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Tk Virtual Keyboard Example

by zentara (Archbishop)
on Mar 06, 2008 at 18:01 UTC ( [id://672526]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Gui Programming
Author/Contact Info zentara
Description: I received a few requests on how to actually use Tk Virtual Keyboard. Here is a simple example. I encoded the key and password (but left the method in there for instructions), so just looking at the script, will not reveal anything. Ideally, it would be nice to have the key and password on a usb key.

Also, this is just a simple example, I believe it would be possible to run gpg thru IPC::Open3, and you could print the selected keys for the password to your gpg key directly into the gpg input pipe. So you would have your gpg private key on a usb stick, then use the virtual keyboard to enter the armoring password. So the test password for this is 'yadda yadda yadda yadda' ......without the single quotes.

use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 decode_base64 );
use Crypt::CBC;

my $mw=tkinit;
my $tl;


my $getp = $mw->Button(
                 -text=>'Get Password',
                 -font => 'big',
                 -bg => 'yellow',
                 -activebackground => 'hotpink',
                 -command => \&build_keyboard,
          )->pack(-expand=>1,-fill=>'x', -padx=> 5);


sub build_keyboard{

 if ( !Exists( $tl ) ) {
   $tl = $mw->Toplevel();
   $tl->title( "Virtual Keyboard" );

#prevents $tl from destroying on window manager close                 
$tl->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub {                             
       $tl->withdraw; });

# an 8 x 13 grid
my @keys = (

 my $tframe = $tl->Frame()->pack(-expand=>1,-fill=>'both');   
 my $passwd = '';
 my $label = $tframe->Label(-text => "Password: ",
                            -font => 'big',
 my $entry = $tframe->Entry(
         -show => '*',
         -textvariable => \$passwd,
         -bg => 'black',
         -fg => 'white',
         -font => 'big',
         )->pack(-side=>'left',-expand=>1,-fill=>'x', -padx=> 5);

 my $submit = $tframe->Button(
                 -font => 'big',
                 -bg => 'yellow',
                 -activebackground => 'hotpink',
                 -command => [\&submit,$entry],
          )->pack(-side=>'right',-expand=>1,-fill=>'x', -padx=> 5);

 for my $row (1..8){
    my $frame = $tl->Frame()->pack(-expand=>1,-fill=>'both');   
   for my $col (1..13){
     my $l = shift @keys;
     if($l eq 'dummy'){next}else{
          $frame->Button(-text=> $l,
               -bg => 'beige',
               -activebackground => 'lightyellow',
               -font => 'big',
               -command => [\&process_key, $l,\$passwd ],
                 )->pack(-side=>'left',-anchor=>'w', -expand=>1,-fill=

  else {


sub process_key{
  my $key = shift;
  my $passwd_ref = shift;
  #print "$key\n";
  if ($key eq 'Clear'){$$passwd_ref = '';}
  elsif ($key eq 'BackSpace'){ chop $$passwd_ref;}
  elsif ($key eq 'Space'){ $$passwd_ref .= ' '; }
  else{ $$passwd_ref .= $key;}
sub submit {
 my $entry = shift;
#print $entry->get(),"\n";
#my $string = 'yadda yadda yadda yadda';
#print "$string\n";
#my $enc = encryptString( $string );
#print $enc,"\n";
#my $enc64 = encode_base64($enc);
#print $enc64,"\n";

#help avoid prying eyes by storing in encoding
my $enc64 = 'UmFuZG9tSVaifEsw5ZfchSwgyXj0JSxm5UoAgAcwrvX1MQeuK41kow=='
if( $entry->get() eq decryptString(decode_base64($enc64)) ){

     $tl->withdraw;  # save the keyboard for reuse, so second use is f

           -icon => 'warning',
           -message => 'You are in Mr. Phelps',
           -type => 'OK'

           -icon => 'error',
           -message => 'Wrong Guess Try Again',
           -type => 'OK'
sub encryptString {
   my $string = shift;

#my $KEY = 'secret_foo';
#hex of $KEY 
my $KEY = join '', map { chr } (0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74, 0x
+5f, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f);
   my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
      -key        => $KEY,
      -cipher     => 'Blowfish',
      -padding  => 'space',
      -add_header => 1

   my $enc = $cipher->encrypt( $string  );
   return $enc; 


sub decryptString {
   my $string = shift;
   my $KEY = join '', map { chr } (0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x72, 0x65, 0x74,
+ 0x5f, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f);

   my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
      -key        => $KEY,
      -cipher     => 'Blowfish',
      -padding  => 'space',
      -add_header => 1

   my $dec = $cipher->decrypt( $string  );
   return $dec; 

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