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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
#!/usr/bin/perl ### Modules use Tk; use IO::Socket; ### Win32 junk BEGIN { my($win32)=1 if($^O eq 'MSWin32'); if($win32) { eval 'use Win32::Shell'; die "$@\n" if($@); } } ### Configurables $maxlines=500; $blanknode=14532; $delaysec=10; # $proxy=''; ### Code starts here # HTTP request (w/o LWP's complexity) sub httpreq { my($method,$url,$headers,$content)=@_; my($site,$dir,$port,$remote,$req,$result,$code,@top,$bot,$sock); my($e)="\r\n"; # if(defined $proxy) { # print "Through proxy...."; # $proxy=~ m#^http://([^/]+)(/.*)?$#i; # } else { $url=~ m#^http://([^/]+)(/.*)?$#i; # } $site=$1;$dir=$2; $dir="/" unless($dir); if($site =~ /^([^:]+):(\d+)$/) { $remote=$1; $port=$2; } else { $remote=$site; $port=80; } # if(defined $proxy) { # $req="\U$method\E $url HTTP\\1.0$e"; # } else { $req="\U$method\E $dir HTTP\\1.0$e"; # } foreach $j (@$headers) { $req .= "$j$e"; } if($method =~ /POST/i) { my($l)=length $content; $req .= "Content-Length: $l$e$e"; $req .= $content; } else { $req .= $e; } $sock=IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $remote, PeerPort => $port) or return ''; #Nothing $sock->autoflush(1); print $sock $req; $code=<$sock>; my($i)=0; while(<$sock>) { tr/\r\n//d; last if(/^$/); $top[$i++]=$_; $main->update; } $bot=''; while(<$sock>) { $bot .= $_; $main->update; } ($code,$bot,@top); } ### XML minipharser # Splits a message up along XML tags. Returns the message in an array +. sub splitxml { my($d,$fl,@j)=@_; my(@tags,$i,$last); while($d) { "" =~ /(.?)/; if($d =~ s/^(<[^>]+>)//s) { $tags[$i++]=$1; } elsif( $fl && $d =~ s/^(\[[^\]]+\])//s ) { $tags[$i++]=$1; } else { $d=~s/^([^<]+)//s unless($fl); $d=~s/^([^<\[]+)//s if($fl); if(length $1) { $tags[$i++]=$1; } else { $d.=">" if($d=~/^\</); $d.="]" if($d=~/^\[/); } } } (@tags); } # Takes a tag and splits it up into options. # Returns a tag name and an hash. sub splittag { my($tag)=@_; my($i,$j,$k,%opts,@t,$ti); $tag=~ s/^<//; $tag=~ s/>$//; $tag=~ s/^(\S+)\s+//; $ti=$1; while($tag) { $tag =~ s/^([^=]+)(=[\"\']([^\"\']+)[\"\']\s?)?//; $opts{$1}=($2 ? $3 : 1); } ($ti, %opts); } # Pharses a line and translantes all those &amp; thingies... sub xlateamp { my($l,@j)=@_; $l=~ s/&lt;/</g; $l=~ s/&gt;/>/g; $l=~ s/&amp;/&/g; $l=~ s/&#(\d+);/chr($1)/eg; return($l); } ### # URL launcher sub do_url { my($tag)=@_; my($i,$h); if($tag =~ /^url(\d+)/) { $i=$1; $h=$url[$i]; $h=~ s#^id:\/\/(\d+)$#http:\/\/\/$1# +; if($h !~ /^http:\/\// ) { $h =~ s/([^\w ])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; $h =~ s/ /+/g; $h="$h"; } if($win32) { Win32::Shell::Execute("open", $h, undef,undef, "SW_SHOWNORMAL"); } else { system("netscape -remote 'openURL($h)'"); } } } # statnode sub statnode { my($node)=@_; my($i,$j,$k,$l,$fl); my($cd,$doc,@head)=&httpreq("GET", " +enerator&nodes=$node", ["Cookie: $cookie"], ""); my(@lines)=splitxml($doc); $fl=0; for($i=0;$i<@lines;$i++) { $l=$lines[$i]; $l=~ tr/\n\r//d; $l=~ s/^\s+//; $fl++ if($l=~/^<node/i); $fl=0 if($l=~/^<\/node/i); $k=$l if($fl); } $k="id://$node" unless($k); return($k); } # LinePharzer sub do_add { my($msg)=@_; if($raw) { $main_index_list->insert("end","\n$msg"); } else { my($i,$j,$k,$l,%tags,$op); my(@lines)=splitxml($msg,1); $main_index_list->insert("end","\n"); $op=''; for($i=0;$i<scalar @lines;$i++) { $l=$lines[$i]; $tags{'code'}++, next if($l=~/^<\s*code/i && !$tags{'code'}); $tags{'code'}=$op='', next if($l=~/^<\/code/i); unless($tags{'code'}) { if($l=~/^\[([^\]]+)\]/) { $j=$1; $k=$1; if($j=~/^id:\/\/(\d+)$/) { $k=statnode($1); } $j=$1, $k=$2 if($j=~/^([^\|]+)\|(.+)$/); $url[$uc]=$j; $l=$k; $op="url$uc"; $uc++; $main_index_list->insert("end",$l,$op); $main_index_list->tagConfigure($op,-foreground=>"blue", -data=>$j, -underline=>1); # merlyn code... $main_index_list->tagBind($op, "<1>", do { my $thing = $op; su +b { do_url($thing) } } ); $op=''; next; } if($l=~/^<a/i) { my($t,%opt)=splittag($l); $url[$uc]=$opt{'href'}; $tags{'a'}=$op="url$uc"; $uc++; $main_index_list->insert("end",'',$op); $main_index_list->tagConfigure($op,-foreground=>"blue", -data=>$j, -underline=>1); # merlyn code... $main_index_list->tagBind($op, "<1>", do { my $thing = $op; su +b { do_url($thing) } } ); next; } if($l=~/^<\/a/i) { $tags{'a'}=$op=''; next; } $l=xlateamp($l); } $main_index_list->insert("end",$l,$op) if($op); $main_index_list->insert("end",$l) unless($op); } } } # Do an update of the tags. sub do_update { return if($uplock); $uplock=1; $main_bot_stat->configure(-text=>"Updating..."); my($c,$d,@h)=&httpreq("GET", "" +, "",""); my($i,$l,$t,$au,$bt,$m,$fl,$uid,$ti,%opts); if($c =~ /200 OK/ ) { my(@lines)=splitxml($d); $fl=0; for($i=0;$i<@lines;$i++) { $l=$lines[$i]; $l=~ tr/\n\r//d; $l=~ s/^\s+//; if($l=~ /^<message/) { $au=$t=$uid=''; ($ti,%opts)=splittag($l); $au=$opts{'author'}; $t=$opts{'time'}; $uid=$opts{'user_id'}; $fl=1; $t=~ s/^....//; $t=~ /^....(..)(..)/;$t+=0; $m="$1:$2: [id://$uid|$au]"; next; } if( $l =~ /^<\/message>/ ) { $t+=.01 while($msg{$t} && $msg{$t} ne $m); $msg{$t}=$m; $bt=$t; $fl=0; next; } if( $fl==1 ) { $l=xlateamp($l); if( $l=~ /^\/me(.+)$/) { $m.=$1; } else { $m.=": $l"; } $fl++; } elsif ($fl>1) { $m .= xlateamp($l); } } if($prv) { if($justin) { $justin=0; $j=(int $lasttime)+.01; foreach $z (sort keys %pmsg) { $msg{$j}=$pmsg{$z}; $bt=$j; $j+=.01; } } foreach $j (sort keys %pmsg) { $i=$j; $i+=.01 while($msg{$i} && $msg{$i} ne $pmsg{$j}); $msg{$i}=$pmsg{$j}; $bt=$i if($bt < $i); } $prv=0; %pmsg=(); } $bt=$bt+0; if($bt > $lasttime) { my($f)=0; my(@ti)=sort keys %msg; $lasttime=$ti[0]-1 unless($lasttime); foreach $i (@ti) { $f++ if($i > $lasttime); do_add($msg{$i}) if($f); } $lasttime=$ti[-1]+0; $main_index_list->see("end") if($f && $jump); } } $main_bot_stat->configure(-text=>" "); $uplock=0; } # We need a cookie for this routine. It's the XP and Private stuff. sub do_userprv { return 1 unless($in); # Get the privates... my($c,$ml,@h)=&httpreq("GET"," +vate+message+xml+ticker", ["Cookie: $cookie"],""); my(@lines)=splitxml($ml); my($i,$fl,$l,$au,$t,$m,@mid,$mi,$z,$ft,$uid); for($i=0;$i<@lines;$i++) { $l=$lines[$i]; $l=~ tr/\n\r//d; $l=~ s/^\s+//; if($l=~ /^<message/) { $au=$t=$uid=''; ($ti,%opts)=splittag($l); $au=$opts{'author'}; $t=$opts{'time'}; $uid=$opts{'user_id'}; $z=$opts{'message_id'}; $mid[$mi++]="deletemsg_$z=yup"; $fl=1; $t=~ s/^....//; $t=~ /^....(..)(..)/;$t+=0; $m="$1:$2: [id://$uid|$au]"; next; } if($l=~ /^<message message_id=(.+) author=(.+) time=(.+)>/) { $z=$1; $au=$2; $t=$3; $au=~ tr/\"\'//d; $t=~ tr/\"\'//d; $z=~ tr/\"\'//d; $t=~ s/^....//; $mid[$mi++]="deletemsg_$z=yup"; $fl=1; $t=~ /^....(..)(..)/; $t+=0; $m="$1:$2: $au"; next; } if( $l =~ /^<\/message>/ ) { $pmsg{$t}=$m; $prv++; $bt=$t; $fl=0; $ft=$t unless($ft); next; } if( $fl==1 ) { $l=~ s/&lt;/</g; $l=~ s/&gt;/>/g; $l=~ s/&amp;/&/g; if( $l=~ /^\/me(.+)$/) { $m.=" (privately) "; } else { $m.="> "; } $m .= $l; $fl++; } elsif ($fl>1) { $l=~ s/&lt;/</g; $l=~ s/&gt;/>/g; $l=~ s/&amp;/&/g; $m .= $l; } } # Now clear 'em... my($req)=join "&",@mid; $req.="&message=&message_send=talk&op=message"; ($c,$ml,@h)=&httpreq("POST","", ["Cookie: $cookie"], $req) if($oktoclear && $mi); # Get XP. ($c,$ml,@h)=&httpreq("GET"," +l+ticker",["Cookie: $cookie"], ""); @lines=splitxml($ml); for($i=0;$i<@lines;$i++) { $l=$lines[$i]; $l=~ tr/\n\r//d; $l=~ s/^\s+//; if($l =~ /^<XP level=(.+) xp=(.+) xp2nextlevel=(.+) votesleft=(. ++)>/) { my($lv,$xp)=($1, $2); $lv=~ tr/\'\"//d; $xp=~ tr/\'\"//d; $main_bot_xp->configure(-text=>"Lev: $lv XP: $xp"); } } } # Do Login/out sub do_loginout { my($i,$a,$c,@b); unless($in) { $user=$main_btns_user->get; $pass=$main_btns_pass->get; # Log us in... ($a,$c,@b)=&httpreq("POST","","", "op=login&user=$user&passwd=$pass&expires=%2b10y&login=L +ogin&node_id=$blanknode"); if($a =~ /200 OK/) { foreach $i (@b) { $cookie=$1 if($i =~/Set\-Cookie: (userpass=[^;]+);/ ); } if($cookie) { $main_bot_stat->configure(-text=>"Logged in."); $in++; $justin++; $main_btns_open->configure(-text=>"Logout"); $main_btns_user->configure(-state=>"disabled"); $main_btns_pass->configure(-state=>"disabled"); $main_art_text->configure(-state=>"normal"); do_userprv; } } } else { ($a,$c,@b)= &httpreq("GET", "$blank +node", ["Cookie: $cookie"], ""); if($a =~ /200 OK/) { $cookie=''; $in=0; $main_bot_stat->configure(-text=>"Logged out."); $main_btns_open->configure(-text=>"Login"); $main_btns_user->configure(-state=>"normal"); $main_btns_pass->configure(-state=>"normal"); $main_art_text->configure(-state=>"disabled"); } } } # Do some smackdowns. sub do_chatter { my($a,$b,@c,$z); my($line)=$main_art_text->get; $main_art_text->delete(0,end); $line =~ s/([^\w ])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; $line =~ s/ /+/g; ($a,$c,@b)=&httpreq("POST","", ["Cookie: $cookie"], "op=message&message=$line&node_id=$blanknode"); do_update; } # Menu handler sub do_menu { $menued=0 if($main_opts->state ne "normal"); unless($menued) { $main_opts->post($main_btns_opts->rootx, $main_btns_opts->rooty+$main_btns_opts->height); } else { $main_opts->unpost; } $menued=1-$menued; } sub do_regen { my($i); $main_index_list->delete("1.0", "end"); my(@ti)=sort keys %msg; foreach $i (@ti) { do_add($msg{$i}); } $lasttime=$ti[-1]+0; $main_index_list->see("end"); } $user=$pass=$line=$cookie=$lasttime=''; $in=$prv=$oktoclear=$justin=$menued=$uc=$uplock=0; $jump=$raw=1; @url=(); $main=MainWindow->new(-height=>320, -width=>240); $main->geometry("240x320"); $main_btns = $main->Frame; $main_btns_user = $main_btns->Entry(-width=> 10); $main_btns_user->insert(0,"(username)"); $main_btns_pass = $main_btns->Entry(-show=> "*", -width=> 10); $main_btns_open = $main_btns->Button(-text=> "Login",-padx=>1,-pady=>1 +, -command=>sub{do_loginout}); $main_btns_opts=$main_btns->Button(-text=>">>",-padx=>1,-pady=>1, -command=>sub{do_menu }); $main_btns_opts->pack(-side=>"right"); $main_btns_open->pack(-side=>"right"); $main_btns_user->pack(-anchor=>"w", -side=>"left", -fill=>"x", -expand +=>1); $main_btns_pass->pack(-anchor=>"w", -side=>"left", -fill=>"x", -expand +=>1); $main_btns->pack(-anchor=>"w",-side=>"top",-fill=>"x",-expand=>1); $main_opts=$main->Menu(-tearoff=>1,-title=>"Options"); $main_opts->add("command", -label=>"Regenerate", -command=>sub{do_rege +n}); $main_opts->add("separator"); $main_opts->add("checkbutton", -variable=>\$jump, -label=>"Jump on scr +oll"); $main_opts->add("checkbutton", -variable=>\$oktoclear, -label=>"Autoclear private messages"); $main_opts->add("checkbutton", -variable=>\$raw, -label=>"Don't do fancy formatting"); #$main_opts=$main->Frame; #$main_opts_jump=$main_opts->Checkbutton(-variable=>\$jump, -text=>"Ju +mpscroll"); #$main_opts_jump->pack(-anchor=>"w", -side=>"left"); #$main_opts_clear=$main_opts->Checkbutton(-variable=>\$oktoclear, -tex +t=>"AutoClear PrvMsg"); #$main_opts_clear->pack(-anchor=>"w",-side=>"left"); #$main_opts->pack(-anchor=>"e",-side=>"top",-fill=>"x",-expand=>1); $main_bot=$main->Frame; $main_bot_stat=$main_bot->Label(-text=>"RedWolf MonkChatter"); $main_bot_stat->pack(-anchor=>"w",-side=>"left"); $main_bot_xp=$main_bot->Label(-text=>"Lev: 0 XP: 0"); $main_bot_xp->pack(-anchor=>"e",-side=>"right"); $main_bot->pack(-anchor=>"s",-side=>"bottom",-fill=>"x",-expand=>1); $main_index = $main->Frame; $main_index_list = $main_index->Text(-wrap=>"word"); $main_index_list->configure(-font=>"fixed") unless($win32); $main_index_scroll = $main_index->Scrollbar(-width=> 10, -command=> ["yview", $main_index_list]); $main_index_list->configure(-yscrollcommand=>['set', $main_index_scrol +l]); $main_index_scroll->pack(-side=>"right",-fill=>"y"); $main_index_list->pack(-fill=>"both", -expand=>1); $main_art = $main->Frame; $main_art_text = $main_art->Entry(-state=>"disable"); $main_art_text->bind("<Return>",sub{do_chatter;}); $main_art_text->pack(-fill=>'x', -expand=>1); $main_art->pack(-fill=>"x", -expand=>1, -anchor=>"w", -side=>"bottom") +; $main_index->pack(-fill=>"both", -anchor=>"w",-side=>"bottom"); do_update; $main->repeat($delaysec*1000,sub{do_update}); $main->repeat(60*1000,sub{do_userprv}); MainLoop;

In reply to RedWolf MonkChatter by strredwolf

Use:  <p> text here (a paragraph) </p>
and:  <code> code here </code>
to format your post; it's "PerlMonks-approved HTML":

  • Are you posting in the right place? Check out Where do I post X? to know for sure.
  • Posts may use any of the Perl Monks Approved HTML tags. Currently these include the following:
    <code> <a> <b> <big> <blockquote> <br /> <dd> <dl> <dt> <em> <font> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <hr /> <i> <li> <nbsp> <ol> <p> <small> <strike> <strong> <sub> <sup> <table> <td> <th> <tr> <tt> <u> <ul>
  • Snippets of code should be wrapped in <code> tags not <pre> tags. In fact, <pre> tags should generally be avoided. If they must be used, extreme care should be taken to ensure that their contents do not have long lines (<70 chars), in order to prevent horizontal scrolling (and possible janitor intervention).
  • Want more info? How to link or How to display code and escape characters are good places to start.
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