Noun,access list entries IP whitelist,Noun,IP access list IP whitelist entries,Noun,IP access list entries whitelist,Adjective,allow whitelist,Noun,access list whitelist,Noun,access-list whitelist,Verb,allow your whitelist,Noun,your access list your whitelist,Noun,my permission list your whitelist,Noun,thy permission list your whitelist,Noun,his permission list your whitelist,Noun,her permission list your whitelist,Noun,its permission list your whitelist,Noun,our permission list your whitelist,Noun,your permission list your whitelist,Noun,their permission list END my $testfile = path( "$dir/something.txt"); $testfile->spew( <<END ); a. this is some whitelist test b. for IP whitelist testing and your whitelist c. line with no replacement d. with whitelist and IP whitelist entries and IP whitelist entries ag +ain. e. this is another whitelist test END my ($old, $new, $reset) = map "\e[${_}m", 91, 92, 0; my %table; push @{ $table{ lc $_->[0] } }, $_->[2] for @{ csv( in => "$csv" ) }; my $match = qr/(@{[ join '|', map quotemeta($_), nsort_by { -length } keys %table ]})/i; use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd \%table, $match; path( $ARGV[1] // $dir )->visit( sub # NOTE replaces Find::File { /\.(?:txt|rst|yaml)$/ and search_and_replace($_); }, { recurse => 1 } ); print "\n", $testfile->slurp; # FIXME for debugging sub search_and_replace { my ($target_file) = @_; my $pos = 0; # NOTE replaces whole file for each change my $more = 1; while( $more ) { $target_file->edit( sub { pos($_) = $pos; if( /$match/g ) { my ( $was, $where, $pre, $post ) = ( $1, $-[1], $`, $'); print "\n", $pre =~ s/^.*\n(?=.*\n)//sr, "$old$was$reset", $post =~ s/\n.*?\n\K.*//sr, "\n"; my $replace = ask( $was ); $was eq $replace or substr $_, $where, length $was, $replace; $pos = $where + length $replace; } else { $more = 0 } } ); } } sub ask { my ($was) = @_; my @choices = uniq @{ $table{ lc $was } }; local $| = 1; if( @choices > 1 ) { my $n = 1; printf "%8d. $new%s$reset\n", $n++, $_ for @choices; print " replace '$old$was$reset' with ${new}above pick$reset ( +or 0 to not change) : "; my $pick = <STDIN> =~ tr/0-9//cdr || 0; 0 <= $pick && $pick <= @choices or $pick = 0; return ($was, @choices)[$pick]; } else { print " replace '$old$was$reset' with '$new@choices$reset' ? y +es/no : "; return <STDIN> =~ /y/i ? $choices[0] : $was; } }

      Protects csv file, and a couple of other minor tweaks.

      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # use warnings; use List::AllUtils qw( nsort_by uniq ); use Path::Tiny; use Text::CSV qw( csv ); my $dir = path( '/tmp/dir.1114597' ); mkdir $dir; my $csv = "$dir/11145971,csv"; path( $csv )->spew( <<END ); whitelist entries,Noun,access list entries IP whitelist,Noun,IP access list IP whitelist entries,Noun,IP access list entries whitelist,Adjective,allow whitelist,Noun,access list whitelist,Noun,access-list whitelist,Verb,allow your whitelist,Noun,your access list your whitelist,Noun,my permission list your whitelist,Noun,thy permission list your whitelist,Noun,his permission list your whitelist,Noun,her permission list your whitelist,Noun,its permission list your whitelist,Noun,our permission list your whitelist,Noun,your permission list your whitelist,Noun,their permission list END $csv = $ARGV[0] // $csv; # use ARG if present my $testfile = path( "$dir/something.txt"); $testfile->spew( <<END ); a. this is some whitelist test b. for IP whitelist testing and your whitelist c. line with no replacement d. with whitelist and IP whitelist entries and IP whitelist entries ag +ain. e. this is another whitelist test END my ($old, $new, $reset) = map "\e[${_}m", 91, 92, 0; my %table; push @{ $table{ lc $_->[0] } }, $_->[2] for @{ csv( in => "$csv" ) }; my $match = qr/(@{[ join '|', map quotemeta($_), nsort_by { -length } keys %table ]})/i; #use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd \%table, $match; path( $ARGV[1] // $dir )->visit( sub # NOTE replaces File::Find { -f $_ && /\.(?:txt|rst|yaml)$/ and search_and_replace($_); }, { recurse => 1 } ); print "\n", $testfile->slurp; # FIXME for debugging sub search_and_replace { my ($target_file) = @_; my $pos = 0; # NOTE replaces whole file for each change my $more = 1; while( $more ) { $target_file->edit( sub { pos($_) = $pos; if( /$match/g ) { my ( $was, $where, $pre, $post ) = ( $1, $-[1], $`, $'); print "\n", $pre =~ s/^.*\n(?=.*\n)//sr, "$old$was$reset", $post =~ s/\n.*?\n\K.*//sr, "\n"; my $replace = ask( $was ); $was eq $replace or substr $_, $where, length $was, $replace; $pos = $where + length $replace; } else { $more = 0 } } ); } } sub ask { my ($was) = @_; my @choices = uniq @{ $table{ lc $was } }; local $| = 1; if( @choices > 1 ) { my $n = 1; printf "%8d. $new%s$reset\n", $n++, $_ for @choices; print " replace '$old$was$reset' with ${new}above pick$reset ( +or 0 to not change) : "; my $pick = <STDIN> =~ tr/0-9//cdr || 0; 0 <= $pick && $pick <= @choices or $pick = 0; return ($was, @choices)[$pick]; } else { print " replace '$old$was$reset' with '$new@choices$reset' ? y +es/no : "; return <STDIN> =~ /y/i ? $choices[0] : $was; } }
        Bloody brilliant! Thank you for all your help. This whole thread has given me a lot of good material to study to evolve my Perl abilities. After I've had time to digest it, I think I will try to extend this tool to do similar work on filenames using what I've learned.
        After looking around for a while and poking at the code myself, I still don't understand just what is going on with this line:
        my ($old, $new, $reset) = map "\e[${_}m", 91, 92, 0;
        Beyond the fact that this is variable assignment, I don't know what to make of it. It doesn't appear to be a common Perl trick, or if it is I have yet to see another example of it to compare against. Can anyone explain? Thank you.

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